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  1. I upload the .trk file here. There are 16 F-14B on the deck. Almost all of them are misaligned while hooking up to the catapult shooter. Especially the AI F-14B with the callsign Springfield 12 in the group Aerial-2 at the catapult no.2. After it was hooked up, the plane was still drifting away from the shooter. It seems that the "auto-correction" of the misalignment does not work properly or over-corrected. You can see this in the video. Sorry for the bad quality due to the upload limit. Supercarrier Catapult hook up error.mp4 Nimitz AI plane hook up problem.trk
  2. I guess this bug is related to the super carrier mod, because this happens to both the AI F-18 and F-14. When the AI plane taxied to the standby position and lowered its launch bar, it is not suprised that usually the launch bar is slightly misaligned with the guilding track of the catapult shooter. In the previous version, e.g. 2.9.4, this misalignment will be "corrected" when the AI plane moved forward to hook up the shooter. But in the current version 2.9.11, this auto-correct function seems not to work. The AI plane ends up hooking up to the shooter and being catapulted with an angle. CVN-75_Launch_v2.9.11.miz Take off with skew.mp4 Nimitz AI plane hook up problem.trk
  3. Thanks for your feedback! I just tried version 2.9.9, its Carrier Plugin UI can load the .edm model files of the supercarrier. When I loaded the .lua files of the Taxi/Route files afterwards, the taxi routes were able to be shown on the supercarrier model, however, the coordinates where my mouse cursor was pointing at became totally wrong. I need to reload the .edm files again in order to reset the coordinate system, so that the coordinates of the turning points shown on the model matches those in the .lua file. By the way, the newest update 2.9.11 has the same problem as 2.9.10, the Carrier Plugin UI does not pop up when selected.
  4. Hi, I have the same problem, too. Have you found out which build would work with the Carrier Plugin UI? Thanks a lot!
  5. I encounter the same problem with this J-20 mod. Sometimes when the AI J-20 was hit by the missle launched by another AI plane, it just flew further as usual, as if nothing happened to it.
  6. Thanks for your feedback. Is your first ship in the group a Arleigh Burke, and the 2nd ship a CVN-79 Gerald R. Ford? This formation works also fine for me. However, if your replace the first ship with another CVN-79 Gerald R. Ford, then the 2nd Ford-class will disapear. This does not happen to CVN-80 and CVN-81 from the mod.
  7. Hi @Beldin By chance I found that the Ford-class can not spawn in a group, if she is not the first ship in the group. This is tested with a clean install of DCS 2.9.3 with only the Ford mod. Not sure if this happens to you too. CVN-78 not spawn in group.miz
  8. The new update v10 does fix this bug. Thanks!
  9. Thanks alot for this nice mod, which let us enjoy flying with a functional F/A-18D! However, I occasionally found out that with the CJS compatible version installed, the AI planes of the CJS F/A-18E/F/G cannot launch the missiles to engage the hostile. After removing the CJS compatible mod, they can fire the missile as usual. It's quite strange, because I thought that this version does not modify the settings of the CJS fighters. You can try this test mission with CJS mod installed first, then with or without the F/A-18D mod. Caucasus_CJS F-18E vs SU-30.miz
  10. Thank you for this nice mod! Is this Update Beta1 a stand alone version? or shall it overwrite the original files?
  11. I found the reason, but incomprehensible. The default folder name "Chinese Aircraft Pack" in the directly /save games/Mods/aircraft/ was renamed by myself to "PRC Aircraft Pack". After that, the DCS worked still fine without any problem when the F-22 Mod was not loaded. If both mods are loaded, DCS crashes right after being launched. Now I changed it back to its original name, then both mods can peacefully coexist. Sorry, my bad....
  12. Hi @EA-18G_BlockII, the download link is unfortunately invalid now... Could you upload it again? Thanks!
  13. Hi all, Lately my DCS cannot even start when this F-22A Mod and the Mod "Chinese Aircraft Pack" from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15mRPDX8REsAaus1imXwTBfqRwjOrO6k0 are both loaded. Seperately they work fine. Maybe the J-20A and J-20B within the pack use the F-22A textures or configs. Have you ever got the same issue? It's shame that then I cannot put F-22A and J-20 in the same mission.
  14. Hi @currenthill, now the sounds effect work well after I take the repairation of the main game files. Sorry for confusing!
  15. Hello @currenthill , I love the mods you made, thank you so much! This mods works fine. I just found that there is no sound effect at the moment when it launches SAM missles against air targets. For the other warships you made, e.g. Type 45, 55D, Project 22380...ect, you can clearly hear the burst sound while SAM launching. It would be nice if AB III and Ticon CMP also have this sound effect. Or can you tell us how to add it to this mods? ARLEIGH BURKE FLIGHT III_SAM_Launch_sound.miz
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