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Everything posted by Kaptein_Damli

  1. They do have a team of modders that has done a lot of good job on textures/terrain for Lock On FC! Why isn´t the RELOAD mod on the BS release? Thought they would have released BS with the new textures from the SIM-MOD team? I have watched some screens from russian players and I too see the same old 2003 Lock On FC graphics!?
  2. I have to set AA to forced on 2X on global settings, then I have set AA forced on 2X on Lock On. I have Nvidea. I set application control on the AA in global, and forced on on Lock On it will not work. You need to have it on both places. Hope this helps?
  3. The thread appeared after devs says the game will be available by download this week. People want an answer for why it has not been available. That´s why. Simple.
  4. You could have foreseen this? And why can´t you just say what the circumstances are? It is also not helping banning a lot of members for critizing your decisions. Just guess what a banned member tell their friends after being banned...not helping your sales.. I have seen at least four member being banned on the "DCS gone gold" thread... I think all this could have been prevented by foreseeing what could happen. The only thing you have accomplished is to disapoint people.. Again, tell me why you can´t upload the game to your site making it available for download worldwide? Is it because of rating or because of something else? All I ask for is an answer. Just saying things has changes leaves us disapointed customers with a big ?
  5. When devs says we can download it in a week one day, and suddenly we can´t the other day, that is not respectful to customers. If they had stated russian version only for russians in the first place and not giving any false hope it would all be fine. Think of it...many of us will buy it anyway. Many new guys dropping in on this forum sees it´s out and we can download it soon withih a week. Suddenly we can´t! People are getting angry and will maybe not buy BS later. The best thing to do would been to say "no you can´t download it yet, but wait for the western demo", and everyone will be happy. We who wait could see screens and movies from the russian people playing and this would also make new people wanting it. Dissapointing customers is never good buisness.
  6. What circumstances? Where you afraid that people would not buy the western release if they bought the Russian one and getting english text by a mod or something? Or is it because of rating? If there is no rating in Russia, why can´t we download it from your Russian site? Ok, maybe "fooled" was the wrong word, but it would be a lot of better if the devs annonched the russian version only and saying a western online/boxed version will be available in 3 months from the first time. You only make people get false hope when saying yes one day, and no the other. All this could be prevented as the circumstances would appear no matter what!?
  7. Told you: EvilBivol1 wrote in another thread: "The Russian version of Black Shark will not be available to western customers. The western version will be available in both retail (DVD) and download versions, but not until early 2009. However, ED does plan on releasing a western demo between now and then." Of course people are a little upset when the devs first say we can download it, and then no we can´t, but suddenly this week and now we can´t... This is bad marketing. I bet 1C who publish the game woundn´t release it due to they will loose money if they release it by download now even if it is in a russian language. Just think of it, you pay like 15$ and get a mod to get english text in some days and people will not buy western release because they already have a working version. This should have been checked and verified and discussed before fooling western customers and saying we can download when we can´t... BTW: IF ED/1C may the game available for download on Russian server, what would prevent us from the west downloading it? If the game is availabe on a russian server without being rating in the west, is this not legal for 1C? My guess it´s not...
  8. That thread is closed, dunno why? I also experienced a lot of warping while playing FC online. We all had decent connections and ping and we where no more than 10 km from each other. We all had ping under 30 but when flying formation one of us suddenly warped around! I belived FC was not stable enough online and that it demanded a much greater upload speed than other games.
  9. Well, read it again. The question was "Black Shark has gone gold in the russian version. Will it be available to download at the 17. Oktober on this website?" Where Nike-IT replied "No, this game is going to be published only in Russia." I am afraid 1C is not going to make a DL version available because of western people will pay less (because of currencychanges) and after what I have heard, someone already managed to get english text to the game. (Something about deleting a folder or something, a backdoor for betatester I have heard.) If people buy like 15$ for it and get all manual later in english, and someone mod the sim so we get english menus/buttons, how will then buy western boxed version later? Of course some diehard fans will, but they will loose customers this way. Taken all the time this sim has taken, we all know the simgenre is small compared to ie. a fps lik COD 4 or anything else for the masses. If they would let us western people to buy it, I am certain that making a DL version would not take that long, as the game is finished and released in boxed version. Come on, how hard can it be to just upload the installerfiles to their server? The game is done! Just needed is uploading to a server and set up a payment site. Can´t takes days to do that? Correct me if I am wrong, I am just afraid we have to wait for western release in app. 3 months....
  10. Ironic that Nike-IT at 1C company actually says the game is not being distrubited outside Russia for now. Why can´t he write on his own forum that download will be allowed soon? Doesn´t 1C want to earn money? This is very very bad marketing. Just think of all the non-russians that will buy and download both the russian version and the western one. Saying you have to wait for western release is not very wise whan someone else says something else.. Thread at 1C: http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=4649
  11. Installing the game is not the biggest problem, setting up my Microsoft Sidewinder 2 together with Quandrant throttlestick and Saitek rudders is my biggest concern. If all text and labels are in russian, how the hell are we going to map buttons/axis if we don´t understand the text? Therefore I wondered if devs has something against someone making a patch translating it.
