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Everything posted by ESAc_matador

  1. Why don't you copy the group info, eliminate, and respawn in the same exact position....
  2. I think this new toy can be an outstanding tool... world.getMarkPanels(). This can give many possibilities of creating a tool for "in game" edition. For instance great use for Reconnaissance flights. (Helos and Aircrafts) My crazy (or not so crazy) idea is... This is the returned table: [1] ={ idx = idxMark(IDMark), time = Time, initiator = Unit, coalition = -1 (or RED/BLUE), groupID = -1 (or ID), text = markText, pos = vec3 } So you have "text" and "pos". If you do a mark with the text "attack1" (Forget the pseudocoding... It's just an Idea) Local targets=world.getMarkPanels() For i , v in pairs (targets) do If target.text= attack1-- you identify the mark point with the text. Groups= Get groups in zone (target.pos, Range) Alternatively you make an attack group called .... Av8CAS So you make a radiomenu, with the command. Av8CAS.Setcommand(attack(group)). The process would be... You are flying with fog of war, then you see enemies. You go to F10 map, place a mark and write attack1. Then F10 radio menú, and select (attack such targets). This should work. But you can also spawn units, smoke, flares, etc. Whatever. The point is that now you are able to use " game" locations. Cool isn't?
  3. By he way, the clock does not mark the 15mins properly... it seems it mark 16. I have to use external view to see the clock.
  4. I am on three... I am taking few tries!! Each.
  5. Buy the new campaign. You LL learn a lot of VFR flying... Quite realistic. How to prepare, and how to execute.
  6. That is the point... you have to fly BY THE RULES!!!
  7. Does anybody knows the name of the Sidearm to update the script for the current DCS version?
  8. I did two mission. Second is VFR navigation... REALLY interesting
  9. By scripting, Land on Gorund Option used to work for groups. Now seems to be corrupted. I opened thread already... Any info available on that?
  10. Same as me. And also you don't see the location on map.
  11. I purchased them, and I didn't see any of. Sadly
  12. Yep that is the point. I LL try to make another mission. It was made with 1.5. What do you think about the script? Funny, isnt?
  13. It does not seems to work for me either.
  14. I have an idea. Why not to put few units static. To avoid the ka50 pilots to know there are always enemies.
  15. THe advanced task LAND for helicopters does not seem to work for groups. Only the flight leader lands, and the other helicopters either does not land or they try to land in the same spot so they crash
  16. I did setcommand Land to a group, and they all land in the same point. So lot of crashes... Anyone has this problem?
  17. Hello. I made a script a year ago... https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=187639 You could ask for a group of helos to land anywhere and deploy troops. If you order a group to land in a point, they would land in formation. Now it seems that all the helicopters from the group lands in the same spot, so they all crash... Is there any change about this? should I ask them individually to do so?? It is a pitty... you could previously manage lots of hellicopters and do huge assaults by yourselfe... ( I mean you could get up to 32 aircrafts!!! and pick up troops everywhere and deploy them everywhere too. Some times some collided but I do transfered once 200 troops in 2 or 3 trips in a hot LZ.) Thanks!!!
  18. is this working on 2.5?? i am readying this book... and... you know how it works!!! https://www.amazon.com/Stories-U-S-Marine-Book-ROTORHEADS/dp/1479115134 there are 4 books. I read two and they are really cool!!
  19. The aircraft, weapons, pilots, training, tactics and maintenance builds ONE WEAPON. If you miss something, you are lost.
  20. Actually, you could put the Argentinian coast and the full Falklands. With lots and lots of sea. Then with the F18, Av8, F14, Viggen M2000, and Helos, you have a hell of scenary. If you also include the Su33... . I don't think that this scenary would be hard to make. And not to mention the Helicopters wars... Recon etc.
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