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Most people are still learning the sim. Besides, many servers have associated TeamSpeak servers, so you could join both and people will probably be open to giving you some pointers to help you get started.


I would say, at this point, just dive right into multiplayer, I doubt anyone will be concerned that you are just barely flying. ;)

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I think you should at least learn how to start her up, be able to fly around I think ut's also good to know how to use weapons. To learn all this I recomend practicing offline. Once you gat those basics you can get online. Reason I suggest this is because it can be pretty danting to talk to someone on comms for hours (if the don't know anything). Giving tips is one thing and many will gladly help but "holding hands" all the time is another ;)

No longer active in DCS...

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Some "Training servers" would be neat idea where ppl know know stuff can teach ppl from ground up :)


I might actually host one, share my limited knowledge, atleast i know the cold start and basic weapons employment ^^



If any newcomers are interested that is.

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

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Some "Training servers" would be neat idea where ppl know know stuff can teach ppl from ground up :)


I might actually host one, share my limited knowledge, atleast i know the cold start and basic weapons employment ^^



If any newcomers are interested that is.


I'd be interested in this. I played Falcon4 for a long time...but Blackshark appears to be much more of a learning curve. As it is now, after 2nd day of installation, I am still trying to remember what all the controls / dials are for - haven't even got to start the bird up yet :P


Training servers / instructors / etc sounds ideal :)

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Tigrom, VikVaughan and myself are going to set up a server later this week (at least I think we are) where all we do is learn to fly the helicopter. I'd recommend doing the training lessons for start up and hover (for start up - actually pause the session after each group and write yourself some quick notes on which switch, where they are and the order to do them. Some parts of course aren't needed like the infra-red sensor equipment, but write it all down anyways, to get into the habit for when you get into the meat of the missions). Look out for our server (times will be posted - I'll be calling mine CRD2.0 Flight Practice Range - or something like that). In it just practice starting up, hover, move around, land, etc. It was great when Tigrom and I did it earlier, we tried precision landing on docks, platforms, top of buildings, as well as seeing how manoeverable the helicopter can be twisting through buildings and bunkers, not to mention trying to do a panic stop and hover from full speed runs over the runway. Doing stuff like this definitely forces you to practice your helicopter startup skills cause the results never turn out the way you expect the first several times :smilewink:.


And you don't have to worry about getting shot at!



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I played Falcon4 for a long time...but Blackshark appears to be much more of a learning curve.


I bet it took you a while to get F4 sorted too ;)


With the various patches over the years, veterans haven't had to learn too much. Now imagine going into F4 cold, with all of the patch updates etc. That would also be rather a heavy experience!!!


Oh, and if you're new to helicopter sims, you've got another new ball game with that :D

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