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Everything posted by Zeus67

  1. It tries to load a markpoint, but there are none when the mission starts.
  2. Folks, there is a bug in the INS when starting cold and dark. After aligning, the INS can get stuck in an invalid steerpoint and cannot be moved from it. The bug is fixed on development and will be available on next release, but until then it is advised that you start with the aircraft HOT ON THE RAMP or ON THE RUNWAY.
  3. When the radar is in low altitude mode, the search antenna stops working. Only the tracking antenna work and that does not display anything on the scope. The radar basically turns itself into a gunnery radar. BY the way, setting the radar back to STANDBY for about 3 minutes will cool it down so it can operate again.
  4. Will check and fix
  5. Bug fixes in the first post
  6. We'll check this issue.
  7. Gauge faces are not translated, only the labels.
  8. Changed to MiG-15 for the time being.
  9. Thread is being closed and moved to Completed Bugs. Any discussion refer to this thread: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=233759
  10. Yes, clicking the switch from FAR to NEAR and vice versa toggles between those two frequencies.
  11. Zeus67

    Bug Section

    Folks. several bug threads have been merged, not deleted, because they refer to the same problem/bug. Case in point the several keybind, missing animation bug threads.
  12. ASP-5 sets itself to AG mode when selecting Bombs or Rockets, all other selections are AA.
  13. Fixed
  14. Hi, Please send the DCS.log file. You can find it at Saved GAmes/<DCS version>/Logs
  15. The ARK-5 does not have presets. The frequencies values in the ME are used to pre-tune the ARK-5 to those values. If you move the tuning handle, those frequencies are lost. I set that option as a help for quickly using the ARK-5, specially when a mission starts in the air and you have to land on an airport. So instead of looking for the airport's beacons frequencies, the ARK-5 is already tuned to them. But, if you tune to another frequency, those ME frequencies are lost.
  16. I am still looking for a way to optimize it. I have ideas for other radar equipped aircrafts to use this function as well.
  17. Just the K-13A (R-3S)
  18. There is a thread for requesting keybinds in the main MiG-19 forum.
  19. Track please.
  20. The problem is finding reliable sounds that are close to how the original engines sounded. It is a very old aircraft and there are almost no films of it, except for some propaganda that have loud background music.
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