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Everything posted by jabog32_zillion

  1. Update /¸¸.¤ª“¨°¨“ª¤.¸¸¸¸.¤ª“¨°¨“ª¤.¸¸DOWNLOAD¸¸.¤ª“¨°¨“ª¤.¸¸¸¸.¤ª“¨°¨“ª¤.¸¸¸ I fixed the connection Bug when trying to use the .swf from a webhost. ...use the uninstaller in your start menu....
  2. Try disabling the autokick feature on the server... :) You can't join a game and controll at the same time. For testing purposes you should load an AI mission or a mission you are not flying yourself otherwise you will get kicked as long as the autokick feature is active... It's against cheaters... And the policy file (Lockon/Temp/policy-file.xml) is only for net based clients (swf uploaded to webhost). The file is a standart Macromedia (adobe) security protocol xml text that is sent to the client to ensure communication is permitted... see: http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flash/8/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=LiveDocs_Parts&file=00001623.html you wont have to do anything just leave the policy-file.xml in your Temp directory next to the RadarServer.exe
  3. update and Download /¸¸.¤ª“¨°¨“ª¤.¸¸¸¸.¤ª“¨°¨“ª¤.¸¸DOWNLOAD¸¸.¤ª“¨°¨“ª¤.¸¸¸¸.¤ª“¨°¨“ª¤.¸¸¸ Radar calculation finally based on an DEM image with a size of 2880x1666 pixels. Which is the maximum size for flash images and equals 4,798,080 pixels or ~ 4.8 MegaPixels with 24 bit color depths. Ingame Menus for view and airport quick jump on KEYBOARD keys: "V" & "A" New Information Bar showing (Mission Time) + (Bullseye Lat/Long) + (GridLetter/Number + Lat/Long + Elevation of Mouse position) New Server Options window and GUI for allowed Radars&Range/Autokick/Password/FreeMode on/off New Setup application which backups old export.lua and restores it on uninstall. RadarServer is now wrapped in .exe as well as Client and Admin, .swf is also provided Also try Keyboard keys: "R" , "B" , "1" & "2" and "BACKSPACE" and use your mouse to drag things where possible... Documentation on its way...
  4. Since I'm really busy doing other uninteresting stuff I might aswell add my java code to split mission files into header and Xml and join them back together again... To Split: import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.filechooser.*; public class Chooser extends JPanel { public File selection = null; JFileChooser fc; public Chooser() { fc = new JFileChooser(); int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(Chooser.this); if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { selection = fc.getSelectedFile(); //This is where a real application would open the file. System.out.print("Opening: " + selection.getName() + "." + "\n"); ReadMission(selection); } else { System.exit(0); } } public void ReadMission (File r3) { try { BufferedReader r2; BufferedWriter w2; BufferedWriter w3; char charBuffer[] = new char[1]; StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(16777216); int Begin; r2 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(r3)); while (r2.read(charBuffer,0,1) != -1) { //System.out.print((char)charBuffer[0]); stringBuffer.append(charBuffer[0]); } r2.close(); Begin = stringBuffer.toString().indexOf("<LockOn_Mission"); if(Begin != -1){ w2 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("./mission.xml")); String MissionXML = new String(stringBuffer); String MissionXML2 = MissionXML.substring(Begin); String MissionHeader = MissionXML.substring(0, Begin); //System.out.print(MissionXML2); w2.write(MissionXML2); w2.close(); w3 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("./header.ukn")); w3.write(MissionHeader); w3.close(); System.out.print("Finished extracting XML and Header" + "\n"); } else { System.out.print(selection.getName() + " is not a Mission File" + "\n"); System.exit(0); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Fehler beim Lesen der Datei"); } System.exit(0); } public static void main (String args[]) { JComponent newContentPane = new Chooser(); newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque } } To Join: import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.filechooser.*; public class Saver extends JPanel { public File selection = null; JFileChooser fc; public Saver() { fc = new JFileChooser(); int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(Saver.this); if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { selection = fc.getSelectedFile(); //This is where a real application would open the file. System.out.print("Saving: " + selection.getName() + "." + "\n"); SaveMission(selection); } else { System.exit(0); } } public void SaveMission (File r3) { try { BufferedReader r2; BufferedReader r4; BufferedWriter w3; char charBuffer[] = new char[1]; StringBuffer stringBuffer2 = new StringBuffer(16777216); r2 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("./header.ukn")); r4 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("./mission.xml")); while (r2.read(charBuffer,0,1) != -1) { //System.out.print((char)charBuffer[0]); stringBuffer2.append(charBuffer[0]); } r2.close(); while (r4.read(charBuffer,0,1) != -1) { //System.out.print((char)charBuffer[0]); stringBuffer2.append(charBuffer[0]); } r4.close(); w3 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(r3)); w3.write(stringBuffer2.toString()); w3.close(); System.out.print("Finished saving "+r3+"\n"); System.exit(0); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Fehler beim Lesen der Datei"); } System.exit(0); } public static void main (String args[]) { JComponent newContentPane = new Saver(); newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque } }
  5. I have fianally implemented rivers, roads and cities... So now we have Coastline Elevation map (readable altitude) All Airports/Aprons/Taxiways Nav-Aids/Fixpoints Airways Runway Labels 10NM Final Approach dotted Line 8 different Grids Rivers Roads Cities In a handy pop up menu when pressing keyboard "V" like view... Also I am making an interface for the java server to set the server defaults...
