Cruachan Posted June 6, 2020 Posted June 6, 2020 Hello all, In mission to, your flight joins another. On the way over the channel the other flight climbs to 20k at around 220 knots... No matter what I do I can't keep up. I lose so much ground over the channel that by the time I get there, the battle is just about over. I must not know something about the mustang.. How in earth do you fly fast enough to keep up? Any advice? Even my wingmen can't keep up with me and are falling way behind. Thanks! Cru Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
Reflected Posted June 7, 2020 Posted June 7, 2020 Hi Cruachan, Thanks for the report. That's strange, because White flight is set to fly really slow. What engine settings do you use? 45" MP and 2700 RPM should be enough if your aircraft is trimmed correctly, but if you feel like you're lagging behind, just increase power to 55" MP and 3000 RPM, you'll catch up in no time. Other possible problems may incude: are your flaps fully up? Mixture auto rich? As for your wingmen...yes, it's a bug that affects every module in DCS that has no afterburner, not just the Mustang. The higher you go, the less they can keep up. I've reported this several times to ED because there is nothing I can do about it. Anyhow, by the time you reach Cherbourg, they should have caught up - they always do when I fly the mission. Facebook Instagram YouTube Discord
Eviscerador Posted June 9, 2020 Posted June 9, 2020 Hello all, In mission to, your flight joins another. On the way over the channel the other flight climbs to 20k at around 220 knots... No matter what I do I can't keep up. I lose so much ground over the channel that by the time I get there, the battle is just about over. I must not know something about the mustang.. How in earth do you fly fast enough to keep up? Any advice? Even my wingmen can't keep up with me and are falling way behind. Thanks! Cru Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk Most likely you got your mixture to full rich instead of auto rich. Other than that, with proper engine settings as Reflected has said it is not a problem to keep the pace with the allied flight. And in case you lag a bit behind don't worry, once you get to altitude (which you will way before reaching the rendevouz point), you will catch them in no time. The Mustang is all about energy retention. It is really fast and can keep being fast for the whole combat if you don't mess it up, but it lacks engine power. Think that you have the same engine than the spitfire but three times the fuel. So be patient when you are climbing. The mustang was not designed to be an interceptor, and certainly it is NOT when it is fully loaded of fuel + two drop tanks. Oh, and don't forget to switch to the fuselage tank as soon as you have reached 3000 feet after take off! if you feel the mustang really woobly while you climb that's the reason, you need to get rid of that big and unstable fuel behind your mass center. [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
glcollins Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 I too have issues flying these campaign. I've flown the second mission several times, and still have trouble keeping up with the first flight. I've never been able to break 15K before I am over France. I trim out the plane, use my fuselage and drop tanks first, mixture in auto, coolant in manual, fly with MP 45-50, RPM's 2700. With those settings I can barely maintain 500-1000 fps VSI, with IAS 150-170. Trying to take off and climb I can barely keep the temps in the green and usually overheat the engine. It makes for a disappointing flight when you cant get to 20K and by the time you reach objectives, the action is over. Any advice I would appreciate. Thanks, Lee
Reflected Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 I too have issues flying these campaign. I've flown the second mission several times, and still have trouble keeping up with the first flight. I've never been able to break 15K before I am over France. I trim out the plane, use my fuselage and drop tanks first, mixture in auto, coolant in manual, fly with MP 45-50, RPM's 2700. With those settings I can barely maintain 500-1000 fps VSI, with IAS 150-170. Trying to take off and climb I can barely keep the temps in the green and usually overheat the engine. It makes for a disappointing flight when you cant get to 20K and by the time you reach objectives, the action is over. Any advice I would appreciate. Thanks, Lee That's very strange, sounds like you have a lot less power than you're supposed to. Is your mixutre set to "run"? Do you have the aircraft trimmed? Radiator and oil cooler flaps set to auto? Facebook Instagram YouTube Discord
glcollins Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Yes. I have done all that and still have trouble climbing. What are your settings for climbing to 20k, and do you reach that altitude before you see the coast of France. Also, I have this trouble on mission 7 navigation in the DCS P-51 campaign.
glcollins Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Also, is it common for most of your AI flight to crash into each other before they take off? This has happened in a few occasions and I either fly with only one wingman or non at all. Lee
Reflected Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Crash into each other? Never happened to me. Can you let me know which mission it was so I can double check? Maybe some AI logic was changed with an update... In mission 7 you need to fly heading 155, and also account for the wind. If you're having trouble, look at the F10 map. You need to pass just West of Rouen, and head towards Evreux. Settings, let's see: Make sure the fuel pump is on, and mixure is set to auto rich. I provided a checklist among the kneeboard pages, try to follow that when you start her up. I climb at 2700 RPM, 46" (sometimes 52") I reach 20k it halfway over the Channel. Facebook Instagram YouTube Discord
glcollins Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Mission 2 is where I’ve had the AI’s crash into each other taxing to the runway. I climb with your exact setting with IAS 150-170, 500 ft/min climb but can’t reach 20K.
baltic_dragon Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 AI does it from time to time to increase the FPS (less aircraft = less trouble). This is a new feature introduces in one of the recent updates. For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
glcollins Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Why do you think I’m having trouble with the climb? I seem to be doing the same as everyone else. What is your IAS during your climbs?
