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Everything posted by markturner1960

  1. Although important to note that in all those tests, the weather is fairly benign and the performance is still degraded? ? I noticed that changing the weather from a sunny windy day preset, to a thunderstorm, I was losing perhaps 20 - 30 % performance as measured purely by FPS in 2D. It cant just be the weather eye candy that is the issue, ( although its a shame that these improvements all come at a price that negates significant outlays in hardware etc). I am curious as to why the devs were promising improvements in VR performance, when no one is seeing this and usually, a decrease? Were they seeing something different? Why advertise something they had not been able to achieve otherwise? They must have found some improvements and been excited enough about it to advertise it in advance of the patch........
  2. Still getting this despite a re install and the beta 2.8...can anyone help please? 2022-10-31 14:09:54.108 INFO EDCORE (Main): try to write dump information 2022-10-31 14:09:54.109 INFO EDCORE (Main): # -------------- 20221031-140955 -------------- 2022-10-31 14:09:54.109 INFO EDCORE (Main): DCS/ (x86_64; Windows NT 10.0.19045) 2022-10-31 14:09:54.110 INFO EDCORE (Main): C:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\dx11backend.dll 2022-10-31 14:09:54.111 INFO EDCORE (Main): # C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 1FE848E4 00:00000000 2022-10-31 14:09:54.111 INFO EDCORE (Main): SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;C:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta;C:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin;C:\windows;C:\windows\system32;SRV*C:\websymbols*https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols;', symOptions: 528, UserName: 'mark' what does the error say about the likely cause? Is it internal to the main DCS folder, or possibly something in the saved games?
  3. update.... if you download the beta, you get 2.8, they just have not changed the website text....
  4. Thanks, can someone explain what the text signifies that appears when you hover the mouse over parts of the graph? I get "Name, frame , simulation and present" In the upper graph, I see FPS & Then "T" - what is T?
  5. Dont think so...anyway, I guess I can download a fresh version and then update it, should give same result.... Thanks!
  6. Hi, rather than doing an update, I want to download the fresh version complete....it does not appear to be available on the website?
  7. Is there a requirement to re install ( or uninstall first) openXr from DCS before or after a DCS update?
  8. Hi, thanks, but I only turned that off the day before, I was duplicating settings from TIm Davies (FJP) who runs the server I fly on ( Shadowlands) and uses Tacview a lot for the school. I 100% have the same issue with it checked. There was nothing else in the long that looked wrong? Thanks again.
  9. Well not sure what you mean, I dont need to add any deadzones to mine - it works fine? The way I have it set up, I dont need to apply maximum force, indeed, have it dialled down to less than half...its all controlled very easily with small and fairly light hand movements & pressure.....I have not disassembled either so cant say anything about how it is built, but everything that I can see and work has a nice quality feel to it and I have not had any issues with any of my Winwing products. I have had both Realsimulator and Winwing versions, and while my RS stuff has been physically reliable and extremely well made, I have battled many issues with the bluetooth, understanding the software well enough to use it easily that have detracted from using it. Have to say their support is good, but for me, the more "Plug & play" aspect of winwing product is attractive. Cost is not that different in total, I think my winwing came to approx £500 ( stick and base), while the RS version would be approx double that. Of course, its a given that anything hand made in small numbers in Europe is always going to be more expensive than a Chinese version....
  10. Hi , I am trying to track down a problem with Tacview and was advised to check my log file for errors, on doing so, I can see many many many entries about not being able to load various controllers.....all my peripherals are fine and working as they should, is this normal? And if so out of interest, why are they logged as being unable to load? Thanks! dcs.log
  11. Hi, wonder if someone can help identify why tacview is not recording? I have checked all settings with squad buddies, checked the export.lua, searched on my pc for possible other locations of the files all as per the FAQ, but to no avail. I have the standard version. let me know what information you need to diagnose. It used to work, I did a reinstall and it’s not worked since…… Here is latest log file dcs.log
  12. They should make sure there is an alternative to getting useful information like this - plenty of people , including me, dont want to go anywhere near it........
  13. Hi all, OK< I have an update, the extension came today and I have installed it and its a great recommendation from me. It gives a lot more nuanced control and of course amplifies the actual physical displacement as well as giving more leverage which also helps. I have dialled the slider back to middle position, around 20% mix and increased the force %age on the axis to about 60% on the pitch and 50% on the roll. This feels very good in flight, so if you are considering buying this product, I would say get the extension as well, to maximise your options...
  14. Hi Immel, this has been a recommended "thing" for running DCS in VR for a while, interesting that it also applies to 2D in your case.
  15. Yeah I set mine up so they were alongside, but in a vertical row, so only added 800 to the width, giving 10,454,400 pixels (4640 x 2160) over the 8,294,400 of the normal monitor resolution. He does not give details of his windows display settings and the .lua file so we dont know.... If he puts them underneath, its 11,243,520, as opposed to at the side vertically at 10,506,240....every little helps!! I think he said he has a 3090 now as well.....
  16. I feel your pain mate...! Do you have a mate or something you can borrow a monitor from to test out? As Guppy says, its not DCS, stepping stutters like that generally indicate significantly less FPS than 60......I would say well under twenty. In a way though, you dont need to physically get another monitor to test - I can tell you for example that 60 & 60 on my system is perfect......hopefully someone with a 120hz main screen can chip in with their experience. You should try and see if you can replicate the panning issue on the WW monitors though, as if its not present, that will tell you that at least its not 60Hz causing the issue.
  17. Am going to say it again though, you state: it is still stutters and not smooth. and that is because a 60hz refresh rate makes any game less smooth than a monitor at 120 or 144hz. I just have to insist, that is not the case for me. I have zero stutters and its completely and perfectly smooth......Not disputing that you can tell the difference on your system between 60 & 144, but I remain to be convinced that your issue is caused by the 60hz. Running DCS on a 60hz refresh monitor will not cause it to stutter and perform badly per se. Do the winwing monitor displays exhibit the stutter? Or is it just the main screen?
  18. OK, so went through the bindings for the keyboard, deleted any that corresponded to required keys on the KU and then programmmed these3 keys in the KU section to the equivilants on the keyboard. Job done, I can now plug in a mini keyboard and use it physically like a KU unit, without any conflicts. Thanks for the help and suggestions along the way!!
  19. Would it be a problem in DCS, if I simply deleted the keyboard bindings? I mean clear all the keyboard control bindings…….For example, you used the IHADDS binding as an example, as long as the function is bound to a button, it does not need a key bind on the keyboard does it?
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