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CantĀ  seemĀ  to getĀ  pastĀ  thisĀ  stage,Ā  keepĀ  gettingĀ  hitĀ  byĀ  theĀ  samĀ Ā  evenĀ  though iamĀ  expectingĀ  theĀ  breakĀ  callĀ  andĀ  releasingĀ  flaresĀ  chaffĀ Ā  still gettingĀ  hitĀ  no matterĀ  what i do šŸ™‚

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1 hour ago, pete_auau said:

CantĀ  seemĀ  to getĀ  pastĀ  thisĀ  stage,Ā  keepĀ  gettingĀ  hitĀ  byĀ  theĀ  samĀ Ā  evenĀ  though iamĀ  expectingĀ  theĀ  breakĀ  callĀ  andĀ  releasingĀ  flaresĀ  chaffĀ Ā  still gettingĀ  hitĀ  no matterĀ  what i do šŸ™‚

I would watch your altitude and position, keep high if you can and drop your JDAM first if you have one left.Ā  If you have to get low and use guns then try to maximize your distance by putting the building with the MANPAD off your nose and firing at max range.

Use your wingman as well if needed.Ā  If you fail this task the mission will still complete so don't get too hung up on it either.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm in the same boat on this mission. Must be over 10 attempts now at the bonus tasking and keep getting blasted out of the sky by the manpad, regardless of my AoA, Alt, speed, flare deployment rate etc.

Maybe I just suck?

Absolutely love your campaigns though, keep up the good work.

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  • 1 month later...
9 minutes ago, 84-Simba said:

Anyone with an advice to evade that Igla ?

I even tried a program to release all my flares 2 by 2 starting in the ingress and still the SAM gets me.

I'm confused.

Just my earlier comments...

I would watch your altitude and position, keep high if you can and drop your JDAM first if you have one left.Ā  If you have to get low and use guns then try to maximize your distance by putting the building with the MANPAD off your nose and firing at max range.

Use your wingman as well if needed.Ā  If you fail this task the mission will still complete so don't get too hung up on it either.

Are you in burner when trying to evade?

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Yes I did read your comments.

Dropping a JDAM on it is what I had in mind but I first have to make them engage me and they only do when I come in the axis of the column.

If I do passes with the village on the side they do not engage or get me when I pull up.

I come low and fast in mil power only, when I see the smoke I break hard and pull back to idle.

I release flares in preventive and absolutely smash the buttons when I see the smoke.

The missile never ever deviate ...

I'll retry by putting the village in an angle.


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8 hours ago, 84-Simba said:

Yes I did read your comments.

Dropping a JDAM on it is what I had in mind but I first have to make them engage me and they only do when I come in the axis of the column.

If I do passes with the village on the side they do not engage or get me when I pull up.

I come low and fast in mil power only, when I see the smoke I break hard and pull back to idle.

I release flares in preventive and absolutely smash the buttons when I see the smoke.

The missile never ever deviate ...

I'll retry by putting the village in an angle.


Ah OK I see.Ā  Just done some testing and dug back into the triggers as I can see this ones given quite a few of you some grief, below is the definitive guide to defeating this MANPAD,



First I found by staying really low and fast I got engaged the least, I'm talking 500+ knots and treetop level, don't turn within the MANPADS engagement range either just blow straight through and turn at say 5 miles out.Ā  When I turned back in closer than this the MANPAD then got a bead on me and it made things trickier.

Drop flares on a program during your run over the target, this has saved me countless times in testing on all my campaigns.

But there is even better news...the MANPAD doesn't go live until the SIA troops start rolling out from the village with the trucks, at this point you are asked to continue with shows of force.Ā  You DO NOT have to do this.Ā  Instead stay high and clear as eventually the SIA troops will start firing into the woods after the A-10 pilot, at this point they are declared hostile and you can engage, this avoids having to bait the MANPAD into firing to get them declared hostile, but the trade off is you get less time to stop the SIA before the pilot is killed.

I've also removed 1 of the 2 MANPADS and set their skill level to it's lowest as I'm pretty sure their capabilities were beefed up at some point since the mission was built.

And of course, as always in my missions, not doing this task at all and just going home is a valid option, although no doubt the least desirable choice.



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Got stuck here for a while too. What eventually worked for me for the "provoking" fly by to initiate really fast.. 500+ knots, treetop level, flew between the buildings and the forrest reduced throttle to almost idle and started dropping flares preemptively. When I got the call from my wingman I turned at max G and dropped even more flares. Checked Tacview afterwards, realized the MANPAD went for one of my preemptive flares. Then I just JDAMed the building from high above aaaand sadly couldn't kill all the troops, but moved on still.