Reflected Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 AI does it from time to time to increase the FPS (less aircraft = less trouble). This is a new feature introduces in one of the recent updates. :D:D:D Facebook Instagram YouTube Discord
Reflected Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Why do you think I’m having trouble with the climb? I seem to be doing the same as everyone else. What is your IAS during your climbs? I honestly don't know. What is your exact procedure to start the Mustang? The best climb speed in the Mustang is around 170-180 mph if I'm not mistaken. I also just tried mission 2, everyone got off the ground safely. I even stoped on the breaks and came to an abrupt halt to test my wingman's reflexes, but he was alert and did not crash into me from behind. Are you playing the latest version of OB? Facebook Instagram YouTube Discord
glcollins Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 Is there a way to “reload” the mustang? Maybe my copy is dysfunctional.
glcollins Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 I follow your checklist for start up. Latest version of “OB,” what exactly is this?
glcollins Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 I’l try and play mission 2 again and send your the track. I’m in mission 3, new to gaming, not flying, actually have a private pilot’s license, how do I go back to another mission? Is there a way to skip ahead to other missions?
Reflected Posted June 29, 2020 Posted June 29, 2020 You can re-play any mission by opening them separately from mods/campaigns/Blue nosed.... Also try to run a "repair" on your DCS. OB= open beta version. That is the most up to date one as far as my campaigns are concerned. A track would be helpful, thanks! Facebook Instagram YouTube Discord
glcollins Posted June 30, 2020 Posted June 30, 2020 Thanks for th e help. I repaired my version of DCS AND THE PLANE FUNCTIONED like a charm!!!
Reflected Posted June 30, 2020 Posted June 30, 2020 Glad the repair fixed it. I was running out of ideas why the plane wouldn't climb :) Facebook Instagram YouTube Discord
kdmart8 Posted July 1, 2020 Posted July 1, 2020 I'm also having issues with mission 2 and gaining altitude. I've read actual articles on the p-51 setting the altitude record and what MP / RPM they used. I've gone from 46 MP / 2700 rpm as indicated by max climb to 60 / 2900 for the record. I never get over 13K. I too have dropped my tanks to no avail. The supercharger never came on either until I forced it and that only raised the MP pressure but no speed increase. I decided to try the p-51 instant mission in Nevada with the same config and I had the same issue. I'm flying really nose up just to maintain level flight. I had to manually turn on the supercharger at 11K ft. The button didn't work so I mapped it to my HOTAS. I think the issue is with the P-51 not the campaign. I do great below 10K ft.
kdmart8 Posted July 3, 2020 Posted July 3, 2020 (edited) I replied about this same climb issue a couple of days ago with mission 2 and 3. I ran the repair and was able to fly mission 3 as expected. Then I ran mission four where you are supposed to climb to 23k and lead the bombers. I never could get above 14K. AC trimmed and mixture where it's supposed to be. So I quit, ran repair again hoping that would fix it. Flew mission four just a minute ago and got the same result. 14k was my limit. At that I was about 120 mph and just barely able to keep it in level flight. Though it appeared my AOA was really high. The campaign seems great when you get the correct p-51. I had the SC on high with MP and RPM maxed. Best I could get then was 120 mph. Edited July 3, 2020 by kdmart8
Reflected Posted July 3, 2020 Posted July 3, 2020 The best solution would be to post a track and a bug report in the P-51 forum section. Here the devs aren’t likely to see it. If you post a track they can find the bug easier. Facebook Instagram YouTube Discord
Cruachan Posted July 6, 2020 Author Posted July 6, 2020 As the OP on this thread, I thought I had already replied, but remembered that I was on my mobile and had a technical issue. Thanks to everyone for the advice.... I have not been able to verify climbing out with the suggested settings. I do tend to repair often though... hopefully it will do the trick; I'll try and update the thread. As for wingmen crashing... for me, they crash on taxiing to the runway or right before takeoff nearly every time. I finally found that if I simply took off as soon as my engine was warmed up; basically jumping the gun, that I've had better success. Because of the issues with climbing, I've actually retried the mission a bunch of times... combined with the crashing wingmen, I've restarted even more. When I try the next time, I'll save the track. Thanks for your help! -Cru
ED Team NineLine Posted July 7, 2020 ED Team Posted July 7, 2020 I replied about this same climb issue a couple of days ago with mission 2 and 3. I ran the repair and was able to fly mission 3 as expected. Then I ran mission four where you are supposed to climb to 23k and lead the bombers. I never could get above 14K. AC trimmed and mixture where it's supposed to be. So I quit, ran repair again hoping that would fix it. Flew mission four just a minute ago and got the same result. 14k was my limit. At that I was about 120 mph and just barely able to keep it in level flight. Though it appeared my AOA was really high. The campaign seems great when you get the correct p-51. I had the SC on high with MP and RPM maxed. Best I could get then was 120 mph. Hey kd, if you can post a track here, or if its too big on google drive or somewhere like that I can take a look for you. Doesn't even have to be that mission, you could just do an instant action mission and try climbing to the same altitude and see if you have the same issue. Thanks! Forum Rules • My YouTube • My Discord - NineLine#0440• **How to Report a Bug**
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