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black shark sound and mod files..


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i guess the folks that have their hands on the russian version are too busy learning to fly...


i wana know if anyone has attempted a sound mod for black shark..


i would like to hear the authentic rotor blade sounds...the vanilla sounds just seem cheesy...


should sound something like this...


find me on steam! username: Hannibal_A101A


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That one is awesome and should be easy to loop. Ive done it before on that particular sound i think. Then add a bit of turbine on top of it. Does BS use inside sound and outside? Like more turbine in and more prop out (2 different sound files).


Then we could make it like this:

Outside volume levels: Prop 70%/Turbines 30%

Inside volume levels: Prop 30%/Turbines 70%


Or something like that. I dont have BS but if you could provide me with the sound i could look at it and then add the new one and you could test and give me info on what to change (too little/much bass and such things).





Alex "Snuffer" D.

AMD FX8350 (8 core) 4.1GHZ ::: 8GB Dominator 1600mhz ::: GTX660 2GB ::: 2xHD ::: 24" ASUS

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Havent seen any mods yet, but can't read Russian and have no idea what (if anything) they are working on over there. I doubt anyone is doing any serious modding yet as the game is still too new and has such a steep learning curve.


I think the default sounds are pretty well done. Sounds you hear at a distance like in that video would not be the same as from the pilots perspective. Also when your in the game if you open the door it gets really loud when your spooling up the engines, when you have the door closed and are flying around it is a bit more muffled as it should be.



BTW the turbines are a bit too realistic I think lol. If I have the sound too high my ears are ringing from that high pitched whine when I'm done playing. I know that sound well from the flightline in the USAF and it's pretty darn close to the real thing for the APU's and engines.

Edited by Slayer



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is there any way to run two sounds at the same time?

everytime i hear helicopters fly, i hear two things...

a) the blades cutting air..

b) the whin of the engine...


the whin of the engine always seem to sounds the same from most points, but the blade cutting the air will have a alot of variation depending on how far u hear it from and from the angle.. yes i understand that the dcs engine isnt made for hi fi sound...but at least play these two sounds when u hear from chase view...


the cockpit sounds seem acceptable from what i have seen from the videos.. but the chase view sounds as kinda corney..

find me on steam! username: Hannibal_A101A


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I'm sure Diveplane will chime in here soon, but allow me to just caution you that simply looping a sample taken from a video may not work very well for Black Shark, because there are a number of individual sounds playing together to produce the overall effect. IIRC, there are individual sounds for compressor, turbine, rotor flap, rotor whistle, wind. All of these interact and adjust dynamically as the flight parameters change.

Edited by EvilBivol-1

- EB


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I'm sure Diveplane will chime in here soon, but allow me to just caution you that simply looping a sample taken from a video may not work very well for Black Shark, because there are a number of individual sounds playing together to produce the overall effect. IIRC, there are individual sounds for compressor, turbine, rotor flap, rotor whistle, wind. All of these interact and adjust dynamically as the flight parameters change.


Nice! :thumbup:


Maybe after some testing a new prop could be added. Not touching the rest. Dont know until i baught my copy. Sounds very good though EB1.





Alex "Snuffer" D.

AMD FX8350 (8 core) 4.1GHZ ::: 8GB Dominator 1600mhz ::: GTX660 2GB ::: 2xHD ::: 24" ASUS

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