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AAR with Autopilot

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I'm not expert enough to do a tutorial so this is more of sharing newbie's experience.  I'm sure this probably isn't the proper or realistic method.  But I've seen people asking for Easy AAR mode so maybe it can be an option to others who are having difficulties.


I watched a lot of AAR tutorials that said to focus on the pylon/tanker rather than the basket.  I tried it for two missions and just couldn't get it to work.  Maybe my controller isn't good enough or my peripheral vision is bad, I'm not sure.  So I decided to try using autopilot and using this method, I was able to connect 100% of the time.  Video below is the footage of me trying this method for the first time.



Edited by Taz1004
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Taz, like you I am NOT a pro, nor a pilot in real life.  I was actually a ground pounder for 8 years, so this is about as opposite as it gets.  Having said that I likewise watched a bunch of tutorials and read as many tips as I could since I could not keep hold of the probe to save my life.  Then in one of the odd vids, it was mentioned to make sure you are seated comfortably (duh) and that your stick is in a natural position.  Yeah, that should be a 'duh' as well, but my desk situation is a bit awkward since I have a corner desk, so it is rounded instead of squared.


So, I went ahead and tried moving the stick and raising my desk chair a bit and viola!  I connected on the first try and had absolutely no issue keeping hold.  It was night at day different since I had probably tried refueling 50+ times, all failures but one...which I think was accident that it worked.  After repositioning my stick closer to center and having it lower (due to raised chair), my control was so much better for both AAR and normal flight.  I would say try reconfiguring your physical setup if you are finding flight (both formation flying and AAR) is very unstable where others make it look easy.


As for using AP, I do not recommend it.  A few reasons, you are teaching yourself bad habits, you are relying on a machine to accomplish an inherently human task, you can't learn to fine-tune control aircraft, you won't learn to transition from level flight AAR to AAR in a turn...most of all, AAR is a critical skill for pilots since fighters have minimal loiter and will in almost all cases conduct AAR for most missions, you are missing out on both the experience of success and accomplishing a massive challenge.


All that said, if you simply cannot get it manually and using AP works for you, have at it, tear it up!  Just don't give up on it...everyone acknowledges it is difficult with even the most seasoned real life pilots and sim pilots all starting with the same frustrations.  It is a pilot issue, straight up.  Not the aircraft, not the stick (with few exceptions where the stick cannot center or is really poor quality), it is the pilot.  Three weeks ago, I would not have supported that statement, I was hurting and had also done the AP version.  But I feel much more advanced now knowing I could participate like others if I were to jump into multiplayer.

Hope all works out and you get it nailed! 

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Comfort is everything when it comes to precision flying, and it transfers across all airframes. I tell people this when I teach them how to fly the Huey.

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On today's episode of "Did You Know", the Peregrine Falcon can pull 25G's after delivering The Falcon Punch.

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5 hours ago, Immune said:

Hey Taz, like you I am NOT a pro, nor a pilot in real life.  I was actually a ground pounder for 8 years, so this is about as opposite as it gets.  Having said that I likewise watched a bunch of tutorials and read as many tips as I could since I could not keep hold of the probe to save my life.  Then in one of the odd vids, it was mentioned to make sure you are seated comfortably (duh) and that your stick is in a natural position.  Yeah, that should be a 'duh' as well, but my desk situation is a bit awkward since I have a corner desk, so it is rounded instead of squared.


So, I went ahead and tried moving the stick and raising my desk chair a bit and viola!  I connected on the first try and had absolutely no issue keeping hold.  It was night at day different since I had probably tried refueling 50+ times, all failures but one...which I think was accident that it worked.  After repositioning my stick closer to center and having it lower (due to raised chair), my control was so much better for both AAR and normal flight.  I would say try reconfiguring your physical setup if you are finding flight (both formation flying and AAR) is very unstable where others make it look easy.


As for using AP, I do not recommend it.  A few reasons, you are teaching yourself bad habits, you are relying on a machine to accomplish an inherently human task, you can't learn to fine-tune control aircraft, you won't learn to transition from level flight AAR to AAR in a turn...most of all, AAR is a critical skill for pilots since fighters have minimal loiter and will in almost all cases conduct AAR for most missions, you are missing out on both the experience of success and accomplishing a massive challenge.


All that said, if you simply cannot get it manually and using AP works for you, have at it, tear it up!  Just don't give up on it...everyone acknowledges it is difficult with even the most seasoned real life pilots and sim pilots all starting with the same frustrations.  It is a pilot issue, straight up.  Not the aircraft, not the stick (with few exceptions where the stick cannot center or is really poor quality), it is the pilot.  Three weeks ago, I would not have supported that statement, I was hurting and had also done the AP version.  But I feel much more advanced now knowing I could participate like others if I were to jump into multiplayer.

Hope all works out and you get it nailed! 


I'm on lounging chair so I'm pretty sure comfort is not an issue.  Like I've said, biggest issue with the common advice.  Keep eye on the pylon and use the peripheral vision.  I simply do not have the peripheral vision.

