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Everything posted by G3

  1. You will need to install the ch control manager app, this will get your buttons all working, but you need to create a new or download a ready made profile. may I suggest you hunt down a profile for ch hotas from user "Crunch", highly recommended :) Comes with some great scripting like close speed brake when you go full throttle. Also comes with a pdf explaining all the bindings, after using this profile I didn't even bother trying to make my own, Crunch's setup was perfect in my eyes.
  2. I love your idea, tidy work :) those new led monitors are getting extremely light these days.
  3. Love the hud idea. You mentioned black background for projecting to glass, Maybe also include a transparent background so you could mount an lcd panel as a hud ( as in just the thin lcd stripped out of a monitor)
  4. progressing nicely The latest files are fresh out of the profile editor, available over @ http://www.scsimulations.com/ Listed as "FC2 F-15c Eagle Pit" (located in the downloads/Helios user files/other section)
  5. my profile is being built from scratch using just the default bits and pieces and very close to completion. It's constantly improving and now almost everything works, say 99%. (some hsi functions) once i tidy things up a bit and finish testing i fully intend to post the profile over @ scsimulations Provided you already have helios and leavu2 installed it's all fairly straight forward. From me you would need 3 things: the latest helios profile the leavu key bindings and the combined export.lua
  6. Not to my knowledge but I like your thinking. Check out an app called leavu2, this will meet your needs for FC2.
  7. After consulting the GUI doc I am non the wiser, and wasn't able to find a definitive answer or solid info in reguard to the actual multiplayer "network speed settings" for a server on a limited upload isp connection. When hosting a FC2 server using a ADSL2 connection, with 1meg up @ best. what would be the best "network speed" settings for the server? And what's the best setting for clients trying to join the server over the internet, Choices are: Default (and by the way which one is default by default?) ;) modem 56 ADSL 128/64 ADSL 256/128 LAN 1 LAN 10 At a guess I would say clients should be set to 128/64 But really not sure about the server. I know some games have problems if you exaggerate the server's connections ability. We hope to be able to handle 6-8 players, am I still on the reality train or is this merely wishful thinking? Any advice greatly appreciated. (Other than get a better connection) ;)
  8. Gear will pass my servers IC, it should be embraced not feared. Cheaters are tools and have no place here anyway.
  9. Looks great, smaller buttons was a good idea, Should be good for smaller layouts. Following gear with great interest, Thx for all your effort and time so far Yoda.
  10. hold Ralt + space for about 1 sec, in that order I think is the problem (Assuming your default keyboard bindings have not been altered.) Also check your controller mapping
  11. G3

    Uk Riots

    Thx for the video, that's lower than a snakes belly. Human excrement is all they are, oh god how can anybody be that piss weak. Is respect for others just a distant memory, it appears to be the case. I guess they did help him to his feet, I am left speechless and absolutely blown away. Give me 5mins alone with any one of them, and then send in the next one, continue as necessary.
  12. Sounds like she's found a hobby, draining your will to live. Suggest she get a gym membership implying she's put on a few pounds. Write her a note, a suicide note with her name on it. If no kids yet, see if you still have the docket and try return her. Explain to her that ED sims hold your interest far longer than she can. Jokes aside, if they were jokes, sorry to hear of this situation you have Allowed yourself to get into. A good woman is hard to find, but not impossible as several blokes around here seem to have done alright, myself included. Best of luck ;) ,your going to need it :D
  13. Interesting read, thx
  14. G3