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  • 1 month later...

Phew!Ā FinallyĀ made it through this one. I ended up using all of the flares in a 4x2x0.50 program used on the run-in after the enemy started moving. Then I dropped my remaining JDAM in the village because F 'em. Got the wingperson to attack, he dropped a bomb, and made some hilariously murderous gunruns myself. Fun times!

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I5 9600KF, 32GB, 3080ti, G2, PointCTRL

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  • 1 month later...

sad mission. i tried it 5 times. everytime get hit by manpad on 3rd low pass. today it make me angry. i was hit by manpad again, but somehow i was able to recover, and declared mayday, cancelled the task. fuel was leakin, and i couldnt make it to incirlik, so i was thinkin to try gazipasha. i got 300lbs of fuel and awacs сondemned says:

blah GIF

ohhh btw fyi the pilot is dead... am going to crash in 10 minutes too, dumbass.Ā šŸ¤¬


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I have at least 10 tacview files on my drive of me failing, every single time to even come close to evading this f&58King Igla...Ā  So, I set up a quick mission with me and a single manpad to figure out what it would take to reliably decoy the missile.Ā  20 Flares..Ā  That's what it takes.Ā  Set up your CM to dump flares qty 10, repeat 2x, 1 second interval.Ā  That should get the SAM off your ass so you can, as Ekim so eloquently put it, JDAM the "..$ing guy.

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  • 1 month later...

Ah, glad it wasn't just me struggling. First attempt the Igla missed, but I screwed up a strafing run (suspect i'd left the weapons master switch in Safe) once I was weapons free and then got Igla'ed again after the pass.Ā  Next attempt I ate an Igla head-on at very close quarters with no chance to evade.Ā  Third attempt I made a nav error which meant I was late on the scene and was told to RTB.Ā  Might have another go now just to tick the box.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Come in fast and stay low after the show of force. Throttle to idle, get behind some trees. When the SAM call comes release flares and bank. Don't climb out until you are a few miles clear. My flare program is 2 flares, 0.5 s interval, repeat 5 times.

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  • 3 months later...

After countless attempts (and always being shot down on the third "show of force"), I finally killed the guy with the manpad and gunned the trucks in front of the trees. Bad news on RTB: A-10 Pilot KIA. "Damn it!"

Edited by Urban-Fighter
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On 7/5/2023 at 4:45 PM, Urban-Fighter said:

After countless attempts (and always being shot down on the third "show of force"), I finally killed the guy with the manpad and gunned the trucks in front of the trees. Bad news on RTB: A-10 Pilot KIA. "Damn it!"


Next attempt: Missile hit me again, but this time, the plane kept flyable and I was able to take out the manpad and the SIA. Pilot survived with a broken leg. But after landing I realized why the landing was so "wobbly". Ground crew got some work to do before mission 6.

Screenshot - 3 - 09.07.23.jpg

Screenshot - 2 - 09.07.23.jpg

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  • 7 months later...

I have tried already 4 times and every time got shot down.Ā 

It is annoying as we have to go through the entire scripts everytime and get to a point that we don't even enjoy the mission. Looking at it, if the trucks go towards the pilot, why shouldn't we be able to engage the ennemies...

...this is these times where I then go back to Falcon BMS ...

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10 hours ago, cobragva said:

I have tried already 4 times and every time got shot down.Ā 

It is annoying as we have to go through the entire scripts everytime and get to a point that we don't even enjoy the mission. Looking at it, if the trucks go towards the pilot, why shouldn't we be able to engage the ennemies...

...this is these times where I then go back to Falcon BMS ...

Why not skip the task? it is a challenge, which is why I made it optional so you won't get stuck and can still proceed with the mission.



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  • 2 months later...

This mission is evil. The sam launches just as I am doing a 3rd low pass. I was off burner and flared fast, still killed.

It's a scripted sam launch up the tailpipe, at zero altitude and short range. Pure RNG if you live or not after doing another task for an hour.

Edited by PawlaczGMD
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I, too, found this insanely hard until I discovered that you don't need to make the third show of force, whereupon it suddenly became almost easy. After the first two passes, orbit the village at or above 20,000', locate the MANPAD, and make him the TOO for your remaining JDAM, then wait for clearance to engage. The moment you're cleared, break towards the target, drop when in zone, and pull away, flaring like it's the 4th of July for good measure. After that, strafing the bejeezus out of the infantry before they can reach the pilot is 1,000 times easier than dodging a solitary MANPAD.


Oh, and Newt flew himself into the ground when I asked him to help with the strafing. I checked afterwards and he wasn't hit, he just plowed in on his own.

Edited by WWSmith
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