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51st Server: Back to the 80's!


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Tough mission, flew last night for a little bit in the Hog. Looking forward to flying more in it, nice work on the mission.

i7-4820k @ 3.7, Windows 7 64-bit, 16GB 1866mhz EVGA GTX 970 2GB, 256GB SSD, 500GB WD, TM Warthog, TM Cougar MFD's, Saitek Combat Pedals, TrackIR 5, G15 keyboard, 55" 4K LED


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Mountain divide is wicked. Either your a earthworm, or an Eagle. :)


Tough mission, flew last night for a little bit in the Hog. Looking forward to flying more in it, nice work on the mission.


Glad you guys like it. We always try to offer something different, and the overcast over the mountains is something I've been wanting to test for a long time. It was kinda funny to see quite a few players suddenly asking in chat how to navigate :D

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Also recommended is an OVERCAST mod for FC2 for those having FPS issues in this mission! It should pretty much negate any performance issues as compared to normal weather missions...


Link and instructions here:




Tim "Breakshot" Mytrofanov | C.O. of 51 ПВО / 100 КИАП Regiments | twitch.tv/51breakshot



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Glad you guys like it. We always try to offer something different, and the overcast over the mountains is something I've been wanting to test for a long time. It was kinda funny to see quite a few players suddenly asking in chat how to navigate :D


On blue side flying the A-10 heading to WP5 and watching out for light AD sucked :D Not being able to climb above 7,500 feet made it difficult. I was able to kill 2 soldiers, but couldn't tell if they were iglas. Also, I didn't have the correct payload to take out the ammo dumps when I did try. Cluster bombs, mavs and rockets don't work :doh:. I love different missions when the weather isn't perfect.

i7-4820k @ 3.7, Windows 7 64-bit, 16GB 1866mhz EVGA GTX 970 2GB, 256GB SSD, 500GB WD, TM Warthog, TM Cougar MFD's, Saitek Combat Pedals, TrackIR 5, G15 keyboard, 55" 4K LED


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  • 4 weeks later...
Yesterday, ca. 17:00 GMT: 55 or more players on the 51st-server. Normal is 1 - 15 players (qty depends on time). Was there an event or something?
No, there was no event. Just a lot of people joined. A few times a week we do get 30+ people though, typically in the European evenings.

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Hi Ronin,


The more (player) the better is not always true.

Some lost the sight of the big picture and were rather confused.

Friendly fire incidents will always happen. Either because people haven't read the chapter in the manual that discusses IFF or it happens as an accident. Looking at the 11000 air-to-air kills in our server, about 5% of them are teamkills.


However, in this specific case you had just taken off from your FARP, so you were still inside your SAM defenses (not sure if you were aware of this). So based on this you could have deduced the fighter could not have been enemy, as otherwise the SAMs would have fired on him. Hence, it was not a good idea to try to gun down this fighter with your cannon, as if you had hit him, you would've gotten the teamkill.


Anyway, thanks for flying on the server and for reporting this individual.

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Would be good to put an sticky called : IFF: Are you killing the enemy ? or your comrades ? .


I dont know something like that :P , a lot of users dont give a read to the manual and lock anything on their radars.


Then the sticky should be titiled Read The F****n Maunal. In my own opinion, if you can't read the manual then why bother going online. Of course if things nead clarification in the manual, that is a different story.

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I just want to remind everyone that getting upset over getting teamkilled won't do you or anyone any good. You have to realize that teamkills will happen, be it by accident or intentional, and that they can never be abolished.


Only in a very small minority of cases are people teamkilling intentionally, and in those cases they very quickly fall victim to the ServMan autokick feature. Furthermore, all actions in our server are logged on the 51st stats page, so repeat offenders will stand out. I regularly make a mental note of possible repeat offenders and when I catch them doing it again they receive a nice cozy ban.


My advice to those that got teamkilled is the following; use game chat to ask the offender if he is aware of what he did, and if not, try to explain to him what he did. Usually you will find that it was indeed a mistake. If they do not respond, then contact a server admin to keep an eye on them, but don't be surprised to find out the offender couldn't understand you because he didn't speak your language. Also realize that it could have happened to anyone else besides you.


If you find that someone is firing on you which you know is a friendly, inform them in chat. However, do not feel superior and teamkill him instead. I have no sympathy for seasoned pilots that come and complain to me that they were fired at by a friendly player and thought that the only way to teach him was to teamkill him. You should know better! Instead, my advice is to inform him in chat, BFM him into the ground (to quote Sven), or just let him teamkill you so that his actions are recorded on the stats for everyone to see.

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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havent played FC2 for several months, when I tried to log on to servers tonight i got integrity check fail on pretty much every server including 51st. I'm running your custom files through Modman and everything.. what can be wrong? Am I facing a reinstall?


EDIT: I'm running 1.2.1 patch and no mods.

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havent played FC2 for several months, when I tried to log on to servers tonight i got integrity check fail on pretty much every server including 51st. I'm running your custom files through Modman and everything.. what can be wrong? Am I facing a reinstall?


Did you install Tacview? Having that installed will fail the integrity check.


Check this thread on our forums for the modman compatible pack of files that should allow you to join the server. You may want to back up the files and folders listed in that thread.

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There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Yes I did! Thx man for the quick reply. So I guess that solves it. I gotta uninstall tacview then? Gonna try again tomorrow :thumbup:
Uninstalling Tacview may work, but since the export.lua file must be absolutely identical to the one we have on the server. So if after uninstall Tacview it still does not work, grab the export.lua from the 51st forums and place that in config/export.

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Generally the TacView scripts can be left where they are. What matters (or at least, used to matter) is you have:

EnableExportScript = false


in the file:




If you have

EnableExportScript = true


then the Integrity Check will fail on many servers (eg. 51st, 104th, etc).


So, you can try changing this value without having to un-install TacView. For example you may wish to leave TacView installed so you can generate TacView logs when reviewing tracks - the lottu tool has a checkbox to ease turning that EnableExportScript property on and off when reviewing tracks.

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Indeed. The easiest thing would be to back up config/export/export.lua and replace it by the one in the attachment.


If that solves the problem you can use the batch scripts from this post to switch between a Tacview enabled and a Tacview disabled configuration.


There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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I still get integrity check fail it seems. I have made EnableExportScript = false in the config file and uninstalled tacview. I also manually replaced my export.lua with the one from you.


I'm not getting in on any server there must be something in my folders that shouldnt be there.

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I'm not getting in on any server there must be something in my folders that shouldnt be there.


Okay, that means another file got changed somehow. The easiest thing to do is to download the modpack from the 51st forums and use ModMan to install it. Since ModMan should keep backups of your original files, you should be able to revert to your previous configuration.


With the modpack installed you should technically be able to join the 51st server and some of the other servers.

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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No, not really.


If you are unsure if ModMan is installing the right files, I suggest you manually replace your files with the files from the 51st forums. Each file in this thread specifies where it is located. I still suggest you back up your files before replacing them.

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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