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Everything posted by Bosun

  1. I went back and tried this with significantly reduced curves, and finally successfully paired up with the basket. I'm going back and reducing my curves for all the craft I have capable of mid-air refueling now. Originally, I had followed the suggestion to put curves in for allowing softer correction on aiming, but it appears that doesn't work well with mid-air refueling. I also engaged autopilot controls and as long as I engaged them within tolerance of my velocity needed, I could micro adjust within it to a very helpful degree, and was able to hold much better course. Thanks for the suggestions, I think lowering the curves instead of increasing them, and the autopilot made the largest difference.
  2. Out of curiousity, what do other folks have your pitch and yaw axis curves set too? I had mine at 25, but I do not have fine-enough control to allow for corrections on input that are not over-exaggerated. I've currently got them set to 36 now, and having *better* results. Are there any settings for FLCS or flaps or spoilers that I may be missing here?
  3. Are there any precise ways to trim? I have them mapped to keys, as I have no axis available for them. Is there a way to adjust their sensitivity? I think so far I have 20 hours at this, and flying level, 10 ft from basket, I'll suddenly, without any input, find myself drifting, and the same stick input amount to compensate that worked just seconds ago, suddenly makes no effect at all, forcing me to over correct. If this is truly as finicky as a real pilot might feel, I think we likely wasted as much fuel as we took on lol
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