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Everything posted by Kaptein_Damli

  1. Did you use Modman to install the "Loreload" mod? Personally I have tried Loreload, and I know there are different versions of it out. There is one that uses the mod but someone made it works in all seasons. I also remember to have tried one that is more fps friendly on lower system. It was called enchanced loreload or something. Look for them in www.lockonfiles.com. I never remember any jaggies or shimmering like you when I used the Loreload mod. Here is a video I made with the mod. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPx7dU8xM50&feature=channel_page I can´t remember I had any issues with this mod, I remember I just loved it! Homever I don´t fly Lock On FC that much anymore as I moved onto Falcon 4.0 AF. I do remember I had to edit the graphics.cfg file and enter two lines in the config file. Maybe you entered the two line the wrong place? Also, when uninstalling the mod with Modman (recommend) or uninstalling the game, it´s very important to run a regcleaner to erase all traces of Lock On before reinstalling it again. Use CCcleaner or Advanced System Care. Then reboot, and install Lock On again. If you still have issues with jaggied lines or AA, I can just imagine one more thing. Maybe you updated your graphicdriver the moment you installed the mod, causing the jagged lines.
  2. In order to get Lock On FC to use AA you need to force AA on. When I used Nvidia, I had to set global settings on override aa, then I created a profile for Lock On, and forced AA there too. Try it and see!
  3. Falcon forum at Frugals is down right now, but have you tried Gunnys soundpack? It´s for Falcon 4.0 Allied Force. Don´t know about copyright though, but my guess it will be ok to use them I think. Can´t find the link as the forum is down, but I have the pack as a zip on my HDD. Just woundn´t send it before asking the author.
  4. Also, be sure to not install anything in c:\program files\. I have a friend which has X52PRO and Vista and he had some problems getting it to work. He did something to make it work. Will ask him tomorrow.
  5. If you think it´s hard in Lock On FC, then try it in Falcon 4.0 AF. Here´s a link of me doing it in Falcon 4.0 AF: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFme53yGtsc&feature=channel_page
  6. Hmm...I don´t like Vista, but is it possible to buy Vista 64 bit and update from XP SP3 without reformating? (Timeconsuming!) Also, will old sims like Falcon and IL-2 work with 64 bit Vista? Why isn´t the affinity thing working with XP? The new engine will support dual cores right? Even with XP SP 3 32bit?
  7. Will try when I get back home from work. I tried setting water to 1 and effects to 2. Got better fps with these settings.
  8. I have this system: AMD Athlon X2 Dual Core 2.7, 535W PSU, 3GB RAM, ATI HD4670 1GB DDR3, XP SP3 newest updates. I have around 30 fps while starting the sim ready to takeoff. When I enter the "O" button, the shkval screen turns on, and the fps drops to 13 at worst places (over cities etc). I think my system should handle this sim with the settings I have. I have high textures, low scenes, low water, low viewdistance and no civilian traffic. I have tried to set affinity on both cores, not gaining any fps. It´s a shame this sim is not optimized better...Lock On runs smooth on my system but I belive it´s the comples FM that puts the CPU on stress...I have tried setting my ATI CCC panel on High performance, but resulting in ugly cockpitgraphics and still the same shkvalscreen. Would be nice to lower the res on that screen as the CPU struggles with both that and the rest! BTW: My LCD is a 24" 1920X1200. I have the english version (europe) boxed version. Hope the new engine will be better optimized.
  9. Got the same stick too! I actually got two of them as they are hard to find these days! The great old stick is also considered as the best stick to use in IL-2 too! I have Sateik rudder pedals and saitek quandrant throttle + track IR. I do admit I have troubles learning this sim as I am too used to fixed wings! I bough the downloadable russian version at first and now I own the boxed version too. Awesome sim, but lots of stuff to learn. I am also a Falcon 4.0 AF simmer so learning two sims at the same time is hard... I know there is a steep learning curve, but I guess all the learning will pay off sometime! :)
  10. Awesome! That started the sim! I was getting runtime errors, and almost gave up getting Lock On to work on my new rig. The odd thing, I tested it on my laptop without any problems. Strange thing, but old games and new hardware is a risky biznizz! :megalol: Now I am off to Modman installing mods!
