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About NeMoGas

  • Birthday 11/30/1870

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  1. No I spend probably 90% of my time as CPG and for me the IAT works fine. The issue is seen by my friend in the pilot seat. He sees what the OP describes. I have seen this behavior when he is CPG and I'm the pilot also. It's a strange desync that occurs pretty often along with another one where I try to IAT a target but miss getting the cross on target when I press the button. On his end he sees the IAT gates tracking the target but on my end I'm not tracking anything. That's probably a different issue though.
  2. Me and a friend have this issue every time we play. Usually we just re-track over and over until it stops drifting. This has been an issue ever since IAT was released as far as I remember. Getting a functional track can be difficult when you have the issue in a large MP server a few hours into the session.
  3. Now with 2.9 when using binoculars in a ground unit you can no longer steer, accelerate or brake. Before you could still drive the tank as if you were the commander issuing commands.
  4. I have had the modifiers disappear for me also. What I do to avoid this is click rescan and then click cancel (the rescan will still happen). If you click on ok it will save the controls and sometimes it saves them without your modifiers or completely unbound.
  5. Cargo view no longer works for me as well
  6. Np, thanks for the advice.
  7. The only issue is, it's mounted outside the aircraft on the tail
  8. This bug happens to me all the time with all modules. It seems to be caused by my joystick or pedals (both VirPil) however I know others who have had this issue with other brands of hardware. The quick fix for me is to unplug either of those 2 peripherals after I boot the game up if I experience this and need to change keybinds. Obviously if the control you want to change is the one causing the issues you're kinda SOL. No other game has ever had this issue so I would assume it's a DCS bug and not an issue with my peripherals. Also if you notice it start to bog down when you open the controls menu immediately click cancel and if you are fast enough you can back out before it fully locks up. I have also noticed if you can switch to the axis assignment section from the drop down fast enough it seems to also not freeze. Perhaps there is some bug when on the default "all but axis" page in the controls menu.
  9. Wipers on the Hind remove rain.
  10. The laser in MP updates at a very slow rate. This is not just an Apache issue, it's an issue when buddy lasing in anything. Me and another player have tested this a lot and even when lasing from an A10 for an Apache the laser skips around and does not smoothly track the target. This is visible if the player in the A10 has both the designator and IR pointer on at the same time and the Apache pilot is under NVGs. Videos and tracks were provided to the appropriate people as far as I know.
  11. +1 Immersion ruined!
  12. Thanks I will have to see about using that instead of joy2key. I would still love to see this as a native option in DCS though.
  13. I would like to request the option to assign the triggers on the left and right handgrips to be assignable to an axis such as the triggers on an Xbox controller. If we could have this option it would remove the requirement to run a 3rd party program like joy2key. This would also allow both the first and second stage detents to be used without the strange behavior you see in joy2key when you release and it fires the first detent again shooting another missile. This request was already asked for but that thread seems to have disappeared and searching through all my previous posts did not find it. Thanks
  14. Nothing, I usually have SRS up and am also in a discord voice chat. I don't use a microphone so text is how I communicate with my team and crew. Sometimes I'll throw a little robot voice in there to spice it up but text chat is more convenient for me.
  15. In multiplayer we can already select from "all" chat or "allies" chat when we open the chat window. I would like to request a third option for use when playing in multicrew aircraft with a friend. This could perhaps be labeled "Crew" and maybe the text chat would appear green or something along those lines. This way when I'm using the text chat channel I'm not clogging up my teams text chat box. Not a super important thing but one that would be a nice quality of life thing for me and others who use text chat in MC often. Thanks for your consideration.
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