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Kickstarter and PayPal tally - Thursday October 2nd


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Hey everyone,


We had an absolutely amazing day today, and surprisingly, paypal was not the biggest reason for it at all. Paypal and KS combined, today was the third best day of the campaign, and almost three quarters of it came right here through kickstarter.


As of this very second, we've raised $1,610.75 on PayPal for the overall total of, $132,650.75


If we continue this way tomorrow and Friday, we will have reached our Me.262 stretch goal by the time the campaign ends Saturday morning!


And, over two thousand backers! That's an amazing number! I'm very happy we have this many people contributing to the project. Even if you're one of over 130 backers who only pledged $1, I count myself extremely fortunate to have your support. Simply having people play your product, enjoy it, commit beforehand to want to see it through, that means a lot.


THANK you everyone who backed this project, today or any other day.


Also, anyone have any idea what I need to do personally to get more people onboard in the next two and a half days? We still can't get any journalists to give us the time of day, and the time is running out, so any suggestions are welcome.


I know I have not yet followed through with some of my own plans from earlier, but there just does not seem to be enough hours in the day. I've slept no more than three hours a day since Sunday, and somehow my Kickstarter backlog just continues to grow. And I have done pretty much nothing but Kickstarter for about two weeks now.

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A live stream worked wonders for Star Citizen and CIG. Would be cool to run one like they did on Twitch and have Twitch promote it. They ran their live stream for 24 hours but doing a live stream 6 or 12 hours before the deadline running up till the end time might be cool. Answer questions on the chat and you could have people Skype in for interviews and questions too. The issue is making sure you have content to show during the stream -- either sneak peek pictures, video or interviews spread out evenly over that time. Heck, even just sitting down and tinkering in the EDGE SDK or in 3DS Max showing work in progress to burn some of that time would be very interesting to many. That should give you a spike.

Edited by BHawthorne
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Hey everyone,

Also, anyone have any idea what I need to do personally to get more people onboard in the next two and a half days? We still can't get any journalists to give us the time of day, and the time is running out, so any suggestions are welcome.


Official ED-Email-Newsletter would achieve most, I think - if that's possible. :helpsmilie:



Other than that, I would focus on getting existing backers to move up.


- You could add some more extras, like a printed A3 aircraft recognition chart, a printed A3 Normandy map, ... that people could choose from + MATRIX Tier 9, 10, 11 ... 99 :smilewink:


- And some goodies for the lower tiers, like for example rendered digital desktop wallpapers of all the aircraft at $10, a digital aircraft recognition chart at $20, a digital Normandy map at $50, ...


I guess people here have a lot of ideas regarding both physical and digital extras they would pay for if you ask.



Just look at the tiers where you currently have a lot of backers and think about how to get them to move upward at least one tier.

Edited by Vijar
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If you are going to continue funding after the Kickstarter I feel that there are a few things you can do.

Live streams / more videos


Fortnightly report on how things are progressing (backers only maybe?)

Articles in related magazines / websites

Get stalls on flight (sim) events


I went to an event earlier in the year and was surprised at the number of people who did not know about DCS world, but when they saw it were impressed by the visuals and authenticity. I guess they stick with FSX / X-Plane / P3D, but I didn't ask.


Maybe you can offer exclusive screenshots in return for articles. Also post links to the articles in a sticky on the forum. We will all rush to read the article (look at the screen shots) and the publisher would gain advertising revenue :).

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It's a shame the PayPal option wasn't open from day one, we might already have the 262 in the bag, you'll have to remember that for next Kickstarter campaign :)



I'm proud to be one of the thousands, more than two I bet, who share your passion for WWII flight sims. That's alot of friends :pilotfly:

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The current PayPal tally is $2,259.41 :pilotfly:


oh, and a video coming in a couple hours


Awesome, makes the total around $137,000, almost me 262. Videos = more pledges (normally), maybe we will get the Jet. :pilotfly:

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I'm one of these that couldn't afford by Kickstarter but succesfully pledged by Paypal !


