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question about ED's plans for DCS


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I keep seeing post from folks who are not part of ED saying how we won't see this aircraft or that becuse some systems on it can not be compleatly modled becuse of being classified- however I see the following post from Wags


that states that ED is planing and working on

2. A-10A

2- A-10C Suite 3

3- AH-64A Blk. 49A

4- Su-27

5- F-15C

6- Mi-24V

7- F-16C

8- MiG-29A

Some of these have been listed in the aircraft that won't get relesed.

becuse some one claims "ED has to do things 100% correct or not at all."

Could you either point me to a post from some one at ED that states Wags is wrong and possibly smoking his socks, or colectivly stop saying how you'll never see X aircraft - as it apears that ED is desinging the sims bassed on publicly available information and is willing to guess on classified systems- and from other posts there will be a third party development kit so besides lack of desire and demand I don't see why you won't see Aircraft X. So

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Why are you so focused on this? This is still a long long way off into the future. You already asked this similar question several times. The planes that are listed there has enough information to be built relatively accurate. It may not be a true 100% accurate, but its very close enough. Some aircrafts are totally unacceptable to be modeled like F-22, of course there's way too much classified info.

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And getting Hot-Headed and attempting to force the issue will in all probability only result in a total clamp-down on any information that would otherwise have been released........Patience is a Virtue that Offers Great Rewards :)

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This was the first time I asked this- the last thing I asked was if there was plans for an F-15E and if so if it was a major leap- which would require a differnt sim or if it weas simple enough that it could be included with the F-15C sim. Then after getting the answer from Wags- that it would be complex and would have to be a differnt sim.

I got a the posts about how it could never could be done. I keep reading those posts and I am sick of reading them since my understanding of every thing came down to the following- can you get a declasified version of the Manual and dose ED or some one else have the recourses and time to make it. In short this is a shut up and don't say it can't be done unless your ED.

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In short this is a shut up and don't say it can't be done unless your ED.


wow...with that kind of attitude....I don't think ED would come running anytime soon. IMHO.


Look, it requires a LOT of information to model one aircraft accurately. Its not all about just having one manual and everything is set. You have to start thinking logically about this. But since I'm not ED, i guess I would have to shut up.

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wow...with that kind of attitude....I don't think ED would come running anytime soon. IMHO.


Look, it requires a LOT of information to model one aircraft accurately. Its not all about just having one manual and everything is set. You have to start thinking logically about this. But since I'm not ED, i guess I would have to shut up.

Your not saying X can't/won't be done which comes back to my point-

I don't have the relivant information only what ED has published and while these may change what I expect to see from ED won't change.

That is the best possible simulators bassed on publicly available information. I also expect to get impressed by ED. I'm also not going to compleatly write of any aircraft as a possibility as I just don't have the relevent information which are- Eagle Dynamics standards or the technical information for any given aircraft. I would be schocked if ED dose not have any suprises in store.

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Bottom line is, a lot of information is required just to make one aircraft. Since ED is also a russian-based company, it makes it even harder for them to access some western information like the F-15E. But then again, it is hard since some information is still classified. Heck some information on the F-14 is still classified.


ED goes to great lengths just to gather information, they ask for manuals from different squadrons, they talk to real pilots of the plane or helicopter they are trying to model...etc. They would even want to know the exact position of a rivet on a plane, trust me, I've seen this. Now the planes Matt listed has a good amount of data to be modeled fairly accurate for a commercial product.


No one has said ED won't continue after the list of aircraft is done. But they already have enough on their plate. When the information for an aircraft becomes declassified, it could probably be turn into a flyable aircraft in-game (but not anytime soon). So don't expect something really modern like the Eurofighter, or Rapter...etc. Again, I don't speak for ED.

Edited by SuperKungFu


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Hey, I got a challenge for you!


Can you explain, in as much detail as you can, what parts the F-15E has that the F-15C doesn't. Then can you explain exactly how these parts work, without assuming that they work the same way as they do in another aircraft? If so, can you share that with ED. If you can, you're in luck! I think ED could do the F-15E!


Care to point out where anyone said those aircraft couldn't be done? I also read that thread. Those aircraft have been on the table before that thread.

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Hey, I got a challenge for you!


