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Everything posted by killerwhale

  1. Yeah I'd like to know this as well. it is almost the end of the year. is this coming?
  2. Thanks for the reply, but can you see targets with your targeting pod while in VR? and read texts of the instruments?
  3. can you see objects with your MFCDs in the A10 or Skval in the case of the Ka-50? well I cant when in VR and that pretty much makes gaming in vr with gtx 970 useless. my system is i7 4790k 16GB RAM and GTX 970 vr here in DCS is out of reach unless I upgrade my video card, which is what I think anyway? I'm using Lenovo explorer, could this be my problem? or the video card!
  4. it is not cool such a great game, especially with the improved terrains. Well I hope in the future they will implement this.
  5. Are we going to see something like the upcoming tank crew for il-2. the current module is great but the potential for improvement is enticing. I think ED should focus on ground gameplay and put on hold the air campaign. they should start working on simulated tank and vehicle modules. What do you think?
  6. how can you remember all these shortcuts and none of them make sense, at least in the a10c, the shortcuts made sense and you knew what you needed to do, but this vehicle makes no sense. this is by far the most difficult and dissapointing
  7. it is on steam, is not the steam version 1.5?
  8. Question, Ok now DCS NTTR is available on steam, so does this mean both maps, the caucuses and nttr can be played on the same version of the game. or as I understand, steam will by default install the dcs 1.5 version with the caucases map only unless you manually opt-in to the alpha version which only includes the NTTR map
  9. killerwhale


    Hello everyone if NTTR is available for Steam dcs 1.5 version, why isnt available for the standalone dcs 1.5?
  10. I don't want Nevada anymore, quiet useless for a map or a theatre
  11. Thanks for the replies, a bit off topic but is it possible to trade modules.
  12. killerwhale


    Hi everyone, so I'm wondering why is the caucuses map not available on DCS 2. I mean I dont know which to stick with. I have to switch in between the steam version and the standalone to play what I want. that is quiet frustrating. I hear there will be a merger, shouldnt that be a priority # 1 instead of working on other projects and is this merger nearing at all?
  13. Sorry this probably is unrelated but i'm new to this thing, so I understand when playing the Georgia map, you always start with +0 when entering coordinants since Georgia is both North and East. Now that I'm playing the Nevada map, how do you enter coordinants. Since USA is both North and West, should you begin with 0+ for North -1 For the west?
  14. when is this darn thing coming to steam, tired of waiting for it.
  15. why aren't they fixing this? are they even aware of it? it makes playing the A10c useless
  16. Hello, the oculus Rift DK2 is abviously very expensive $1000+. will this product work just as fine? Samsung Gear VR - Virtual Reality Headset (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B016OFYGXQ)
  17. everything is hot turning the flir, everything seems hot and thus difficult to see your target, any help?
  18. Hi and thanks for the reply, but where is the PTS switch, is it the same as PTR ?
  19. Hello, I see that the ADI has a red mark on it and it probably is pointing to a problem. how can I fix it?
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