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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Thank you, Silverdevil. Okay, i do that.
  2. Hello, I play DCS stable version and MT version. 2.9. The game stop at world preload 1/60 and crash after. Proc I5 4650 - 8 GO - Nvidia GTX 760 - Windows 10. Is it i change totaly the computer ? Thank you. Here is dcs log dcs.log
  3. This way : https://www.google.com/search?q=Taxi+flanker+2.0&rlz=1C1MSIM_enFR614FR614&biw=1024&bih=657&tbm=vid&ei=wB_ZY7C0L9rFkdUP9au40A0&ved=0ahUKEwiwlI3m_PH8AhXaYqQEHfUVDto4ChDh1QMIDQ&uact=5&oq=Taxi+flanker+2.0&gs_lcp=Cg1nd3Mtd2l6LXZpZGVvEAMyCAghEKABEMMEOgUIABCiBDoKCCEQoAEQwwQQClCDBlj5DWC7EWgAcAB4AIABlwGIAb4GkgEDMS42mAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz-video#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:6578e55c,vid:c4IhflkzDZs and 3Dpilot go to the ladder and cockpit ( F1 and F2 view fusion ).
  4. A DCS Su27UB module as a flight training aircraft would be good and not necessarily with the radar and weapon system. Just for formation flying etc like the L39
  5. For me it would be an animated 3D pilot going up and down from the cockpit without going through the F2 views to F1 ... and airport animations and a briefing room on the ground. Happy New Year everyone
  6. Hello, it's planned for soon ? : )))
  7. Nice Cumulonimbus but it's a very large cloud ... 3D performance , RAM etc ...?
  8. Video DCS cloud and F18 https://www.facebook.com/100024914107573/videos/pcb.3664051630297728/834930244014105
  9. Yes source artwork steam dcs : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1435508390
  10. Hi, Download : https://virpil.com/en/news/58-vpc-airfield-equipment-dlya-dcs-world But .... https://forums.eagle.ru/topic/225385-dcs-256-and-vpc-airfield-equipment/
  11. Not 2011. It's an video archive IT Developer Flanker 2.0 in 1997 about ... yes, 23 years ago :smartass:
  12. Indianapolis CA 35 and B29 / Hiroshima / Nagasaki 1945. Bomb loading pit 1, 2 at Tinian : https://www.google.fr/maps/@15.0837133,145.635272,483m/data=!3m1!1e3
  13. Very good ... but do you feel radio activity ? Somebody can to model it ? .. radiation level in atmosphere and consequence under material and electronic, in the DCSworld ? ;)
  14. F16, yesss !!!... But, it's when a DCS Su 27 hard core module ? ... For Red Team ;) Nice video :)
  15. Hi Dcs World / ED will use Vulkan/Kronos or Ray tracing ( RTX ) 3D technology, in the futur ?... Thanks :)
  16. En fait j'ai 31,7 Go ... je crois que je vais devoir investir dans un SSD de 1To. Merci Axelerator :)
  17. Bonjour, Il me reste 30,5 Go de place disponible sur mon SSD, es ce que si je télécharge que DCS World 2.5 seulement, c'est ok ? ... merci. :)
  18. Nick Grey and Igor Anatolievich Tishin ..
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