  12. Kinda strange we don´t get the price even only days before release...Hmmm..may be stiff, but I will buy it anyway... Just want to know...if someone (not me, don´t know how) does a "mod" or simular, replacing all russian text with english including menubuttons etc. Will this be accepted by the devs? Or will any posting about that subject be deleted? I know many people in this community is capable of doing something like this and it would be nice with a translate mod untill english release is ready.
  13. Oh, sorry couldn´t find it on the 2 pages of modsection. Original thread should be a sticky.
  14. Just did a look at www.lockonfiles.com and saw this: http://www.lockonfiles.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=317&mode=&order=0&thold=0 Downloading right now! Why hasn´t anyone mentioned it on this forum? Hasn´t this been what we have been waiting for? Reload mod for all seasons? Also downloading enchanced structures! Looks good! :)
  15. Maybe ED should have a look on how IL-2 engine is made. Like 2D trees looking like 3D trees from above! Very very clever and think of dense forests with all the trees with limited impact on GPU/CPU. Water in IL-2 is also a lot nicer with better waves etc. IL-2 has better groundgraphics than Lock On IMHO. (Slovakia anyone). Thinking of how old IL-2 really is, the graphics is good even today! The good things too, it runs with very good fps even on older systems like mine. No stutter when something explodes etc. I get bad fps if I set A LOT of planes in the air, (like 100+) but overall I get better fps with IL-2 than with Lock On FC. Enjoying them both though!
  16. Thanx, will try it later when I get home from work. I do hope ED has optimized Black Shark as Flaming Cliffs is not...it´s not good when people with today specs have bad fps on a game from 2003....bad coding anyone? :(
  17. Yep, but on my system I never go up over the clouds...I get bad fps..My system is 3 years old, and going over the clouds makes a huge impact on fps. Dunno why, but I loose 15-20 fps. I have an avergae of 40-50 elsewhere, so I don´t know why staying above the clouds makes such a huge impact on fps.
  18. I have 6DOF in IL-2 with downloading a mod. IL-2 1946 has only 2 axes. So when someone managed to get 6 DOF with IL-2, I just can´t understand why no one has done the same with Lock On? Is it hardcoded? I think IL-2 also is hardcoded but when someone has the knowledge it will always work! Would love to have 6 DOF in Lock On even if it would be with some bugs as the cockpit is not made with 6 DOF in mind.
  19. I know..having a kid and wife surely takes time...what you CAN do is just think of what kind of movie you will make and write some sort of script when you can. Ideas and think of angles, music and write it all down. So, when you have the time, make a mission or download some of the premade missions on lockonfiles, edit them for your liking, and just fly the mission with "record track" enabled. When you have the time, you can fire up fraps, play with different angles etc and suddenly you have a folder with tons of footage. And then when you have LOTS of time, it´s time for edit! :D
  20. You better get a new monitor! :music_whistling::megalol: heheh... I know...dunno why the white text suddenly was gray...I am 100% sure I choosed white in PhotoShop...may be because of the codec? About some scenes to dark with bloom etc..I added some contrast because I thought the scenes where a bit lifeless. I choosed to use HDR Bloom mod because I thought it fitted well with time of day of the attack which was 0815. It may be a little to much, agree on that. Maybe I should tweak the config file some more. About static scenes and repetive scenes. I agree to a certain point. It is my style, I prefer more static scenes as if it is too fast paced, it may be too MTV´ish for my personal opinion. I am sticking to the more classic "old style" of making scenes, I want the action to take place in a certain angle or a flyby. It may sound simple and boring, but I prefer it this way. I know some scenes where repited a little, but I also had some ground shots and not just F6/F3 scenes. Sounds out of sync...I found one explosion I just had forgot to fix.. a little off sync on that one, but I think rest of it is pretty in sync? It took a hell of a time adding all sounds in! About the bombs, I actually wanted to cut it out, but found out it synced with the music so nicely so I kept it! Also seen in Pearl Harbour btw. (Just done A LOT better!) BTW: YouTube reencode after upload, making it some darker because of the reencode. The original footage is not so dark as in YouTube. Download highres version so see the difference.
  21. Uploaded file now. Sorry for delay. See top post for link. Will upload a 640X512 version later. (Lower MB, faster download.)
  22. Thanx a lot! I make this videos not for just having fun doing it, but also to entertain people playing the same game! Responses like this keeps me motivated to do more!
  23. Thanx! :) See top post for download link!
  24. Sure! Upload failed before I went to work, will reupload it when I get home. Got to work till 20:00 24h Norway local time, so be patience! Glad you liked it! :)
  25. That´s a good thing, right? :smilewink:
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