  6. sry... looking at your dot.net code i have no idea what is going on... Of course i can see something but the devil hides in the details... obviously your realLen = lenSouth - (inLatitudeGrad - EndSouth) / ToLengthN_S; is correct :) but your realAng = (inLongitudeGrad - MiddleLongitude) / ToAngleW_E / ToDegree; is not :( so you should debug it step for step and find the wrong input... That's all I can say... good luck Edit: Actually I was also nearly biting my teeth out on this code... But then again compared to the real UTM conversion it's really simple... The work will be worth it when you get the first version running...
  7. u can find a msvc project file with compiled exe in this zip file aswell as the flash .fla and .swf... simply using the code valery sent me...it`s purely procedural and doesn`t use any objects so it should compile under c aswell as c++ http://www.polymoon.org/tobi/privat/latlong2xz.zip Hope it helps... it outputs the same coordinates as u can find in the mission files and probably scene file so it`s actually exactly what u need...
  8. I`m drunk... But well... That sounds very interesting what you`re planning threre... I`m currently working on a Mission Editor myself... Well actually it was someone else who showed me that the Mission File .mis is essentially a XML file wrapped in some kind of Header since it uses Characters which are illegal in ordinary XML... from what I understood and seen... I wrote a java class Chooser which uses the java .awt and .swing classes to bring up a FileSystem file chooser and split any Mission File in Header and XML and a java class Saver which brings up a Save Dialog to Join XML and header to regenerate a .mis File which actually still works... The Mission XML itself is like xml.... hierarchical and looks something like this: <LockOnMissions> <Groups> <Routes> <RoutePointID> <Positions> Well... I`m not fit in C++ until now I`ve only been working with java and Actionscript, the latter being the Scripting Language of Flash which is a java script based Object Orientated language and until now my Development environment... As said before I`m only slowly fiddling myself into File Choosers and User Interfaces with java but that will take more time... As for the Position conversion from lat/long to UTM it is actually quite heavy math stuff... you can either use the Formula that Valery Blazhnov from the Lock On Development Team sent me in this Thread http://forum.lockon.ru/showthread.php?t=7358 This Thread might also be interesting for you: http://forum.lockon.ru/showthread.php?t=7010 Or you can use the real UTM conversion which is even more heavy... You can see it in my attached file of this Thread http://forum.lockon.ru/showthread.php?t=8493&page=14 Or here... http://www.polymoon.org/tobi/privat/WSG842UTM.swf Well all I want to accomplish is a Mission Editor capable of changing the waypoints snapping to reallife VOR`s and DME`s for planes aswell as assigning the same waypoints to whole Groups of Clients to save the Mission Builder the mouse kilometers when making multiplayer missions... But since you told me the scn file is also essentially XML I`m defintily going to take a look at it and I`m very happy to help where I can. @lunera The deviation can be serveral hundert kilometers in the worst case... regards Zillion
  9. without using Universal Transversal Mercator Projection maths or what I call pseudo-LockOn-UTM you will never accomplish a precise plot... The reason for this is that for example 10deg10Min10sec N 20deg20Min00sec E and 10deg10Min10sec N 20deg30Min00sec E and <+10Min E 10deg10Min10sec N 20deg40Min00sec E <+10Min E are not in one straight line but will resemble something like a very narrow triangle. Travelling from East to West on the same longitude you will not travel on a straight line but on a curve... But if you plan to do what you are saying, we might join forces if u like... Write me and explain in some more detail what u want to do... Do u actually plan to make a new scenery File Editor ? Which programming/scripting language do you consider ? Zillion
  10. Version 1.01 last one for some time... Read the Readme.txt -fixed Admin Panel "E-3A" Bug -fixed Admin Panel Blue Coalition Bug Hope you will be able to try it... Make sure to digest the readme...
