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Everything posted by FanBoy2006.01

  1. What?!?!?! I gave six reasons (From the pictures.) why I think it's fake. If this footage are real, with what's-his-face standing next to it, then I think it is a mockup for propaganda purposes. Either a attempt to fool their enemies or their own population or both. Also you can clearly see the body is made from some molded white stuff that is painted over (Cockpit photo.). Plus te surface is uneven on the nose?!?!?! The USAF are scared that small dents caused by their ground crews will affect their stealth capability so they have new tools and procedures for maintenance; but this thing is uneven from the get-go. Oh yeah that is no ejection seat. That thing is a one way ride to where 72 virgins stay.
  2. You said it. That canopy is really cheap. Also if you look at some of the photos closely it looks like it was made from layers of fiber-glass! Also why is the signs of the aircraft all in English? Why is nothing printed in Arabic abjad? Clearly this is fake. Well just looked at cockpit on page 2. Clearly looks like fiber-glass body. Also, aircraft skin doesn't look like it consists of panels. Not even for maintenance. And there is no visible places for sensors on this whole thing. No navigation lights. And lastly control surfaces does not look like they are designed for supersonic flight.
  3. That would be great! I have just started flying the Su 27 (MiG 29C and F 15C are my favorites.). I think allot of people would be interested because the Su 27 and 33 is very popular. Unfortunately I can not help you with rating the aircraft; but I can offer you some idea on how to find out. Back when I started studying again I only had LOCKON and not Flaming Cliffs 1. Sometimes when my computer would be on while I was busy with unimportant stuff. So I decided to make something to entertain myself. I would create simple missions with AI only aircraft and let them fight it out to see who is the winner. Usually 4 against 4, same altitude, head on and with so big a separation that neither parties could shoot at the beginning of the mission and that they have to close on each other. I found that for BVR the one that shoots first would usually win; because it would force the other party to go defensive. Sometimes with SARH missiles the defensive party might even break the lock on the enemy and waste their first shots. This was for LOCKON Patch version 2. For instance. I found that the Mirage 2000 (MICA Radar) would beat MiG 29A (R27R); but would loose to MiG 29C (R-77). The F14 (AIM-54) was the best with MiG 31 (R-33) second. I think this will not be the same for FC2 anymore. What was also interesting was that an F14 with AIM-54s and AIM-9s would fare better that one with Aim-54s, AIM-7s and AIM-9s. I think that was because at some stage the F 14 with AIM-7s also would use them over the AIM-54s that was still onboard if the distance is close enough. My conclusions where that the missile with the longest range would be the deciding factor. But ECM would play a role as well (Su 27 (R-27ER) without ECM would loose to F 15 (AIM 120) but SU 27 (R-27ER) with ECM would beat F 15 (AIM 120) - NB I am not sure about this point though.). What I did for for WVR was that I would place two aircraft at the same speed and at the same altitude, heading in the same direction with a little bit of horizontal separation. I would arm them with the same armament I would give them for BFR (A realistic mix of the best missiles that the aircraft can carry.). Horizontal distance was arbitrary and I did not take corner speed into account. The speed I chose was usually 900km/h. I can not remember what I got for WVR. But I think Mirage 2000 (MICA IR) and F 5 (AIM 9M) and MiG 29 (R73) was the top 3. This last statement could be completely off. I think I dropped the Su 27's feul to half. It was only for kicks so I did pay allot of attention to the outcome. Something interesting I also found was if you take two similar aircraft with similar loads and fuel (I did this with Su 27 only.), the one that is gaining altitude in the merge usually defeats the one that is descending. In conclusion I think you for both WVR and BVR you can just sort the aircraft from easy to hard according to how difficult they are for you to beat them. As for F 16 versus F/A 18. I am intrigued. PS. Skill level was set the same of course.
  4. @Swift. I just stumbled on this topic. I want to add my two cents; but I have not read all the posts. So I don't know if it had been said before. I do not believe that violence is all bad. There is such a thing as contextual violence. I also do not understand how one could say he/she is a pacifist. The vast majority of us all do not go around harming others. Clearly that makes us pacifists. But does that mean you will be a pacifist in all situations? No. If you see an innocent person being harmed, would you not do something to stop it? I am talking about an legal action here (Non-violent or violent.), like calling the police or even self-defense. This bring me to simulation games. I try to act within the law when I play these games. Nowadays most military games (Simulation level or not.) punish you in some form when you break the law. To me role playing games and other action games (Like Hitman.) are much worse. Here your side is the right side no matter what you do. I was in the military (SANDF) and I do have a little knowledge about military law. Violence is a terrible thing; but if no law-abiding citizens act violently in a lawful manner (Like the police.) when warranted, society would collapse. I have read allot about wars over the years. I personally have seen many causes in the past which I would have been willing to go to war for. Also, in simulation games you train to use certain equipment in that game. If you look at it like that then you would realize that it really doesn't matter on whose side you are on. Why? In Red Flag for instance there is aggressor squadrons that "fight" against their own military as a training aid. If in a simulation you are playing on a side you do not agree with, it serves an instrumental purpose to yourself and others (In the case of multilayer.) beyond entertainment. You said the thing that bothers you is basically "hurting" others. "When I see an armored vehicle on fire, I can not stop thinking about the crew inside." Then I suggest you should get a "mental trigger". That means: At what point will I go over and use "lethal force" in-game. Well for me it is the same a the law of my country. Think of it this way: He got a weapon. He is coming my way and he is willing to use it on me and others. In the case of military transport, comms, etc: They are aiding their side by supplying their combatants with the means of killing our people. In the case of medical vehicles: They take care of their injured. Under law I can not fire at them. Etc. Lastly. Do not think in the terms of: It is either him or me. Rather think that if you do not stop him, others will get hurt. So: It is either him or my friends.
