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Everything posted by agrasyuk

  1. Arduino2DCS - Софт посредник для ардунек. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=120386 В догонку , g-кресло. Тоже хотелось бы попробовать применить. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=122577
  2. Да, набор фальшпанелей, но не надеваемых а вокруг монитора построенных, с рабочими крутилкам итп. Фанерный щит стандартного размера (а может быть и металлический, у отца на работе взрослый CNC лазер ) с прорезями для или будильников или МФД. и креплениями для разных лампочек-кнопочек. Наваял пока несколько расположений, одно как написал под будильники, одно как бы цифровое под 3 МФД, и что-то похожее на А-10. Фюзеляж мне не сильно нужен. крышу не планирую - будет частично закрывать проэкторы. Касательно 3 вариантов от Хоттабыча, наверно номер 3 больше подходит. Реплику кабины я бы в какой-нибудь клуб записался бы строить/летать.
  3. Good to have another put builder on here. Quite a contraption you have there. Welcome onboard!
  4. Ну так мечтать то не вредно , а тут тред как раз про это - мечты. Активно мечтаю уже полтора года как, летаю иногда с ноута, прошлый пит вспоминаю. Моя зелёная панелька. Эх... Извиняюсь, не заметил. Да я строил А-10 , но весьма приближённо допуская некоторые вольности. Будильники отображались на нижнем мониторе программой хелиос. Но я согласен с botом, если душа не запала на определённый крафт то строить нужно универсал. Пока что зпланировал несколько передних панелей.: аналоговая с "будильниками" (это и пропеллеры второй мировой, и гражданская авиация, и хйю с ми8 ) ,для современных ястребов с тремя МФД аля хорнет, ну и сам А-10. Мечтаю... что реально воплотится будет ясно позже.
  5. Мой проэкт все ещё в стадии разработки и подготовки "фундамента". Сим-комната с проводкой питания и HDMI для 3х потолочных проэкторов готова. Доделываю мастерскую (расположился в гараже). Сам пит на сегодня в ввиде CAD файлов - пока не добью ремонт последней спальни жена спокойно строить не даст, а так вечерами можно порисовать. . Планирую модулярный кокпит с напольной палкой, креслом по типу ACES (самодельное из фнеры) , заменяемой передней панелью и боковыми консолями. Технологии производства панелей с подсветкой освоил ещё перед переездом, все будет красивенько светиться зеленым . 100% реплику определенного крафта делать не буду. Визуализация из 4х проекторов на подобие того как сделал свой " куб" участник flim с выводом изображения на стены и потолок (уже покрашены правильной "проекторной" краской). Купил стекло и линзу ИЛСа из хериера, очень хочу попробовать построить рабочий ИЛС для DCS Но это все не близко. Зато ожидание 2.0 не так давит :)
  6. Hardly evidence at all, let alone irrefutable
  7. I do apresiate their busting, and knowing what it takes to build software I have atmost respect for the end product that I'm seeing. I know I wouldn't be able to drive that train any faster, and I know there are always unexpected things as simple as people getting sick that are not accounted for. That's besides the fact that with such complex product many underwater rocks surely exist. Hence as much as id like to I don't see it this year. Which is not end of the world either.
  8. 1. Integrated and under test. Yes. 2. No. More like "we will attempt to release before EOY". As much as I would like to hope for best I don't see 2.0 happening this year. Lots of unexpected stuff come up during testing phase. Heck, the product that we make is way less complicated and still I do find bugs in features that I was 120% sure on. There is always more...
  9. To early to be upset about something end result of which you haven't even seen, don't you think?
  10. Пишут что Боинг потребовал слишком много денег за лицензию. Так что скайхока не будет. Жалко, Скайхок интересовал больше Хока
  11. I guess this is more of a rant then anything. I currently have the small K40 laser and thinking to go with something bigger. Given the space available I could go for either sehui 5030 - ubiquitous 50W device that eBay is filled to the brim with (stocked in US). Or I could get wklasers storm500 from local Chinese importer for bit more (and IL tax...) I learned what I can about both. since I already have china-fantastic machine I know what I will have to deal with as far as fixing all the shortcomings. What I don't understand is why its impossible to get any details out of the seller. ."o yes, laser we have , quality ours high, other seller very bad quality" ... I don't understand how is this supposed to be anywhere close to answering my question about updated controller I see on their picture and if its the exact unit they stock. You would think the local person living in US has better language skill . Well , not by much. Called automation tech (local place) , to my question about which exact revision they have in stock I get." Oh yes, we have stock,". But that does not answer the question! All I want to know is what I'm getting. I'm not native English speaker myself and can understand those difficulties. Took me time to learn to communicate semi coherently. but after all this time: Chinese sellers selling in US! Y u no speak English?! :mad:
  12. Да пока только с СФМ отому как ЕФМ ещё не готова.
  13. Выпускают с СФМ сейчас. позже как доделают будет патч с ЕФМ. Сейчас можно купить таким как есть (с СФМ). так же можно заранее доплатить за будущий патч и пока летать на СФМной версии. Те кто сейчас не покупают полную версию смогут докупить ЕФМ патч потом . Добавил: Группа близких к VEAO людей получила этот крафт на попробовать где-то неделю тому назад. И картинки и видео с первыми впечатлениями опубликованны тут на подфоруме Хока.
