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About Tello

  • Birthday 08/09/1984

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  • Flight Simulators

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  1. Wallet is ready. looking forward to the looong heli flight so I can suck it all in.
  2. I think you are right; 19m / 63ish Feet. But that is the same with the Tomcat(19m) so maybe they share the title as the longest pre order in DCS ?
  3. Congrats Deka. I am a (new) fan of the Jeff17 because of you guys. Best of luck for new projects.
  4. It looks like you are forgetting to select PP"X", you need to select the "next" PP1/PP2 after each drop. Every station can have more than one tgt loaded as you are aware off. But you need to switch between both, the PP tgts manually. PP1 then drop step to next station PP1 then drop PP2 drop it will automatically switch to the last station so all you need to do for the last bomb is select PP2 and voila.
  5. Right now, all aam are classified as UFO's :D
  6. Bornholm.
  7. Thank you HeatBlur. What a year it have been. The Viggen with its new features is making it easy for new and old viggeneers to enjoy DCS even more. Stage3 all the way baby.
  8. Halleluja. Thanks Razbam
  9. MIAV - Massive Interpretations Algorithm Values. :)
  10. I think ED should focus on HARM. In MP the Hornet then have one more role. It can defend itselt, it can do ground attacks, now put on the SEAD/DEAD role. YAY. Weee. Hurra
  11. And Av8B N/A -surely the limit is something with the digital seekerhead or something something something reasons. :(
  12. Great stuff. Thank you for doing such work - EDit: Passed IC just fine
  13. In the lower right corner when in the DCS World Start menu :thumbup:
  14. It is worth every cent. You have enough working features to play the role as a low flying night attack ac. There is even a bunch of awesome missions from the userfiles you can practice with. The Harrier will only get better when the INS and last weapons is made available to us. buy it. DO IT
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