Go for it Luthier ! We, the truly WWII simmers, are with you !


Just one question, how do I'll receive my forum acess and keys from the game ? By the email connected with my Paypal account ?



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Ok, and where was it? I can't find it. There is no separate thread like here. Nothing in this thread. If he makes those announcements in a different place every time it is difficult to follow.


EDIT: sorry, you linked, didn't notice.


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Can you guys say Schwalbe?


Many people won't pronounce that correctly :D

PC Specs / Hardware: MSI z370 Gaming Plus Mainboard, Intel 8700k @ 5GHz, MSI Sea Hawk 2080 Ti @ 2100MHz, 32GB 3200 MHz DDR4 RAM

Displays: Philips BDM4065UC 60Hz 4K UHD Screen, Pimax 8KX

Controllers / Peripherals: VPC MongoosT-50, Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS, modded MS FFB2/CH Combatstick, MFG Crosswind Pedals, Gametrix JetSeat

OS: Windows 10 Home Creator's Update

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Ok, and where was it? I can't find it. There is no separate thread like here. Nothing in this thread. If he makes those announcements in a different place every time it is difficult to follow.


EDIT: sorry, you linked, didn't notice.


agree...I think he is just tired and needs sleep


Many people won't pronounce that correctly :D



I sure can't :doh:

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If you are going to continue funding after the Kickstarter I feel that there are a few things you can do.

Live streams / more videos


Fortnightly report on how things are progressing (backers only maybe?)

Articles in related magazines / websites

Get stalls on flight (sim) events


I went to an event earlier in the year and was surprised at the number of people who did not know about DCS world, but when they saw it were impressed by the visuals and authenticity. I guess they stick with FSX / X-Plane / P3D, but I didn't ask.


Maybe you can offer exclusive screenshots in return for articles. Also post links to the articles in a sticky on the forum. We will all rush to read the article (look at the screen shots) and the publisher would gain advertising revenue :).


I agree, if RRG takes anything away from this experience it's to learn from what CIG is doing with SC. So little of their pledge money was raised in their initial Kickstarter. Something only like $2.5 million. The rest of the $21 million they've raised so far has been open ended pledge campaign ran on their personal site with options for Paypal, Stripe or Amazon payment. They've been getting their most spikes from vehicle marketing promotion. They whip up brochures and videos and do promotional sales for things. They also do routine live stream events. I really think RRG should take a hard look what CIG is doing and adapt some of what is working well for them. Once the Kickstarter is over I believe it;s in their best interests to continue to run an open ended pledge campaign from their own site and and maintain stretch goals, promotion of individual aircraft tied into pledge promotions spaced out over the course of the development, quarterly live streams and maybe a newsletter like SC's Jump Point and a show like SC's Wingman's Hangar. A critical eye needs to be given to SC's methodology for development. CIG is apparently doing something right in their methodology that RRG can adapt.


On the other hand I disagree that getting a stall at a flight sim event helps. While the message is targeted at like minded individuals at a flight sim event, it's like preaching to a choir and you get no bump in sales from it. The cross section that ends up seeing your booth is too small to matter in the grand scheme of things. Take it from someone that has done conventions, promotions and events over the last few years. You might break even depending who is footing the bill to be there, but you're not going to see a spike in sales because of it. If anything, if you don't do it right you'll lose money on it. I do events because it allows me to get away to new locations and see a bit of different scenery -- a paid vacation. But as for making a spike in visibility or income...it doesn't help any. You end up finding that you do a booth because it's fun to get out and interact with like minded people, not because it's going to be a marketing or sales improvement.


The combat and non-combat communities are stratified IMHO. To give you an idea I did AVSIM Fancon this year as a vender and promoted DCS World there. Almost everyone that went to the event were there for X-Plane, FSX or Prepar3d. It's not that those people were not interested in DCS, it's that they've been in their box doing the same thing so long that they didn't know much about it. IMHO, I think DCS was rather well received even though it's a totally different ecosystem than what AVSIM caters to.