  11. merry xmas everyone... I'm with family in south germany, no time do work.. :) But i will post a hotfix to version 1.00 before new year when i will fly to japan, since there are a couple of bugs I found and fixed already... Merry xmas again, hope you'll find cougars, x52's and cockpit parts under the tree. zillion
  12. Version 1.00 It's hopefully stable for some time... Read the Readme.txt I finished the Admin Panel...All setting changes affect all connected clients in realtime... To avoid errors reload the AdminPanel in your Browser or reload the .swf before changing Settings. I changed the color of hostile units and changed their name so it now reads the generic Lockon ID as name for a hostile contact. Try the undocumented Keyboard keys: "R" , "B" , "1" & "2" and "BACKSPACE" and use your mouse to drag things where possible... :)
  13. disregard my posting above... On your screenie it's 2 at night and dark, so that's fine... Except for the runway lights... And the lua export is simply seconds since start of export... it's 0 in the beginning of each mission, so i guess there won't be any way to calculate the actual mission time only the time since mission start :|
  14. from the 1.11_readme.rtf: if your Screenshot is really from 1.11 it looks like it's not been fully fixed... But another question... I am to lazy and busy (No it doesn't cancel each other out :) ) to figure out the Lockon Timestamp used in lua export... can anyone give me a formula or something so I can display mission time in the ATC Admin Panel... thx in advance Zillion
  15. awesome avatar moonie... du du doob .... :) :) :) anyway, whoa this thread has been filled with opinions... well, a dynamic campaign or a good mission editor making dynamic actions possible dependant on conditions Hard to say which is more important... But agreed a good mission editor is also a must for a good sim and making one which had the power to make consecutive missions dependant on each other would really rock... And there should be plenty of conditions like -terretorial border triggers and -task accomplished/failed triggers and -remaining unit strength above/below triggers and -attack started yes/no triggers and so forth... yes it would make a huge difference... But isn't that to much for the average mission maker ? How to fit that into any UI ? Use a scripting language ? And yes it's true the F4 campaign was in many ways to complicated and resulted in many no sense missions or even programm crashs but another quality of a DC I didn't mention before is simulation of how wars are fought. In reality there is something like an intelligence that plans the missions for all units pretty much the same way as a DC is planned. For me it's another authentic element to a sim that makes it outstanding no matter how many sims already have it... I would love to see both :) not sure if thats possible though for ED...
  16. well... writing my **** off talking about dynamic campaigns in another thread i haven't even seen this thread or discussion yet... Well I think we do have an outstanding sim here, maybe on of the best comabat sims around... and I am very fortunate it will continue to be that way... Someone please guide with a link of this mysterious project that looked so much like ED i saw in this forum 6 months ago or more. Something about a war sim with simulation of ships, planes helicopters and tanks, forward air controllers and so on.... really can't find it anymore... And x-plane is just another league, and i dont mean the gfx. It just not a comabt sim. X-Planes has even been used for airplane protoyping and has a completly different market share compared to lockon, focusing on real sim-nerds in more civil rather than military fashion. Starting from satellite imagery for textures to full reallife navigation systems support and probaby most exciting the ability to import your own airplanes and have the engine calculate a flight model by approximating an airfoil according to the 3d shape. Really and honestly if thats what we wanted, at least i, would play x-plane and MS FS instead of lockon and maybe falcon. So lets wait what ED will offer to us... I'm optimistic
  17. I always thought of a dynamic campaign to be exactly the opposite of "boring" and i never felt it was repetive at all. A few reason imo it can not be repetive. 1. The situation can never be the same unless you are lucky and play it twice, for instance an OCA Strike (Airbase Strike) can not be repetive since after it's been successfull it's done with the airbase. And even after playing a campaign twice u need to be lucky to be assigned to the same OCA strike again... Even a BARCAP (Airspace Patrol) up and down in station area (2 waypoints) sounds boring but can never be the same because it depends on how many hostile operational airbases and or scheduled flights are in the area and reach... 2. Depending on how you, yourself and you are playing planning and interfering with a logical Itelligence list of tasks sorted in a priority manner the campaign changes it's course of actions adjusting to your success... There is no need to interfer with the given order of tasks but if you do send the wrong flights to the wrong places you will produce a less efficient outcome... 3. The most boring way to play a dynamic campaign is to stay in your slot and do everything assigned to you. The most exciting way to play a dynamic campaign is to plan every unit move yourself mutating a flightsim into a tactical role play that gives you the power to decide every last move from Artillery Batallion 42 to A-10 SEAD flight Snake, which again when doing a bad job risks the security of Intercept flight F-15 Romulus... Hence a camapign is a VERY strategical operation. For a programmer, giving all these unpredictable events it's a wonder anyone can accomplish make such a program and therefore it must be called a masterpiece of balancing and leveldesign if these terms fit the compexity after all. In a typical falcon 4 campaign an estimated 600+ units (groups of vehicles) operate at any given time once it has started and reached a good running state which all depend in some way or another on each others win/loss conditions. There is no way normal linear action (traditional "if" based scripted action) could ever handle all possibilties. And coming back to my initial posting it even more astonishes me anything like that could run in 1989 on 68000 processor... :) Edit: Agreed to the advanced FM and superb garphics lockon has to offer, disagree to the "realisic" avionics and considering the amount of cpu time such a FM probably requires it is probably also the reason we can't have a dynamic campaign... I am very optimistic about the new clickable cockpit feature lockon has planned to introduce and think since 1.1 ED takes it's always preferred path of self publishing (big publishers have a lot to say in game design, many times ruining a vision) reducing arcade increasing simulation. A lot of great features in development, i guess and hope.
