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Flight Sim best FM

Flight Sim best FM  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Flight Sim best FM

    • Black Shark
    • Lockon
    • FSX
    • FS9
    • Il2 Sturmovik
    • Condor
    • CFS3
    • F4
    • Strike Fighters

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Yes SOW or Fighter ops etc.. but none are released.. well SOW or even the coming WW1 sim from Gennadich .

To me right now "Condor" is by far the best followed by Il2.. ( I don't have BS yet so i can't say ).. FSX for example is ok until you go into an extreme situation and all is going bazurk!.. ;) Lockon alas has to go deep bellow.. Condor has also the best atmospheric physics.

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I think this poll is a little lopsided. :D


I'm not voting but I will say this: to this day I still find the IL2 FMs to be top notch. Most of my problems with that sim have to do with the AI's super FM, but the player FMs are still the standard for WW2sims.


I find this amazing in light of how old it is. Never do I feel like anything is scripted. It never feels like your plane is doing stupid stuff it shouldn't. You can fly straight up in the air into a full out stall and still maintain control of the aircraft the whole time if you're experienced flying it. I can practically "feel" when I'm at the edge of the envelope. I can only wish LOMAC had this same feeling.


So what is "Condor"?


EDIT: Nevermind, I think I found what it is:


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X-plane 9


Personnaly, I think you are forgetting X-plane 9.

It has, according to many pilots, one of the best FM (civilian) out there.




In DCS I fly jets with thousands of pounds of thrust...

In real life I fly a humble Cessna Hawx XP II with 210 HP :D

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True Airway but the problem with Battle of Britain II is that it doesn't have an Online capability. :( Also yes X-Plane which use a tunel wind like FM.. but also has some weird things ... but into all seriousness Condor is superior but.. no guns ;)

Edited by Francous
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Condor is like a niche of a niche of a niche: flight sims -> civilian flight -> gliders.


I'm all for oohing and ahing at a good FM, but its disappointing that its all wrapped up in a glider. I got all excited at their plane packs but then was sad to find that all they are is gliders. Can I fly the prop plane that tows the glider maybe? :D

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X Plane 9 has decent graphics and a decent flight model...but that only applies to helis. You cant realy do what you can do in XP9...give an example: (cant fid the video now) theres a vid on youtube that shows you rolling both a 787 and somewhere else, a 767. Try that IRL. As far as helis go, XP9 come pretty close. I brought my version of XP9 to the school and had one of our instructors try it (600 hours in light helis). VERY accurate. He also said that about FSX helis as well.

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Really you wanna know? I never flew military/chopper to say which one is good and what is not good. But I believe the one from ones is from DCS. And I vote it is it.

Reminder: Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make... HISTORY! :D | Also to be remembered: FRENCH TANKS HAVE ONE GEAR FORWARD AND FIVE BACKWARD :D


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funny stuff...especially the results..


looks like democratic vote in a democratic camp


....no republicans? :detective:


Anyways, i voted for BS cause its hip and stylish and mainstream and in the news ....and so on...(havent played it yet..but hey who cares...i vote now ..so i have no rights to complain later)


(Joking POST)



Edited by A.S


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looks like democratic vote in a democratic camp


....no republicans? :detective:


Anyways, i voted for BS cause its hip and stylish and mainstream and in the news ....and so on...(havent played it yet..but hey who cares...i vote now ..so i have no rights to complain later)


(Joking POST)




hey, it's missing the ICAO approved lights

51PVO Founding member (DEC2007-)

100KIAP Founding member (DEC2018-)


:: Shaman aka [100☭] Shamansky

tail# 44 or 444

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] 100KIAP Regiment Early Warning & Control officer

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Its hard to say, most are based on different types of aircraft.


Blackshark for helicopters

FSX for civilian planes

IL-2 for WW2 models

LOMAC for modern fighter jets


that's pretty much the only flight sims I play depending on what I feel like flying, of course I haven't got DCS yet though :(


In terms of complete realism Black Shark takes that of course

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If you want to get technical, the KA50 is a rare aircraft, therefore cant necessarily be judged except by the 20 or so IRL KA50 pilots. I would take that with a grain of salt any day. You can accept either FSX or XP9 to be somewhat realistic in the way of helicopters. What gets me is that I thought it would be harder to fly a helicopter than this. There is a reason why the FAA approved these 2 flight simulators for flight training on the ground.

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