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Everything posted by Zeus67

  1. Right Instruments Panel: ACNIP panel, below the AUX radio receiver.
  2. Please attach log file.
  3. Check the AUX volume knob setting. It controls the volume for both Sidewinder and Sidearm tones..
  4. We'll check. Thanks.
  5. Hello folks, I'm replying the following post: https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3380639&postcount=1 The complain about CCIP are basically these: 1. The CCIP impact point ("the cross") drops below the HUD's Field-Of-View (FOV). 2. The CCIP has a solid line, instead of dashed. 3. The "LIMITED CCIP" cue, an horizontal bar that moves from the CCIP impact point towards the Velocity Vector (VV), does not appear. 4. CCIP converting to AUTO at release time, by pressing the pickle. My reply is this: 1. CCIP to AUTO conversion was included several updates ago. Now if you press the pickle during CCIP, the impact point is saved by the system as a target point allowing you to fly back and hit the same place either by CCIP or AUTO. 2. Drawing a dashed line is, believe it or not, complex. Specially since the line is a vector drawn by DCS on real time. 1 and 3 are related. It is hard to make the calculations for the "LIMITED CCIP" horizontal bar. I worked on it several times, but the development was taking so long that I pushed it to the end of the queue until there was some free time available to deal with it. By my calculations that feature will require 3 or more weeks of exclusive development time. The lack of these features do not affect CCIP accuracy in any way or form.
  6. Hi folks. We got the warning and checked the code. The interval fix introduced a bug that tells the system that the bombs have been released as soon as you press the pickle for release consent when in AUTO. The bug has been fixed and sent to ED for release. It is now in the release queue.
  7. New updates folks.
  8. The 4 dashed lines indicate that the bombs have been released. They should disappear as soon as you release the pickle.
  9. It is just our implementation of ground clutter. DCS still does not have a ground mapping radar.
  10. New updates folks.
  11. We will check this issue.
  12. New updates on first post.
  13. Folks, I've been warned that in the recent OB update if you try to use Autostart DCS CTDs as soon as the Battery is switched On. This is caused by a missing device. Please replace the device_init.lua in Mods/aircraft/AV8BNA/Cockpit with the attached file. The correct file will be in the next update. I'm awfully sorry for this. We've been testing the bug fixes that we are receiving and somehow this test version went into release. device_init.lua
  14. Thanks for all the information but at this time we are stuck with the simple radio control panel that is in the first post. It does not matter what capabilities the radio has. What matters is what the pilot is able to do with the radio and in this case he can only select between 6 channels, control de volume, select what he wants to hear in his headphones and enable/disable the squelch.
  15. Unfortunately I cannot read Cyrillic nor do I know Russian. :'( I am not sure if DCS supports a 4 digit aircraft number.
  16. We will model what is available in the cockpit. As you can see, only the preselect channels, power switch, audio output selector and volume control are available. The pilot has no way to manually change the RSIU-4V frequencies. That was a design decision by Mikoyan, not us.
  17. The MiG-19 series used the RSIU-4V radio transceiver. Its frequency range is between 100 to 150 MHz in the 2 to 3 meter band. Its range is: Up to 1000 meters (3,280 feet) altitude: 120Kms (65 nmiles). At 5000 meters (16,400 feet) altitude: 230 Km (124 nmiles). At 10,000 meters (32,800 feet) altitude: 350Kms (189 nmiles). As you can see it lacks any capability for manual frequency selection. Although you can store 6 preset frequencies (via Mission Editor) for use while in flight. IMO, this makes sense because the MiG-19's (any version) cockpit is an extremely busy environment. You have to operate multiple switches all the time when you need to enable/disable anything. If you are using easy comms, the radio will self tune to the selected frequency. If you are not using easy comms, the only frequencies available are those in the preset channel. Plan your mission accordingly. One interesting thing is that the audio output can be switched between radio communications or the ADF's NDB station identity morse code.
  18. This is a 2nd generation radar, basically one step above a gunnery radar. So, no. It does not have IFF. The MiG-19P does have an early IFF transponder. It was so secret that it even has a self-destruct button.
  19. Flight Model status has been added to the first post.
  20. Damage table is enabled. It is based on the collision model.
  21. Pending items are on the first post, folks.
  22. LMAO. No, the gauge is named M-2000.
  23. That is out of our hands.
  24. Any attempt at derailing any discussion will be dealt with.
  25. A few high altitude images of Caucasus courtesy of MiG-19P tests.
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