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New Snap Views for Instruments


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Despite having a TrackIR4 I still have difficulty seeing some of the panels properly and often push the tracker to its limits (which then ends up with tracking errors where the cockpit spins all over the place). I also find it really difficult to read the caution panel properly (being the wrong side of 40 doesn't help :() so set out trying to re-define at least one view to deal with that.


Note: This is with thanks to BoredTechie's post on how to define your own custom snap-views - http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=62820. It was a bit tedious with lots of trial and error - hoping that they fix the view saving feature soon.


Per that earlier thread, you need to backup the following files


.\Eagle Dynamics\DCS A-10C Beta\Config\View\View.lua

.\Eagle Dynamics\DCS A-10C Beta\Config\View\SnapViews.lua


then edit the first one and change this line as follows:


UseDefaultSnapViews = false


Once you've done that edit the SnapViews.lua file and replace the Snap[11] entries with the ones I've given below. Per the earlier thread, make sure you don't use Notepad for this as it will wreck the lua file - use Notepad++ or similar (I used gvim).


Some of the views are just the old ones moved around, but there are 6 new ones that focus more on instruments - the default MFD views were too large for my liking (and I've got them configured on a 2nd monitor anyway).


1 - Emergency Panel / VHF/UHF Radios (same as default)

2 - CDU / Caution / Electrical Panels

3 - TACAN / ILS / Environmental Panels

4 - Fuel / Aux Lighting / Throttle / SAS / IFF Panels

5 - HUD (same as default)

6 - Zoomed Caution Panel / CMSP

7 - Left MDF / Gear / Flaps / Armament HUD Cntrl Panel / Standby Instruments / HSI / ADI / Threat Warning

8 - Above (same as default)

9 - Right MFD / Engine & APU Gauges / Hydraulic & Fuel Guages


I've mapped the zoomed caution panel to the unused pinky switch on the Warthog stick which really helps in the thick of it when you get a Master Caution light.


View definitions below:







-- NUM0 - Cockpit

Snap[11] = {}

Snap[11][1] = {}

Snap[11][1]["y_trans"] = 0

Snap[11][1]["x_trans"] = 0

Snap[11][1]["z_trans"] = 0

Snap[11][1]["vAngle"] = -26

Snap[11][1]["rollAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][1]["viewAngle"] = 65

Snap[11][1]["hAngle"] = 0

-- NUM1 - Emergency Panel / VHF/UHF Radios

Snap[11][2] = {}

Snap[11][2]["y_trans"] = 0.15

Snap[11][2]["x_trans"] = 0.15

Snap[11][2]["z_trans"] = -0.5

Snap[11][2]["vAngle"] = -90

Snap[11][2]["rollAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][2]["viewAngle"] = 45

Snap[11][2]["hAngle"] = 0

-- NUM2 - CDU / Caution / Electrical Panels

Snap[11][3] = {}

Snap[11][3]["y_trans"] = 0.15

Snap[11][3]["x_trans"] = 0.40

Snap[11][3]["z_trans"] = 0.5

Snap[11][3]["vAngle"] = -90

Snap[11][3]["rollAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][3]["viewAngle"] = 40

Snap[11][3]["hAngle"] = 0

-- NUM3 - TACAN / ILS / Environmental Panels

Snap[11][4] = {}

Snap[11][4]["y_trans"] = 0.15

Snap[11][4]["x_trans"] = 0.15

Snap[11][4]["z_trans"] = 0.5

Snap[11][4]["vAngle"] = -90

Snap[11][4]["rollAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][4]["viewAngle"] = 45

Snap[11][4]["hAngle"] = 0

-- NUM4 - Fuel / Aux Lighting / Throttle / SAS / IFF Panels

Snap[11][5] = {}

Snap[11][5]["y_trans"] = 0.0

Snap[11][5]["x_trans"] = 0.45

Snap[11][5]["z_trans"] = -0.5

Snap[11][5]["vAngle"] = -90

Snap[11][5]["rollAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][5]["viewAngle"] = 50

Snap[11][5]["hAngle"] = 0

-- NUM5 - HUD (as per default)

