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Everything posted by SpiffnZ

  1. 4 Days- downloading a complete reinstall - at the end of which 80% of the files selected for download didn't download! 4 DAYS!!!! In what universe is this considered an acceptable level of service??? Aside from the fact that my download speed never got above 0.6MB/s (& I recognise that local factors & individual PC specs influence this) how on earth can it take ED's servers 4 days to realise that it is not able to download the files selected? It seems to me that this is possibly THE single most permanent complaint that ED paying customers have been raising sing Day One - Isn't it about time that ED invested the resources to ensure that this permanent thorn in everyone's side is removed once & for all! And let's be clear - other providers do not suffer from this issue, so we all know it is not something that is insoluble, it is a question of investing the time & resources to make it happen. And it if means adding an extra few $ to the price of mods to make it happen I'm all for it - I'm just over having to endure these frankly ridiculous download times & I suspect that there will be many comments after this expressing the same sentiment. Sincerely Spiff
  2. Hey Rudel Thanks - I downloaded the latest version & its all working again & looks fantastic to boot.
  3. Hey all Suddenly finding that DCS hangs & essentially crashes, as I roll out on finals in the landing lesson. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this & if so how they fixed it. Currently I am using the V1.0.0 mod & am wondering if updating will also fix this - thanks
  4. HI all Ive just updated to 0.6.0b and have found an interesting issue. When choosing cold start in the instant action menu, having run through the startup procedure & taxied to the runway I apply full power (aircraft in clean configuration), and it takes the full length of the runway to unstick (at approx 120kts indicated). At this point I quickly raise the gear & try to climb (5 degrees nose up), but the aircraft just wallows & shortly after sinks back to earth regardless of whether I have half or no flap! I've checked that I've not extended air brakes and My throttle is registering 100% both on flight instruments & in DCS settings. If anyone has any insights or has seen this before I'd be keen to learn how it was fixed. Many thanks NB I have tried other options in both the instant action & training missions & do not have this issue. I could just ignore it but my curiosity has been piqued by this anomaly!
  5. Many thanks - the unnecessary sarcasm is especially appreciated! As my subsequent research has found that the patch was supposed to have been released on the 4th of April I think? & was held back - to the 10th It's not really that silly a question now is it? And at the end of the day, like a good many other players I'm just keen to get in the air
  6. Is the patch still on course fro release on the 10th?
  7. Hi All Is this issue still unresolved? I have just updated to as DCS was crashing at startup if VR was being used, & it still crashes out at the 15yrs of DCS screen. Thanks
  8. Hey guys is anyone still running a GTX 1080ti & if so what settings are you using to get clear visuals after the 2.9 update? At present I get lots of blurry indistinctness & am keen to try & clear the fog!!!! Thanks
  9. Thanks for the suggestion - its turns out however that I was using a pre-MT version of the A29 mod & now that I've updated that everything works just fine! I do find it interesting though that it was using the mission editor that stopped it from working because it worked normally until I tried to modify a mission.
  10. thanks I'll give that a try Many thanks Rudel - it worked like a charm! Interesting though that it worked fine previously until I tried to use mission editor, it clearly needs a brain bigger than mine to understand how it all works!
  11. Hi All Hopefully someone might be able to shed some light on the issue I'm currently 'enjoying' So I opened a training mission for the A29b Super Tucano in the mission editior in DCS 2.8.3 in order to change a couple of parameters (weather) so that I could fly an IFR version of the waypoint navigation training mission. I saved it as a different mission, leaving the original intact. I then attempted to fly the mission, at which point DCS crashed while loading (something I think to do with DX 11 - ill attach the crash log below) & I had to open task manager & end task to close it. I then deleted the mission I'd edited & tried again to fly several of the other training missions, each time DCS crashed while loading. I also tried flying the instant action missions & it still crashed. For comparison I tried flying in DCS aircraft mods & other 3rd party aircraft - all without issue. I then decided to try the A29 again - this time in DCS MT & again it crashed. At this point, like most people I assume, I went to the interweb to see if I'd done something stupid or missed something obvious. I did all the things others have suggested- reinstalled graphics card drivers, repaired DCS, deleted & reinstalled the A29 mod, restarted & rebooted everything. All to no avail the A29 still crashed DCS when loading a mission. I have of course seen the several comments about mission editor being broken since the update that launched MT but until now I'd had no issues in MT or ST so I'm at a bit of a loss to know what to try next. I should add I'm using Rift CV1 & non steam version of DCS! My machine specs are: CPU - 12th Gen Intel Core i7-12700KF MB - ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. TUF GAMING Z690-PLUS WIFI D4 (LGA1700) RAM - 32GB Hyperex Fury DDR 4 GPU - NVIDIA GTX 1080ti O/S - Win 11 pro 64 bit SSD - Samsung SSD 870 QVO 1TB DCS SSD - KINGSTON SA2000M81000G 1TB Thanks in advance dcs.log-20230409-050124.zip