  14. Stupid indeed, and it will not end there. Is there a reason why this book cannot be rereleased? I just don't get it...
  15. Странный вопрос. ED не сильно балует разнообразием, а тут строится проработанная модель современного самолета а не музейного экспоната, с системами и более продвинутой ФМ чем базовая. На фоне последних пропеллеров с сейбрами чему тут не радоваться? CTD делают что умеют.
  16. Its been couple of decades so the now older IAF pilot could have forgot/misplaced the exact numbers (Unless there is any other more oficial dumentation about that encounter). Obviously the acompanying CGI wasn't built to reflect every word that is being said, lots of animator's own fantasy there. And the video title is misleading, mig didn't really escape, but rather got killed several seconds after his stunt .
  17. Intergalactic travel is possible in movies. I highly doubt screenwriter checked performance levels of the heli working on that scene. OT. Me and wife watching one of the matrixes. Trinity jumps from building on motorcycle, kicks bunch of ass, explosions, and all. Me being a motorcycle rider -"how the hell did she just take the helmet off without taking sunglasses off first!?". Wife -"I see you are not very puzzled about the fact she just jumpt many stories on that bike..."
  18. Diferent devices , both have their place. All depends on your need. It seems that the need is to play around with , so really you can't go wrong with either, and with their prices I don't see why you can't pick both. But if you have to choose Pi will provide more "depth" There are very nice articles out there comparing the two in much better and in depth way that I could. PS, And don't forget to take a look at Beagle as well,
  19. very very nice, that is quite some assembly there. i'm not ready to work on this yet, was wondering if you considering taking orders for this stuff some time in future.
  20. the roof exhaust is scrapped, leaving just the passive vent hole. built tall enclosure cabinet, cut a side vent port through the wall and hung the blower to exhaust the air through it. laser vapor gets into the box via 4 inch dust collector port and goes up through 2 stage filter : ordinary household 14x25 to clean any solids and then through box with air-pad and 6 inch of activated carbon (ordered 50lbs bag of it). with the filter elements installed the airflow got severely restricted, but at the business end there is still several times the suction from when i used the bathroom fan. it is also not as loud outside with less air going through the exhaust louvers. i still have some play room and can reduce the height of carbon layer to increase flow (some have perfect filtration with 3-4" layers). another port with blast gates will be added above the carbon tray to provide suction to a fold-able spray booth above the laser as a bonus the cabinet has a compartment on the bottom to house compressor for air assist. that compartment will be sound insulated to cut down on overall noise level, but the compressor i will be using is somewhat on quiet side as it is - took it out of decommissioned medical breathing assistance apparatus. with front panel removed: PS the power consumption level was a nice surprise. threw a killawatt meter on that outlet and found ~850Watt draw while motor runs unrestricted. with all the filter elements installed and rotor slowing down under extra load it shows 450W.
  21. My computer purchase is waiting for edge, in your case however you can use better hardware right now. Budget-wise 1000-2000 will buy you parts to build adequate-excellent machine. With that in DCS even excellent does not guarantee 60fps. Good luck!
  22. Cleaned mirrors and the lens on the engraver , hooked up water bucket,air compressor and gave it a whirl. The good news is that the tube is still working perfectly, cut the last saved program in one pass and I didn't notice any degradation of power. It still smells though. Not immediately and not as bad as before, but after couple minutes. With the massive airflow going I suspect polluted air is drawn from the outside via rafters. So next project up is activated carbon fume extractor, neighbors will sure appreciate it (unknowingly). And now for the dillema - which new laser machine to buy... 500300 unit is readily available for ~2200$ at the door from US seller. But for 2000+ customs fees I could get 700500 from China. that's a very nice working area to have, however I will need to figure how I'm going to get a 200lbs crate home from the airport. Clearance house asks funny amount for that last leg.
  23. grip looks awesome, but me at least I'm waiting for some more details, like what will you attach this to, what else you have built and planned for your pit.
  24. now i know that it's no really what OP looking for, but strangely enough i was going through my old documents and found a sketch i drew back in 2006 , at that time i just got my first LCD panel monitor, a whooping 19" one. this desk never fully materialized as flight station - i really needed a normal desk., left console was never complete and the surface for bottom monitor was quickly changed into ordinary flat.
  25. no first hand experience, but somehow i did not come across much positive things said about x-55. instead i would get a preowned x-52pro (or non pro) and see how long your interest will last. by then you might save up some funds for the TMWH + pedals. i simmed for some time without TIR, getting used to it was awkward , but now i can't imagine flying without it. its somehow instilled its own reflexes, friends were looking funny at me doing strange moves with my head while i fruitlessly try to look around flying the BF3 hornet. not necessarily day 1 buy however, you will survive without it... for a little bit. cougar MFD is compatible and nice to have, but i would put it lower in the priority list , only after TIR and pedals. you said budget cockpit, you mean more like desk based simming station perhaps?
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