Snap[11][6] = {}

Snap[11][6]["viewAngle"] = 34.340549468994

Snap[11][6]["x_trans"] = 0

Snap[11][6]["hAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][6]["y_trans"] = 0

Snap[11][6]["rollAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][6]["vAngle"] = -9.5

Snap[11][6]["z_trans"] = 0

-- NUM6 - Zoomed Caution Panel / CMSP

Snap[11][7] = {}

Snap[11][7]["y_trans"] = 0.0

Snap[11][7]["x_trans"] = 0.95

Snap[11][7]["z_trans"] = 0.5

Snap[11][7]["vAngle"] = -90

Snap[11][7]["rollAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][7]["viewAngle"] = 35

Snap[11][7]["hAngle"] = 0

-- NUM7 - Left MDF / Gear / Flaps / Armament HUD Cntrl Panel / Standby Instruments / HSI / ADI / Threat Warning

Snap[11][8] = {}

Snap[11][8]["y_trans"] = -0.5

Snap[11][8]["x_trans"] = 0.32762247014528

Snap[11][8]["z_trans"] = -0.15

Snap[11][8]["vAngle"] = -16.651849345676

Snap[11][8]["rollAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][8]["viewAngle"] = 60

Snap[11][8]["hAngle"] = 0

-- NUM8 - Above (as per default)

Snap[11][9] = {}

Snap[11][9]["y_trans"] = 0

Snap[11][9]["x_trans"] = 0

Snap[11][9]["z_trans"] = 0

Snap[11][9]["vAngle"] = 30.227918624878

Snap[11][9]["rollAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][9]["viewAngle"] = 68.628295898438

Snap[11][9]["hAngle"] = 0

-- NUM9 - Right MFD / Engine & APU Gauges / Hydraulic & Fuel Guages

Snap[11][10] = {}

Snap[11][10]["y_trans"] = -0.5

Snap[11][10]["x_trans"] = 0.32762247014528

Snap[11][10]["z_trans"] = 0.15

Snap[11][10]["vAngle"] = -16.651849345676

Snap[11][10]["rollAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][10]["viewAngle"] = 60

Snap[11][10]["hAngle"] = 0


Snap[11][11] = {}

Snap[11][11]["y_trans"] = 0

Snap[11][11]["x_trans"] = 0

Snap[11][11]["z_trans"] = 0

Snap[11][11]["vAngle"] = 5.1931438446045

Snap[11][11]["rollAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][11]["viewAngle"] = 45.299549102783

Snap[11][11]["hAngle"] = 10.910388946533

Snap[11][12] = {}

Snap[11][12]["y_trans"] = 0

Snap[11][12]["x_trans"] = 0

Snap[11][12]["z_trans"] = 0

Snap[11][12]["vAngle"] = 5.1931438446045

Snap[11][12]["rollAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][12]["viewAngle"] = 45.299549102783

Snap[11][12]["hAngle"] = -10.534552574158

Snap[11][13] = {}

Snap[11][13]["y_trans"] = -0.041336805555555564

Snap[11][13]["x_trans"] = 0.36

Snap[11][13]["hAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][13]["viewAngle"] = 83.0

Snap[11][13]["vAngle"] = -23

Snap[11][13]["rollAngle"] = 0

Snap[11][13]["z_trans"] = 0



Intel Core i7-950, 6GB Corsair DDR3, Nvidia GTX460 1GB, TM HOTAS Warthog, CH Rudder Pedals, Track-IR4Pro, Helios

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have bound the zoom function to 1 of my hotas dials on the G940. also I have removed the absolute Y-axis from the trackir bindings. (at least i think its the y-axis. its the axis that controls the up and down not pitch but when you stand up or try to crouch down) I have that bound on my other hotas dial so I can zoom in on the engine dials for instance and with the other dial I can dive in the cockpit to the level of the engine dials so to speak. Actually it works the same as lowering your seat with the button on the left. only now its on an axis control. This works great to swiftly zoom in on the hud and then lower or up your vision with the other dial to center the hud perfectly.

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I would suggest setting the deadzone for zoom on the trackir higher.

