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Captain Chuck

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Everything posted by Captain Chuck

  1. It's not random for me. Happens every time after a reboot.
  2. That's pretty much what happens to me when in Multiplayer and trying to choose a slot ......however, after I have restarted the PC once sometimes twice, and everything magically works the way it should, I can turn off DCS and later when I launch DCS it will be good to go too, but not so if after the PC is turned off.
  3. Since last major update - In Multiplayer after entering server, choosing side then attempting to choose a plane slot the game crashes to desktop. No Log is found. Second and third attempts usually successful after waiting for a few minutes to 15 minutes. I have no mods Tried full repair No log for the crash is found in User/Saved Games/DCS/logs No prompt to send crash report appears either.
  4. Bug: Game freezes and then crashes entering MP servers
  5. Not using any modifications but Sim still crashing upon choosing Unit. Since last update.
  6. It's too small for an average size colony of mouses to live on comfortably. It's just not enough cheese.
  7. It crashes on me almost every time I try to choose the Unit I want to fly on the Project Overlord server. I usually have to wait 5 or 10 minutes to accept the input. If I click it again while waiting it crashes.
  8. The stars are also wrong because they are showing in the daytime. Plus the Moon is waaaay too small....unless of course you are zoomed in to the point of ridiculousness.
  9. Friendly fire incident a few hours ago. Noticed that most media was more interested in deflecting from why it occurred to how naughty those Houthis are. I couldn't find out what was used to shootdown the F-18. Two US Navy pilots shot down over Red Sea in apparent 'friendly fire' incident, US military says | AP News
  10. Even after the latest update the Moon appears ridiculously small. It looked better when ED made it too big. As it is right now the Moon is so small that it is easily mistaken as an enemy plane during the confusion of a heated WWII dogfight when scanning the sky for the bandit, when fractions of a second matter.
  11. It does this randomly to me though I am connected to internet. It's been doing it for maybe months or a year. I usually try again and it works. This time it didn't work for 45 minutes and when I went to DCS forums to ask about it the website gave me a 403 error. I thought maybe something happened to ED. An hour later everything was working as normal.
  12. DCS launcher won't log me in tonight. 404 on this website too. Well, sometimes it can log in. At the moment it did log in and the site is back up.. Can't say what will happen later though.
  13. Tell news users about head trackers so they don't kick themselves.
  14. I just got done flying on a server ..........It's too small!
  15. Thanks for starting this topic RealDCSpilot. It saves me the trouble. The moon is obviously way too small now. Anyone who looks up should be able to see this. I can't believe that anyone is arguing with you. It detracts from the sim. Devs.... just fix it ... OK?
  16. I don't think it is political. I think it simply pure discrimination. What's wrong with the other colors? Why can't we have a Chartreuse and Magenta?...hmmmmmm? But in all seriousness I did prefer the old Multiplayer interface. Please note: This comment was written under the duress of boredom while waiting for a DCS Update to download before I could fly. So any insults or discrimination to colors not mentioned was unintentional.
  17. Although there are some things about the new layout that are OK the old layout was better. I don't see where the old one needed 'fixing'!
  18. Yup same here. I get that nag screen everytime I fire up DCS.
  19. EDIT: I think SkateZilla is just using the ED Updater right? So it's prolly got nothing to do with you. I think your DCS Updater is still linking to my C Drive. Is there an option in its settings to change that... I couldn't find one.
  20. OK if you want to look at it that way. Then it's a Windows problem if Windows is not directing DCS or any software to the default Saved Games folder in the drive of the consumer's choice.
  21. Yeah the saved games folder was originally moved with the correct method you describe here, however, it was taken out of one PC and installed in the new PC.........and there was another saved games folder on the new PC Drive C with nothing in it. ED was confused by that I guess. But this is not the first time a software has ignored the orders and placed things it shouldn't on Drive C after a correctly done default relocation to Drive D. Crap just seems to appear in Drive C over time. Anyway, I've since straightened all this out and there is 100% no Saved Games folder or anything ED related on my C Drive now. Drive D saved games is the Default. And Drive E is Default for New Apps. I'm trying to keep Drive C so that there won't be anything besides the OS on it that is important to me and that I don't care if I ever lose.
  22. Actually, it was ED (and/or possibly Windows itself having some blame) and I know this because DCS was not downloaded into this PC, it was entirely located on my D Drive from another PC and then physically hand placed into a brand new PC with a virgin Windows OS on a virgin M.2 stick by a professional computer tech and it was working perfectly till the update. There was nothing on Drive C connecting it to DCS. There should not have been a DCS folder installed on Drive C anywhere. It was likely as far as I can figure, put there by ED installer without asking me where I wanted it first because the installer was not programed to ask first, I think. And I think that is what happened- because that is how all my HOTAS mappings disappeared after the Update.
  23. UPDATE: I restarted PC and it hasn't crashed on MP since. I also put back or undid some the folder shuffling around I did because it turned out I had my HOTAS mappings in there somewhere. I've given up on getting the A-4 to work. I'll wait at least until ED does something about the new things they broke in the last update. Maybe this nag screen will go away too. null
  24. It's crashing going into a multiplayer server every time. Repair don't fix it
  25. Yes I do have the Super Carrier. Something else has happened ...with all this messing with files DCS just now started crashing on startup. I'm running a slow repair right now.
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