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Hate to tell you, but you're gonna have a hard time with anything else if you do it this method. If it works fine, then so be it..but learn not to rely on it so much.  You try to refuel in the Harrier, youll be all over the place because the nozzle is behind your shoulder and 5 feet away from the center of the aircraft.  All you need is a good sight picture to reference where your aircraft should be in relation to aircraft in front of you. When I get a minute, Ill post some examples tomorrow.

Intel 13900k @ 5.8ghz | 64gb GSkill Trident Z | MSI z790 Meg ACE| Zotac RTX4090 | Asus 1000w psu | Slaw RX Viper 2 pedals | VKB Gunfighter Mk3 MCE Ultimate + STECS/ Virpil MongoosT50+ MongoosT50CM |Virpil TCS+/ AH64D grip/custom AH64D TEDAC | HP Reverb G2 | Windows 11 Pro | |Samsung Odyssey G9 + Odyssey Ark | Next Level Racing Flight Seat Pro
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On today's episode of "Did You Know", the Peregrine Falcon can pull 25G's after delivering The Falcon Punch.

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I have never failed to connect the first time using this method.  I actually got much better at it than in that video that doing it in turns is also not a problem.

There are numerous threads asking for Easy AAR mode like auto start because it's only frustrating them.

I don't have Harrier so I can't comment on that but this is a game.  You're supposed to enjoy than be frustrated.


The thing is that you guys are already used to the method.  This is for people who can't get that method.

Edited by Taz1004
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Well again, if it works then it works. Just trying to reiterate that what works in this airframe may not work in the next. The bug is one of the easiest aircraft to refuel in the sim and it only gets more difficult from there. In the Viper, you have to follow the lights under the tanker; again its all sight picture. In the Harrier, you align the outboard edge of the ladder on your HUD to the fuel tank on the Herk. After you get sight picture, its minute movement and if you are flying with a death grip on the throttle and stick youll never connect.

Edited by Hammer1-1

Intel 13900k @ 5.8ghz | 64gb GSkill Trident Z | MSI z790 Meg ACE| Zotac RTX4090 | Asus 1000w psu | Slaw RX Viper 2 pedals | VKB Gunfighter Mk3 MCE Ultimate + STECS/ Virpil MongoosT50+ MongoosT50CM |Virpil TCS+/ AH64D grip/custom AH64D TEDAC | HP Reverb G2 | Windows 11 Pro | |Samsung Odyssey G9 + Odyssey Ark | Next Level Racing Flight Seat Pro
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On today's episode of "Did You Know", the Peregrine Falcon can pull 25G's after delivering The Falcon Punch.

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I find boom to be a lot easier.  Keeping it steady is not the issue.  It's keeping my eye on the pylon and then using peripheral vision for basket thing just doesn't work for me.  I see it in my peripheral vision but if I'm focusing on its position, then I lose focus on the pylon even tho I'm looking at it.  Maybe because I can only focus on one thing at a time.  Everyone's different.

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And thats ok!  Everyone has their own preferred cup of tea. Practice practice practice. Doing it right 50 times is better than doing it wrong 1000 times yet still succeeding. Autopilot isnt going to keep you in the basket in a turn, but getting there is half the battle.

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Intel 13900k @ 5.8ghz | 64gb GSkill Trident Z | MSI z790 Meg ACE| Zotac RTX4090 | Asus 1000w psu | Slaw RX Viper 2 pedals | VKB Gunfighter Mk3 MCE Ultimate + STECS/ Virpil MongoosT50+ MongoosT50CM |Virpil TCS+/ AH64D grip/custom AH64D TEDAC | HP Reverb G2 | Windows 11 Pro | |Samsung Odyssey G9 + Odyssey Ark | Next Level Racing Flight Seat Pro
 My wallpaper and skins

On today's episode of "Did You Know", the Peregrine Falcon can pull 25G's after delivering The Falcon Punch.

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First online racing competition held by Papyrus, 6 of the top 10 finalists were driving in chase camera.  There's no right or wrong.  It's a game.  It's like telling a lefty they're doing it wrong.  And I do it in a turn just fine.  Autopilot is just assist.  It's not automatic.


Again, I'm not saying this is the proper way or this is the way pilots do it.  I'm certainly not recommending this to anyone who's already adept at AAR.  This was for anyone who's still having frustration after hours of practice as evident by the numerous Auto AAR mode request.

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like that video and will try it your way next time

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On 5/25/2021 at 8:51 PM, Taz1004 said:


I'm on lounging chair so I'm pretty sure comfort is not an issue.  Like I've said, biggest issue with the common advice.  Keep eye on the pylon and use the peripheral vision.  I simply do not have the peripheral vision.

LOL!  I have never been successful watching the pylon.  I watch the rear tail section of the plane to gauge speed, roll into the basket, then back to switching from watching the rear of the plane for speed and the wing for lateral and vertical movement.  Watching the pylon is pretty much the same as watching the basket for me...so you are not alone.


I don't think there is so much a wrong way to do it as much as there are bad ways to avoid doing.  If you come up with a formula that works for you, stick to it!  Assuming it does not depend upon a particular airframe (you or the tanker), otherwise it is not repeatable and you have not come up with common process, but a mission/platform-specific workaround.

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