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Is anyone else constantly being accused of fraticide (I think that was the word)? Notwithstanding I thought it was some kinky family thing, I'm sure that I've never killed a friendly. In fact, the last time it happened I religously checked the mission briefing for red or red but coudn't find anything. The only thing I can think of is that my wingman was shot down (not by me).


Any ideas?



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Last night I tried the Convoy Hunt mission. I was able to take out three vehicles in one of the convoys before I had to turn and run because of SAM launches. I returned to base in my damaged helo I did have a rough landing which damaged the lower rotor. When I exited to the mission debrief I was accused of Fraticide. I also did not have any red on red kills.

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I got my ideas on this. I know that they may be a bit far fetched, but still.


I've done blue on red and gotten the same thing.


1. Do you have a "mission"? Like CAS, ground attack and such and not just "nothing"?


I wonder if this matters, if you are not supposed to kill anyone but you do it anyways?


2. Is an attack area attached to a waypoint?


Kind of the same reasoning as above, if you don't have a target area to work within. Then are you really supposed to attack anyone?

/Nasder, "I came, I saw, I got shot down."

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I think you are right, I may be flying with a US pilot (in a Russian aircraft lol). I will check next time because its happening a lot and like I said I've carefully checked the mission de-brief afterwards for red-on-red.


This is probabby one of the best sims I've ever played and obviously a labour of love for those concerned. It will become a classic up there with IL2 etc.





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I think it happens when you choose, for example, a US pilot in the logbook then play a mission as a Russian and kill US targets in the mission.


I agree. When flying with a pilot from the US in the logbook I got those messages in missions I created using US equipment. Now I'm flying with a Russian pilot in the logbook and have not gotten any fratricide messages.

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I agree. When flying with a pilot from the US in the logbook I got those messages in missions I created using US equipment. Now I'm flying with a Russian pilot in the logbook and have not gotten any fratricide messages.


I get that every time I decide there's too many guys trying to take out my targets.........

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