Hello folks,
I'm replying the following post:
The complain about CCIP are basically these:
1. The CCIP impact point ("the cross") drops below the HUD's Field-Of-View (FOV).
2. The CCIP has a solid line, instead of dashed.
3. The "LIMITED CCIP" cue, an horizontal bar that moves from the CCIP impact point towards the Velocity Vector (VV), does not appear.
4. CCIP converting to AUTO at release time, by pressing the pickle.
My reply is this:
1. CCIP to AUTO conversion was included several updates ago. Now if you press the pickle during CCIP, the impact point is saved by the system as a target point allowing you to fly back and hit the same place either by CCIP or AUTO.
2. Drawing a dashed line is, believe it or not, complex. Specially since the line is a vector drawn by DCS on real time.
1 and 3 are related. It is hard to make the calculations for the "LIMITED CCIP" horizontal bar. I worked on it several times, but the development was taking so long that I pushed it to the end of the queue until there was some free time available to deal with it. By my calculations that feature will require 3 or more weeks of exclusive development time.
The lack of these features do not affect CCIP accuracy in any way or form.