  18. GGTharos good old ability to accept criticism on his person... respect... Plus he always seemed to know quite a bit when it comes to radar technogies, and drago he might, and he did in the past for me, sound to you as if he'd knew things better permanently but I think he reads a lot on related subjects... Active plasma stealth technology and supercavitation torpedos, in reality we could start reading now and it would keep us busy until well after retirement to accquire a degree of understanding that has anything to do with "understanding". All we can do is believe the most trustworthy source of information we encounter when using our friend the google search engine. For me these links always provided a good source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercavitation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VA-111_Shkval http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_stealth and this one seems quite useable aswell: http://www.aeronautics.ru/archive/plasma/ I read them all fully (at last) and I can only hope to have understood...
  19. Sometimes I wonder why the campaign engine of some really old school flight sims rocked the house compared to lomac...I loved this sim and I would really like to play it again... http://www.migman.com/ref/1980_combat/F16CombatPilot/amiga_03.htm http://www.migman.com/ref/1980_combat/F16CombatPilot/F16CombatPilot.htm http://www.nonowt.com/magfold/revsfol/f16pilot.html http://www.angusm.demon.co.uk/AGDB/DBA1/F16CP2.html
  20. well... since i'm stuck with pathetic annoying small bugs and I'm overworked again, I have decided to give it a little rest. I can't cope with the deadlines I set myself and I'm tired of releasing unfinished material. I will, and that's for sure, release a fully operational ATC/AWACS/GCI simulation and Admin control panel that will provide features that make it interesting for everyone interested in it's nature to use and work with it. The horizon of possibilties the lockon internal export functions and freely accessible GIS data are giving me, are by far not exhausted. Showing the exact flight plan of airplanes, directx injected ingame Bullseye display (cheat safe) similar to the TS overlay, a custom mission editor capable of snapping waypoints on reallife VOR and DME Navaids aswell as Fixes and an ATC client serving as a command centre to bring it all together and display every thinkable element of infrastructure, land usage and aerial navigation information for the Ukraine and West Russia aswell as aircraft position and detection in a simulated radar environment for more than 20 radar types based on digital elevation data is as far as I can see now for this project. And I'm not so far away from it. I will release a version from time to time but setting myself up with deadlines until when seriously reduces the time I can find healthy sleep in addition to a 40 hour week in real life... So for the few "simulators" around here interested in the project: I will need more time, we will have to wait... later Zillion edit hours later: And a hell of big time respect again to Brothers31's work in the timeframe he accomplished it
  21. ^^Edit: ~ 20 x faster | | ur right... well the most early report that i read had a headline saying: "supersonic torpedo" but from what i've read now it's more likely to be around 200 mph... This "Yahont" (NATO SS-N-26) missile sounds interesting aswell... :) interesting thread AND in case of war I really don't even want to know what they will pull out of their pockets, imo. we are all speculating about the tip of the iceberg, there might be a reason why certain weapons are classified top secret... Just wait until they inflate their B-1B in front of a running camera and see what follows next...
  22. supercavitational torpedos are believed to be faster than 230 mph ASFAIK... some say even supersonic speeds might be achieved...
  23. hypothetical conflicts... beware sane world... extreme speculation to follow... and I don't mean to start any political discussions.... will israel start the nuking or will america ? will pakistan and then of course india on the other side enter the mess once the war has truely become a religious one between west and middle east ? what will north korea do after their american friends are so busy fighting in two countries and start tossing around with cute micro nukes ? Exploit the chaos and take a close look at south korea. mhh... china ? edit: aehh.. after pressing the button labeled "post" I might add... >> Please don't answer... << worrying, if you do these kind of things is a burden already
  24. reading this i have become tired at 5 o' clock in the morning: http://www.aeronautics.ru/archive/plasma/ no working on the ATC today... :)
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