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DCS WW2 Remaining Backers Rewards

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I have a vague recollection that the remainder of the backers rewards(caps,shirts,modules,etc) were going to be given out at the completion of the DCS WW2 project. As we already have an extra map and two extra aircraft at what stage would ED consider the project complete? Just curious. Hopefully, in the not to distant future, for as the years go by, so does the shirt size get bigger.🙂

Would the ME 262 release be the stage at which these remaining rewards would be fulfilled?

Cheers, Scream.

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  • 1 month later...

The last official statement from ED about the Me262 is "...not in the works..." (Dez 2020)

Shirts etc only for backers who pledged 180$+

You should contact ED's support about this if you are a platinum backer.


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On 1/31/2022 at 7:40 AM, iFoxRomeo said:

The last official statement from ED about the Me262 is "...not in the works..." (Dec 2020)

This is what made me curious about the stage at which the WW2 project is considered completed, because if the 262 is not on the near horizon, then when does ED want to fulfil the rest of the rewards. I know there are a fair few of us who pledged some of the higher amounts. Not a big deal, just wondering if ED could clarify things a bit. Don't know if the support team could have much say on this, might be worth a try though.

Cheers, Scream.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

im also curious.

i was entitled to 5 planes.  I already have the p51/47/spit/109 ... i purchased the 190 on my own by accident.  I'm sitting on a remaining plane credit and was watching the 262 as it was listed.  Is this not happening?  Can i swap my credit for the Mosquito?


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ASUS Tuf Gaming Pro x570 / AMD Ryzen 7 5800X @ 3.8 / XFX Radeon 6900 XT / 64 GB DDR4 3200 

"This was not in the Manual I did not read", cried the Noob" - BMBM, WWIIOL

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  • 6 months later...

Thought that was pretty much the situation.

ME 262 on hold equals rewards on hold.

The main goals have been reached plus an extra map and two aircraft not originally planned for.

Thought maybe ED might be able consider that a fair point of project completion.

Zen and the Art of DCS.

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Kickstarter backers participated at entirely their own risk.

Luthier promised to deliver DCS aircraft modules with out finding out even if there was sufficient data to allow them to be modelled to the standard DCS demands.

He gambled and you brought in on that gamble. The fact he lost and yet ED picked up and decided to honour even part of that debt makes you a darn sight more fortunate than a lot of other Kickstarter backers who backed other projects and saw no return on their <ahem> “investment”.

I’d say be happy you got something, even if it wasn’t all that was promised by a party whose credentials have been found to be lacking.

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More than happy that we have what we have with the whole DCS WW2 side of things.

Like you say, what has already been provided is more than reasonable. DCS were very generous in picking up on the whole kickstarter situation.

Just curious if there were any official plans to release the final rewards at some time, as the ME 262 is on hold.

I've got my Spit and I'm a happy little flier for eternity.

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