Can you explain, in as much detail as you can, what parts the F-15E has that the F-15C doesn't. Then can you explain exactly how these parts work, without assuming that they work the same way as they do in another aircraft? If so, can you share that with ED. If you can, you're in luck! I think ED could do the F-15E!


Care to point out where anyone said those aircraft couldn't be done? I also read that thread. Those aircraft have been on the table before that thread.

This thread again is not about the F-15E it is about folks saying things can't be done when they don't have the information. The theme to this thread is it is ED's decission to decide if there is enough information to simulate an aircraft. In short only ED can say what their plans are or arn't.

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This thread again is not about the F-15E it is about folks saying things can't be done when they don't have the information. The theme to this thread is it is ED's decission to decide if there is enough information to simulate an aircraft. In short only ED can say what their plans are or arn't.


I got ya. A better way to go about this is to simply as if there's enough information available to do an aircraft. The Q&A threads stickied to the top of this forum are regularly read by Wags, EvilBivol, and ED Testers. I have yet no have a question not addressed by someone (which I think is phenomenal, btw ;) ). If you asked "Will there be a *insert aircraft here* in DCS? If not, why won't there be?", I'm 100% sure you would get an answer. Not long ago I asked how much is "enough" to model an aircraft. I don't recall the specific answers, but I remember I was satisfied.

Edited by RedTiger
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I got ya. A better way to go about this is to simply as if there's enough information available to do an aircraft. The Q&A threads stickied to the top of this forum are regularly read by Wags, EvilBivol, and ED Testers. I have yet no have a question not addressed by someone (which I think is phenomenal, btw ;) ). If you asked "Will there be a *insert aircraft here* in DCS? If not, why won't there be?", I'm 100% sure you would get an answer. Not long ago I asked how much is "enough" to model an aircraft. I don't recall the specific answers, but I remember I was satisfied.

I saw the thread which is where I got the list from and it looks like ED will be bussy for a while- so it would be better for us to wait for ED to impress us unless we think we can do an add on.

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There's a lot of assumptions in this thread; some because of what I myself have said in the past.


So, I'll say this:


For each aircraft that ED has listed they will model, they have information that allows them to model those aircraft with a very high degree of realism, at least in terms of flying the aircraft (ie. aerodynamics, control systems) and avionics (radar/rwr/navigation/radio) ... in many cases, this is information you'll not be able to get your hands on ... except through the simulated aircraft as represented in DCS.


To give you an example relating to the Ka-50 ... anyone got a real ABRIS manual? I'm sure there might be some pilot on the forum who has flown an aircraft equipped with such an instrument and may have the manual for it, but otherwise ...


(So, now, where do you find the F-15C radar manual? ;) )


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Well, here's some food for thought. I will be quite busy working on the Nevada terrain for some time. However, maybe some talented modders will read this and get some ideas. How about some ground "flyables?" In other words, using the code that is used to create cockpits and plane models, would it be possible to make driveable tanks? Humvees? Sam missile systems?

could be quite cool -

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There's a lot of assumptions in this thread; some because of what I myself have said in the past.


So, I'll say this:


For each aircraft that ED has listed they will model, they have information that allows them to model those aircraft with a very high degree of realism, at least in terms of flying the aircraft (ie. aerodynamics, control systems) and avionics (radar/rwr/navigation/radio) ... in many cases, this is information you'll not be able to get your hands on ... except through the simulated aircraft as represented in DCS.


To give you an example relating to the Ka-50 ... anyone got a real ABRIS manual? I'm sure there might be some pilot on the forum who has flown an aircraft equipped with such an instrument and may have the manual for it, but otherwise ...


(So, now, where do you find the F-15C radar manual? ;) )


Hey, I got a challenge for you!


Can you explain, in as much detail as you can, what parts the F-15E has that the F-15C doesn't. Then can you explain exactly how these parts work, without assuming that they work the same way as they do in another aircraft? If so, can you share that with ED. If you can, you're in luck! I think ED could do the F-15E!


Care to point out where anyone said those aircraft couldn't be done? I also read that thread. Those aircraft have been on the table before that thread.

I don't have the infomtion- if I did i would be desinging my own F-15E add on.

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