  5. Actually. I heard years ago (Before 2001.) that back then the USA was already the country with the highest dept in the world. Clearly war will always been economically bad for a country; but there are other factors involved. Western nations just have bad economical policy. That is not the only reason though. So my statement is a gross oversimplification. Here in South Africa we are much better. Except that our government is stealing the budget and mismanaging that which they couldn't steal.:thumbup:
  6. Don't know if this have been posted here yet or not... Here's Gripen in South African advertisement. PS This was made by feminists. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSvoG78g4C8
  7. When the USA sneezes, the rest of the word gets a cold. When China test their handgun, the rest of the world reaches for theirs.
  8. Is this for real? If so, I think it should give the anti-Raptor media in the USA a reason to STFU!
  9. This has been stated before. By pushing for FC3, Eagle Dynamics has given us the fastest option for a battlefield with many player-controllable platforms. If they went for say: DCS MiG 29C; then we would have ended up with a unbalanced sim. This way both sides can put up a fight in air-to-air and air-to-ground.
  10. Understood. But I would like constructive criticism rather than bash other people's work. I have seen it so many times before. I am feeling the ripples right now from a situation where a coworker left my department (That is already understaffed.) because other people continuously insulted his work although he was very good at it. Now some guys complain and imply that people should not support Eagle Dynamics. It must be extremely demoralizing to get this attitude for your work.
  11. Nah. Why don't we just b!t@h about other people's hard work and moan like little spoiled brats when we don't get whant we want immediately.
  12. No it will be like a 8/10 girl amongst 10/10 girls. To me, what Eagle dynamics is doing is making perfect sense. If you think that they are doing a "half ass" job, why don't you create a DCS quality F15C for us? We all would buy it.
  13. It looks to me that the helicopter's “back is broken”. It can probably not be controlled. Yes and the poor pilot probably burned alive.
  14. I find that on LSD you have to move the slider completely to the left to play; because it gets to hectic with all the fire breathing dragons and smurfs chucking hatchets at you!:shocking:
  15. I drew it for you so you can see. It usually appears after you take two hits of LSD.:prop:
  16. Yes. But you can still see enemy radar signal strength. So you can guess when the other guy is able to launch.
  17. Hey. I got a question to all. When you are in the NEZ of a modern missile like Amraam, is it possible to outmaneuver it (In real life and in game.)? Let me explain my question. I want to know if when you fly a contemporary aircraft like Mig29, Su27, F15, etc, will you be able to change acceleration, position and altitude so dramatically that you can dodge an amraam in the NEZ. I don't play alot. The single time I played online I was able to dodge missles comming head on by jinking violently and dropping chaff. Off-line is another story (I have missle slider set to full.). I have not been able to dodge an amraam by trying to outmaneuver it. This is great. I like the fact that the Eagle is so damn deadly. But I would like to know if there is a way to survive in the NEZ. Off the point here. When I got FC2 and flew against AI F15 the first time I noticed that I only get launch warning once the amraam goes active. That is so freaking awsome! Thank you Eagle Dynamics for incorperating this!:thumbup:
  18. "F-16, F-15 or F-18 its the only possibility for the next,..." I would be glad if we get any of these. But I would prefer F15E over F15C because it's multirole. Then Russian fast jet. That would be the best for multi player.
  19. Personally, I realy like the looks of the A7 (And A8.). I like the intake that looks like a gaping mouth of a predator. A7 has a great combat history as well.
  20. Man, if they make any +- Mach 2 fighter up to the quality of Black Shark 1, I will be p1$$ing in my pants! ... But in a good way.:thumbup:
  21. Hope the 16 000 police make a diference tonight. To all you over there; stay save.
  22. I hope your wife doesn't check your credit card purchasses. If she does (I assume you left a paper trail when you bought it.) you will be in a "danger close" situation. If not hide the box and other stuff it comes with and get ridd of your old stick. This way it might go unnoticed. Also. Remember marrage is not unlike warfare; disinformation is your friend.:thumbup:
  23. Ah crap. Just heard he was asked to surrender. He died bravely.
  24. It just shows me he was full of BS. Let his men fight the fight and die while he sits back in luxury. Know they are probably going to make out like he fought to the end and that he is a martyr to his cause. But in fact he was probably taken out from a distance by sniper while US special forces stormed his little "home away from home".
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