  11. I know exactly what you mean! I started the world of combat flightsims with IL-2. I played very little the first times, only arcadesettings etc, etc. Then a couple of years later I discovered Lock On. I was sold! Easy to learn, big community helping me with questions etc! Myself and some friends started to fly every friday, formation, dogfighting, we had lots of fun! Then I came to a point that Lock On FC "bored" me. No clickable cockpit, no dynamic campaign, I felt the map/scenery to be so limited and I "knew" all the places to fly, I recognized every landmark etc. Then IL-2 1946 came out and I started playing IL-2 with full switch, online on hyperlobby. My friends stopped flying Lock On. Then I bought Falcon 4.0 Allied Force, installed it, took a quick flight and was disappointed over the "ugly" graphic compared to Lock On. I remember I was too upset about the lack of goodlooking water! I also took a look on the 716 pages PDF manual and then decided to uninstall it. This was just too much for me! I felt I didn´t had the time to learn all about it, and if I did, what about the lack in graphics? I had Falcon in my bookshelf for over a year, when I suddenly installed it again (now I was a little bored with IL-2, wanted more speed and modern jets, but was bored with the limits of Lock On) and installed Falcon again. This time I visited the Frugals forum, read some essential threads (stickys) and started from scratch going over the traning missions covered in the manual. I could use the mavericks, dogfight a little, but that was it. Then I posted some questions on Frugals, when someone sent me a PM about my movies on YouTube (Lock On/IL-2). He asked if I played Falcon online, which I stated I didn´t because lack of skill. He said he wanted to learn me online, we did, and now I am all hooked up! Find someone to fly online with you, learning online you will learn a much faster pace and it is more fun than to read a manual! I do search the forums or the manual if I wonder about something, but now I am so into Falcon! Dynamic campaign is awesome! Everything happens in realtime, you will see tanker, awacs etc, takeoff/land when you enter a mission, you will se your groundforces moving out, A-10 doing CAS etc. It really feels that your in a war and you are doing your small part. Here is what Lock On failed. Lock On has static boring campaigns. Limited map (Falcon has SEVERAL countries including Korea/Balcan theater 2005/2010 scenario. Lock On FC scores high in graphics, FM, (some of them like SU-25T) and effects (explosions etc). Actually, Falcon has dynamic weather while Lock On has static. Falcon may have a simpler FM, but the radars, weaponssystems are so complex and "real" that the workload you need to do is much higher than in Lock On. Try doing a rampstart in Lock On... Bottom line, Lock On FC for me now is great when I make small missions doing some CAS with the A-10 or sweep with the F-15C etc. Also nothing beats Lock On when it comes to aerobatics! I am just glad I have them both, but overcoming the steep learning curve of Falcon or BS (I don´t play it due to old comp) will pay off! You will learn new stuff every day, and the more you learn, the more fun and more skills you will gain! :book: If you want to fly with us on saturdays (I play from Norway, my friend who had the patience and trained me, lives in the US, Indiana) leave me a PM! We play Allied Force (no dance!) and it´s stable online! No crash for us yet in several months of play! I tried FF5, but if you like CTD, go ahead! :music_whistling: About what I said about the bad graphics in Falcon, after I got Aeyes 16:10 highres pits, Tom´s HiTiles, I would say the scenery up high actually looks pretty decent! Almost like Lock On!
  12. Wow! Impressive work! Have been flying Falcon 4.0 AF for a few months now and totally forgot Lock On. Then I thought, why not visit the forum and see if there is something going on! Then I see this! :thumbup: Do we need to remove RELOADED mod before applying this mod? Modman compatible?
  13. I have problems with Starforce. My DVD drive on my comp and my previous one (different brands) can´t burn more than 2X on DVD-R. I also can´t burn MP3 to WAVs....I have read about Starforce screwing up DVD burners, and I had Lock On FC both on two different systems with not the same DVD burner in them. It´s odd isn´t it, having the excact same problem with two different systems, and two different DVD burner, but with the same problem?! Anyway, I have patience to wait for a burn to finish, I just turn on my laptop when doing so, so no big problem, but surely annoying...
  14. I installed it over a clean version of Falcon 4.0 and I did not patch it before installing OF 4.5. (I followed a guide).
  15. You can buy them from www.cockpits.nl Here´s a link to one of them. http://www.cockpits.net/website/prodgalF16CGWIDE.html You select default or Ayes cockpit in the menu. Setup screen if I remember. Pretty cheap and works nice with my 24" 1920X1200 screen! I actually tried Open Falcon 4.7 today and to be honest, I will stay with AF. It´s more stable online, has much easier set up. For example, I had no luck whatsover to get my Saitek quandrant throttle (3 sliders) to work with OF 4.7. The game found the throttle, but the only throttle working was my Microsoft Sidewinder 2 FF stick! In Allied Force I have no problems using my throttle! Also, the clickable 3D pit does not show switches moving. You only hear it´s "clicking". It´s not that big deal switching between 2D/3D anyway. When you are about to do some MFD work you stablize your jet anyway and switch to 3D if things get to complicated! :) Anyway, I am glad I tried it. I liked the airbases though, also better runwaytextures and skins. Explosions etc are a lot better, skies was fantastic. BUT, I am not flying the viper to watch the skies, homever it adds immersion, but nothing beats immersion more then a CTD after a nearly succesful mission...AF is the most stable version after all, and that matters for me. Just glad people can make their own choice. :)
  16. I have F 4.0 AF with HiTiles. You are saying the HiTiles wouldn´t work for OF 4.7? I am downloading 4.5 and 4.7 now to try it, but was disapointed that I cannot use HiTiles with it? Why not? Is there two versions of HiTiles? And what about stability? Wasn´t AF made to make F4.0 stable? I thought OF 4.5/4.7 was made based on the old F4.0 engine? How stable is OF compared to AF? Be honest! :) If it´s just as stable, I want to try it out and buy another version of HiTiles for OF. Oh, one more thing, in AF we have 16:10 1920X1200 res 2D pits, what about widescreen users in OF? Do you need to buy Ayes pits for OF, or do you guys just use your 3D clickable pit all the time? What I don´t like with AF is the constant switching between 2D MDF work and 3D all the time...