It's a good thing that this is Early Access and we've all volunteered to help test and enhance this work in progress... despite the frustrations inherent in the task with even the simplest of software... otherwise people might not understand that this incredibly complex unfinished module is unfinished. /light-hearted sarcasm

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Yes use / and * on Numpad. Alternatively map the zoom to buttons on your joystick, that what I do.




This doesn't work if you have Track-IR switched on (but you can pause it and then zoom with the keypad I think).

Intel Core i7-950, 6GB Corsair DDR3, Nvidia GTX460 1GB, TM HOTAS Warthog, CH Rudder Pedals, Track-IR4Pro, Helios

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Sandman could you kindly provide coordinates for a view of the sacred six fi IFR (so either the 7 or 9 view shifted to center)? Many thanks.


Hi hassata - unfortunately it's not straightforward without saved views working in the sim - to get these snap views I went through lots of trial and error until they were about right (editing the file, running up the sim to test, rinse and repeat).


You could try doing the same to get exactly the view you want, or perhaps wait until Beta 6 (which I hope will have fixed the saved views problem).

Intel Core i7-950, 6GB Corsair DDR3, Nvidia GTX460 1GB, TM HOTAS Warthog, CH Rudder Pedals, Track-IR4Pro, Helios

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just playing around with the Snap views in the final release.


(Either RCtrl+Kp0 then Kp(x), or LWIN+Kp(x)).


This snaps to various internal views, specifically LWIN+Kp(4) snaps to a beautiful full screen of the left MCFD - which works whether my TrackIR is active or not.


Is there a way to assign that function to a TrackIR Axis?


What I am thinking is that I could use the TrackIR x-axis (after a suitable dead zone) to snap to either the left or right MFCD.


I could use Track-IR roll to snap to the side instrument panels.


I've had a look in the TrackIR.lua but thats mapping an axis to another axis, I want each end of an axis to result in a keypress.


(Off to check out TrackMapper, which seems to do the right thing, but wondering if there is a cleaner way of doing things).


... TrackMapper only does Pitch and Yaw, not the 6DOF axes :(


Any ideas?



Edited by Thermal
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
  • ED Team

Thanks for this tutorial for snap views, I have them working fine in single player, but when I join a multi-player server it defaults back to the original.


Is there something I am doing wrong ?


any help appreciated


Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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I remapped the RCtrl-Numpad0 to be just Numpad0, so that toggles from normal to snapview.


Then it's just a quick tap of Numpad0 then Numpad6 for example to full screen the right MFD. Numpad0 again to restore normal view. Very quick and effortless for me.


4 = Left MFD

1 = Radios

2 = CDU/Keypad


6 = Right MFD

5 = UFC


7, 8 and 9 I skip usually, they are just outside views.

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  • ED Team

I am still having trouble with my snap views, they are fine in single player, but default back in multiplayer !!


If anyone can point out how I am being an idiot it would be appreciated lol


Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys I use a little trick to prevent the Linda Blair exorcist effect which some here may find useful.I have never seen it mentioned before so it may be common knowledge.We all know how trackIR in the extremities goes bat crazy due to the main sensor having issues at extremes.The reason is the 3 sensors on your head that when moved up/down/left/right at a certain point will merge and the trackir loses info.


So to fix this I am now looking up in cockpit and pressing the center key when ever I want to do heads down work.By doing that you center the in-game view when you are looking upwards so when you return to look at the monitors center your in-game view is heads down in cockpit.This means that you have none of the issues of the sensors going ape crazy anymore and heads down work zoomed in is a joy to use.To put view back to outside the plane you just hit trackIR center again and your good to go.


This is something I wonder if maybe a super modder here or even the trackIR devs could make where you do not have to look up and press "center" and look back down but instead you just press heads up or heads down view and the view shifts down but the trackIR sensors are in their sweet spots,maybe with an auto zoom added in when heads down is chosen.

Edited by wolfstriked

"Its easy,place the pipper on target and bombs away." :pilotfly:


i7-8700k/GTX 1080ti/VKB-GladiatorPRO/VKB-T-rudder Pedals/Saitek X55 throttle

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