  12. Hi All Hopefully someone might be able to shed some light on the issue I'm currently 'enjoying' So I opened a training mission for the A29b Super Tucano in the mission editior in DCS 2.8.3 in order to change a couple of parameters (weather) so that I could fly an IFR version of the waypoint navigation training mission. I saved it as a different mission, leaving the original intact. I then attempted to fly the mission, at which point DCS crashed while loading (something I think to do with DX 11 - ill attach the crash log below) & I had to open task manager & end task to close it. I then deleted the mission I'd edited & tried again to fly several of the other training missions, each time DCS crashed while loading. I also tried flying the instant action missions & it still crashed. For comparison I tried flying in DCS aircraft mods & other 3rd party aircraft - all without issue. I then decided to try the A29 again - this time in DCS MT & again it crashed. At this point, like most people I assume, I went to the interweb to see if I'd done something stupid or missed something obvious. I did all the things others have suggested- reinstalled graphics card drivers, repaired DCS, deleted & reinstalled the A29 mod, restarted & rebooted everything. All to no avail the A29 still crashed DCS when loading a mission. I have of course seen the several comments about mission editor being broken since the update that launched MT but until now I'd had no issues in MT or ST so I'm at a bit of a loss to know what to try next. I should add I'm using Rift CV1 & non steam version of DCS. My machine specs are: CPU - 12th Gen Intel Core i7-12700KF MB - ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. TUF GAMING Z690-PLUS WIFI D4 (LGA1700) RAM - 32GB Hyperex Fury DDR 4 GPU - NVIDIA GTX 1080ti O/S - Win 11 pro 64 bit SSD - Samsung SSD 870 QVO 1TB DCS SSD - KINGSTON SA2000M81000G 1TB Thanks in advance dcs.log-20230409-050124.zip
  13. Hey Guys, has anyone posted. .any missions for the A-29? I haven't got round to tackling the mission editor yet, so if there are any missions to download that would be awesome Thanks
  14. Probably my not looking hard enough but is there a button/link to update the utility from within the utility or is there a download link somewhere? Thanks No worries - looking at page 1 answered my question! - told you I hadnt looked hard enough!!!!!
  15. Hey all I just downloaded the folder from the Github link - but all it contained was the read me file. Can anyone please point me in the direction of a download for mod? Thanks
  16. Thanks - I have emailed MFG & will wait to see what they recommend
  17. Recalibration was my first thought, but it had no effect> Yes I have looked at the windows calibration tool & it does show the same coupled behaviour. I also wondered whether the pcb in the pedals might be the cause & have emailed MFG to try & get an opinion from them. Happily, having looked at the cost of a replacement board its not going to break the bank & might be the simplest way forward. In the meantime I've just deselected the right brake pedal in the affected aircraft, or switched braking to the joystick brake lever. Thanks for taking the time to help
  18. Ok so the previous post decided not to include my Text! In the top picture the pedals at rest are shown by the top table & the screen shot at the bottom, the middle picture shows the axis tunings in DCS. And the bottom picture shows the involvement of the right pedal when right rudder is applied. I hope that all makes sense - assuming that this post isnt scrambled like the one above ;) Many thanks
  19. Hi All I'm having a problem with my MFG crosswind pedals that it sounds like some of you might recognise. Pushing on the rudder pedal with my right foot (i.e. operating the Rx axis), is causing the the right toe brake (Y axis) to respond. I am not moving the the brake pedal through its arc of movement & indeed I get the same response of i push on the rudder cross bars rather than the pedal! There is obviously some sort of coupling occurring between the Rx axis & the Y axis, but I have no idea how to troubleshoot or resolve it, so any ideas or known solutions would be most welcome. Just for completeness the Y axis appears to function normally when operated in isolation & the X axis ( left toe brake) works just fine. I have checked that the firmware is up to date & have run the MFG Configurator software as per the instructions in the manual but still no dice. Thanks
  20. Hi All I'm having a problem with my MFG crosswind pedals that it sounds like some of you might recognise. Pushing on the rudder pedal with my right foot (i.e. operating the Rx axis), is causing the the right toe brake (Y axis) to respond. I am not moving the the brake pedal through its arc of movement & indeed I get the same response of i push on the rudder cross bars rather than the pedal! There is obviously some sort of coupling occurring between the Rx axis & the Y axis, but I have no idea how to troubleshoot or resolve it, so any ideas or known solutions would be most welcome. Just for completeness the Y axis appears to function normally when operated in isolation & the X axis ( left toe brake) works just fine. I have checked that the firmware is up to date & have run the MFG Configurator software as per the instructions in the manual but still no dice. Thanks
  21. Thank you - much appreciated
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