  17. Hehe, 10 inches in one day? That´s nothing. Come to Norway on day and I will show you snow! We are used to it. I remember I watched a movie once ("Assault on precinct 13th") where is was the years worst snowstorm and it looked like 3-4 inched of snow. God I laughed, when I saw that. If that was a snowstorm (in the movie of course) what do we have here? Day after tomorrow? lol...hehe...kidding aside, no fun to lose power and such, hope you get some flying time later! Merry christmas guys! :)
  18. I am sorry, I don´t have any time to help others as I have little time on doing my own projects. Of course, if you want any tips or suggestion, feel free do drop my a mail or PM! :)
  19. You choose "Video edit" in Lock On FC when you open the track you want to watch. (In the mission editor). Instead of "play track", choose "video edit". Then you will be able to choose F2, F3 view etc. For recording I choose to record at half the resolution. Why? because of my sucky old system! :D hehe...If you do have the CPU power and get no drop in fps while recording in that high resolution, you can of course continue with that. I also turn off AA/AF (AntiAliasing etc) to save fps while recording. Homever, if you only want your movie to be available on YouTube, there is no point in recording in any higher res than ie: 640X480 (or other aspects ratio) because of the limited viewwindow and because YouTube "optimize" your uploaded video to save their space on their site. If your videos has bad quality, make sure you play it in "high quality". In your account, you can enable it in "playback options" to always play videos in high quality. Also worth to remember is bitrate. Higher bitrate means better quality and of course more space. I think YouTube accepts more than 100MB now so try higher bitrate and less compression. I use Sony Vegas 7.0 and choose around 3-4000 bitrate for YouTube quality + "insane quality" (DivX) and 6000+ bitrate when I encode the higher download version. I also "interpolate" ie. a project which have 640X512 to 1280X1024. It´s not as good as capturing in real 1280X1024, but it looks better because Sony Vegas interpolates the missing pixels. Another way to record at high res and save fps (if you get stutters of grabbing footage at high res) is to slow down speed in the Lock On track. "ALT-A" is halfing the speed and so on. "SHIFT-A" is normal speed again. Bare in mind that audio is played at normal speed if you choose to slow it down. "Valley Of Death" is recorded in half speed, then speeded up later in Sony Vegas and all audio added in postprocess. I know I have some moments out of sync...but it was so many layers and stuff and I lost count..used 30 hours on that movie and could have made it better though but it was a joy making it. Thanx for watching my channel! :) Hope this helps? If not, something is very wrong with your LOTU. For me it´s just opening the program, open the track I want to enable external views etc, then launch Lock On FC, goto mission editor, "video edit" and voila! BTW: I use LOTU 2.0. Also make sure your trackfiles are not read only. Using Vista? Run the program as adminstrator.
  20. Try "video edit" instead of normal play track.
  21. Where do I put the files? There is two folders..Can I use Modman?
  22. I am not to eager, because flying a Raptor with the F-15C FM is not an option for me...Raptor has trust vectoring, no way you can mod that in Lock on FC with the excisting FM´s we have...BTW: Skin looks good though..
  23. A little Photoshopped! DL version: http://files.filefront.com/ScreenShot+003+editbmp/;12448768;/fileinfo.html
  24. You can buy them from here: http://lockon.co.uk/index.php?end_pos=1322&scr=shop&lang=en&cat_sid=2 Or visit Amazon.com or Ebay. Why not buy the discs online? Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Lock-Gold-Pc/dp/B00094OT4K/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1227534148&sr=8-6 Play.com: http://www.play.com/Games/PC/4-/959056/Lock-On-Air-Combat-Simulation-Gold-Edition/Product.html?cm_mmc=Kelkoosc-_-VideoGames-_-Simulations-_-Lock+On+Air+Combat+Simulation+-+Gold+Edition&source=5063&engine=kelkoosc_videogames&keyword=Lock+On%3A+Air+Combat+Simulation+-+Gold+Edition
  25. Are your other games like this or does this only happens with Lock On? I would free up more space on C: as Windows needs space for it´s swapfile. Also, have you tried cleaning your registry? Download at the bottom of page: http://www.iobit.com/advancedwindowscareper.html Also defrag once a week. Also consider to run a test on your RAM. Maybe try taking out a RAM brick to see if it is faulty. If not, do it the hard way, complete reinstall of OS. Format first. I think the problem here is hardware related, maybe a faulting RAM, but check everything else first.
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