    Pendulum Waves

    Get out of town, those pendulum waves were wicked, totally mesmerized me.
  15. sounds really great Yoda, good to hear work on the FC2 part is nearing completion. Standing by for initial release.
  16. firstly this looks really good, well done. Sorry for non dcs A-10c question, but is this viewport method also achievable with FC2, for export of the radar and tews etc?
  17. As it says I finally got these 2 great apps playing nicely with FC2 Combining the modified export.lua files had been suggested so I gave it a go. (Reminds me a lot of Rugg's f15 profile for the earlier tb) So what is it: Basically a combined helios and leavu2 export lua Setting up a second screen on better still a second pc on your lan, then Having leavu2 display the rwr, pacs and tews. and using helios for all the buttons and other instruments like Hsi, adi, alt etc. How do they do it: All that's required was to setup leavu2 first, Keeping a copy of the leavu2 export.lua. After that install and setup helios, make a profile and add the helios interface, Now you have a new export.lua created by helios for FC2, But now leavu is no longer working, no major problem. Now copy all the "do file" lines from the saved leavu2 export.lua and attach them to the end of the new export.lua created by helios, job done. Me no understand: The above is a fairly simple explanation, not going into the setup of the apps used to make this work as they are both already well documented and beyond the scope of this thread. What to try next: Now I just need to map the desired buttons in helios to the leavu2 keybinds and It should be fully operational and totally network- able for minimal performance hit And no overhead like the shark's abris that require you to use window mode etc, same pc. Hope that makes some sense to those still enjoying FC2 Cheers. Much thanks to Yoda and Gadroc. These apps are wonderful
  18. effte, Revs was nearly lost from memory, what a great game, now u got me thinking. First one I recall was an arcade machine with car made up of few white dots going around a track made of dotted lines, U stood up, and the steering wheel could spin forever be it rfactor or iracing, great software from both these developers and that means in the end we win just like ED and the DCS series, they are continually raising the bar and all we have to do is enjoy, what ever racing sim you choose I will admit having a semi for camaj, it's no secret :D and you have to love the mod community.
  19. Both names synonymous with sim racing. Like many of us I am lucky enough to have grown up watching pc sim racing go from Indianapolis 500 to current day offerings, thanks for sharing. These days I'm looking fwd to rfactor 2
  20. Good one Tizzo, got a giggle from me but viper has 2 good points also.
  21. That is indeed good news, will be like dcs' bday too. The first true integration of modules, lifting the shark To the current dcs standard.
  22. These should be the same. My thoughts exactly, ensure correct in game monitor option is selected, And keep your shkval and abris size and position coordinates with the second monitors res
  23. DTWD this "sounds" great, thanks for the effort and great idea packaging it all for modman :) just what the doctor ordered.
  24. hi Bhawthorne, i think i have seen you around the widescreen forums? judging by you nthusim avatar i would say i have the right guy. a better way to put it is that, remembering mine are the old analogue units. originally matrox did not officially support the use of more than one th2go, but now it's a feature :) and still only for the digital editions afaik. something of interest is that i finally got around to testing out the 5 screens setup running on the tri-sli rig using 5 dvi outputs each with a 1280x1024 19" with sli disabled and all monitors layed out in a horizontal line. all 5 monitors extended in windows 7 display properties for a total res of 6400x1024 making the left most screen the primary display (important step otherwise it only showed up on 3 of the 5 screens for some reason) FC2 worked without any modification other than manually entering the resolution in the options.lua no bezel correction but it still looked pretty dam good. the latest softth 2.04 for win7 is simply a single dll file that u place in the games root folder. run the game, it configures the monitor layout straight from you windows 7 display properties nothing more to do other than edit a few numbers to allow for your bezel widths. as for rfactor i had to use softth in order to get the game to recognize the res in the rfactor config window. without softth rfactor only offered the 1280x1024 res, but with softth installed rfactor also allowed me to run it at 6400x1024 then i added the bezel correction of 4x 100 pixels and adjusted the softth config to suit, which left me with a total bezel corrected res of 6800x1024 and perfect alignment between screens. Sadly the performance hit dropped the fps down to 45, where in comparison the th2go in tri sli on 3 screens fps is in always in the hundreds. not knocking the softth, it is wonderful, but would be vastly improved if only you could harness the power of those other gpu's.
  25. good news, it seems that matrox is now supporting and use of 2x digital th2go :D next idea is to try and have 5 screens wide for racing. (not 6 as you want the centre to be in the middle screen, not a bezel) will post the story and some screens if i get it working.
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