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Need good close up photos of KA-50 cyclic grip


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If anyone has come across good pictures of the cyclic grip from multiple angles please post a link. I am going to attempt to build an exact duplicate of the cyclic for use with PeterP's FFB mod. This will be modeled in clay then cast when I have it right. My wife is a clay artist. Finally something useful from her expensive hobby!

Kurt "Froglips" Giesselman

wishing someone would do a two seat sim like LB2...I ain't much of a pilot but I am a helava good shot.

System specs: Asus Sabertooth 990FX, AMD FX 4170, 16GB DDR3 RAM, 2 x Palit 560Ti 2GB video cards SLI, TIR 4, 26" main display, 21.5" Helios display, 10" Shkval display, 9" ABRIS display, XKeys Pro panel, Copy Cat Controls cyclic/collective w/custom KA-50 head/rudder

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Awesome. Thanks AlphaOneSix and PeterP. Those are a great help.

Kurt "Froglips" Giesselman

wishing someone would do a two seat sim like LB2...I ain't much of a pilot but I am a helava good shot.

System specs: Asus Sabertooth 990FX, AMD FX 4170, 16GB DDR3 RAM, 2 x Palit 560Ti 2GB video cards SLI, TIR 4, 26" main display, 21.5" Helios display, 10" Shkval display, 9" ABRIS display, XKeys Pro panel, Copy Cat Controls cyclic/collective w/custom KA-50 head/rudder

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One thing missing from the work of TG is the ability to keep trigger folded up, in safety position.

They fold only 90 degrees, due different spring used.

I think due lack of information about real one available at time.



But the system is clearly shown in this photo:




The lateral spring coil do the trick.


Here another metod - from a different stick, Su-27 - but work in the same manner, if available space is restrict.








Edited by Sokol1_br
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  • 10 months later...

:)Thank you PeterP I'm honored.

Froglips , You asked an exellent question with this thread.I got 75% of my photos info from the link in the 2nd post of this thread by AlphaOneSix. Pics of the KA-50 cyclic are an extreem raredy. The" right "side, I only saw after I made my cyclic.:joystick: SO THANKS A LOT ! Mark.

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Home built X-58FTW,i7 950, 3 x GTX570oc,

screens; 3 x 22", 19", 17", 9" :D

My pit. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=121598

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