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Everything posted by Woogey

  1. The question is.... The question is......Why would you not want to add more detail to the map? Number one, that has now become a landmark, easily referenced from the air. Number two, the original source files for the needed 3d buildings will work for all renderers, textures only need to be changed. the Scenery SDK is already available.
  2. The problem with Helios, is 1) Gadroc hasn't done anything with it for a while. 2) it doesn't support all the aircraft. If I can set it so a Hud only view is on my big monitor, then a front panel view only on the 23" touchscreen I would have it made! Snap views eh? I'll check it out thank you. -Woog
  3. Hello Gentlemen (And Lady) Hey I was wondering if there is a way to display a Locked view of the Instrument panel from a level, dead center position? I would like to use a touch screen to replicate many different aircraft in one "Multi-use" pit. I do not like the odd angles that the 3D pit gives when looking down into it. I do like the shadows and textures of the 3d pit however. How wold one go about moving the camera position down into the cockpit, to look at all the instruments in a more direct, Head on view. This view should be standard with all the aircraft. Then once I am in that position, how do I save it so that I may hit a "HotKey" and go directly to that view? Any Help would be greatly appreciated! -Woog
  4. Within the current game engine, could a multi-engine, cargo/troop carrier type aircraft even be modelled as a primary module? What makes it so difficult to share a single airframe over the net in DCS? C-130 has surely got to be at the top of somebodies development list. Captain Sim where you at?
  5. I missed the price somewhere along the line? Where are you shipping from Deadman?
  6. Hi Iinden, My name is Woogey, pleased to meet you. I see that your panel run is closed. That does not necesarily mean that all panels are accounted for. Do you have anything left? PLEASE PM ME! Or alternatively, you can e-mail me at P.Woog1@Gmail.com Thanks for your time sir, - Preston "Woogey" Martin
  7. The great thing about the Eagle, Hornet, and the Harrier, is they all use the same stick grip! (With very minor mods/differences)
  8. Hey Pit, You have another customer waiting in line! lol It's funny how we all must walk a fine line between the real world, and the Digital one. I guess you could say that this hobby does it's best to merge the two together huh? Anyway, Very interested in a UFC. And any other panels you may build. PM me or E-mail me at P.Woog1@Gmail.com Thanks, Preston "Woogey" Martin
  9. X-plane sucks. The first thing I look at is accuracy. All of there aircraft look like crap. Whoever does there 3D modeling is not being overseen by QA. The shapes are all wrong. If only ED could get a "World Map" operational......... I had this idea to create this cloud covered world where as you purchase new map packs, these areas would be "unclouded." Anywhere that is open water could be left as a visible area.
  10. @ Antonov225 The Bering straights all the Way! I have posted this elsewhere in the forums, Alaska Vs. Siberia. Perfect classic battle map. Naval battles, open tundra, mountains, and forests. An energy crises fuels a battle for resources. Classic plot line. An as stated perfect for tactical airlifters.
  11. "The Med" I agree that the Med would be outstanding! On the flipside, a very large area with MANY cities, countries, and varied terrain. Nevada has taken so long, already, and it is one city and a dessert. Although I would love to see the Med, Maybe something a wee bit smaller, like say The Falklands? Maybe San Clemente and San Diego? Cuba and some of Latin America? I do like the Med Idea though!
  12. Back to the ole' Russia vs. USA fallback. I think a Siberia/ Alaska campaign should be high on the list of Future map packs. Just think from the modeling stand point, Wide open terrain with very little buildings to model. Small towns here and there on both sides. A couple "major" cities. There are Good military bases on both sides of the Straight. A naval campaign is very do-able. Oil fields to fight over, Natural resources. Tundra, Mountains, and forests. If Alaska as a whole could be mapped, cites, villages and refineries could be developed as third party/ userfile addons. General aviation traffic (Bush planes, and such) could be the first entries into the civilian market, (for an added sense of immersion). As an American, I would be very interested in exploring the Siberian countryside. Countless possibilities.
  13. I have not been able to successfully run DCS world. Although I have only tried a training mission. After clicking on DCS World single player, I have tried multiple time to go to the training section. Every time it goes to the loading screen, then nothing. I have the splash image with clouds and a HUD. I have loading music. However it never progresses past this point. The longest I have waited was 30 min. Any solutions?
  14. Could we just limit the downward travel of the VC view, so that it would not drop below the Canopy rail/Glare Screen? This way the 6 DOF would still work as intended, but without the redundant Panel.
  15. Scenery Request Although We would all like to have scenery for our corner of the world, I think realistic areas of conflict should be modeled first and foremost. Iraq, and Afghanistan are a givin, But my top picks have a little more interesting terrain. I have four different scenery/scenario requests: 1) Cairo-Suez Canal-Israel 2) Falklands Redeux 3) Siberia-Bering Straights-Alaska 4) Cuba-Florida. I also enjoy carrier ops, so this is a primary factor in my choices.
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