Edited by BHawthorne
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You may want to borrow Oleg's fireplace :D


Stand by it with a cigar in one hand and a Dos Equis in the other and say "Stay thirsty my friends." :music_whistling:

Intel i5-9600K @ 3.7GHz

Gigabyte Z370XP SLI Mobo

G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 32GB (2 x 16GB) 288-Pin DDR4

GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 2070 8GB 256-Bit GDDR6(Assume the latest driver version)

Thermaltake Water 3.0 Certified Liquid Cooling System

Windows 10 Professional

Oculus Rift-S /TrackIR 5 in case VR dies

Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog w/ Thrustmaster T-Flight Rudder Pedals

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Please explain this to me like I'm 5.


What would I do on that livestream? Just sit in my chair and chat away?


Sure thing. :)


Every once in awhile Cloud Imperium Games does a live stream. The last one they used Twitch to stream it with Twitch promoting it on their front page. The content of the stream was mostly just getting a bunch of the development staff in front of a webcam and teasing things like aircraft development, scenery design, the SDK tools. They also monitored the live chat roll and answered questions and also gave interviews of what many of the staff do. Some of the content involved showing the Crysis SDK with them showing off the model content live.


The idea is to have a live video stream with content and information to show off for several hours to coincide with the ending of the initial pledge drive.


For example a really condensed version of that is the Wingman's Hangar they do every Friday. Here is the one they did today:

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Please explain this to me like I'm 5.


What would I do on that livestream? Just sit in my chair and chat away?


More or less yes :thumbup:

In others that I've seen;


BOS - Live demo and the devs talk about some features of the game / engine. Last one I think was lighting (I don't undertand Russian but they were firing flares at night). Gives people a chance to see the game and I guess ask questions (again can't understand what they were saying).


Rise of the Triad - Live demo again. A few of the devs were playing, one would stream with the conversation via skype / teamspeak or some other VOIP. Users were asking questions in the chat box, someone was relaying them to the team and they would respond / answer. Later on (game released) they did another live stream but people could join in.


Rise of the Triad - Steamed the creation of a whole level, few guest speakers would pop in. Allowed questions to be asked. Showed off upcoming content.


Rise of the Triad - Streamed the creation of a weapon, start to finish. Same as level, guest speakers, comment on problems, ideas answer questions.


Nexuiz - Live demo again. Another Q/A session. Also gave away beta keys so more people could join in. Showed off future content. Allowed suggestions.


If you wanted some ideas from that;


Load up DCS world with a dog fight mission with the P-51 and the FW190. Have (some?) team members take it in turn to fight each other while people ask questions about the project. Gives you a chance to show the FW190, and the benchmark visuals and systems of the P-51.


A similar set up to Rise of the Triad, with the content creation. Instead of one thing all the way through though you could maybe stream on one machine, and get video feed from other machines using Skype?

Machine - Task

A - Steams to the public

B - Edge Terrain steams to A with Skype

C - Later Takes over from B Showing progression on an Aircraft

D - Something else to take over


Or that could be a series of streams during the coming months :pilotfly:


But don't just take my word, if you can only realistically show one thing create a poll on the forums (maybe the backers only ones :music_whistling:) about a week before the streaming to see what people really want to see.


The main thing to get across though is user interaction, allowing viewers to ask questions as well as see progress.

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I think it would be key to be mindful of who is used to host a live stream. The main reason why Twitch is good is because they can promote your stream on their front page. That gives you visibility to those that aren't always native flight sim fans. That means new blood. Preaching to the choir can only go so far, especially in a niche market. I think it's important to target your pledge and marketing promotion updates at general gamers. Maybe setup a Steam Greenlight or Early Access page where a wider cross section of gamers can see your work and buy into it. As was mention in your previous videos there is a stumbling block to get past to attract new blood to the genre. I suggest targeting Steam and Twitch on a regular basis to help alleviate a bit of that.

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