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Everything posted by ESAc_matador

  1. In DCS 1.5. Why, when I do mist.grouptopoint, grouptorandomzone, etc, always use roads? I try ed both, true and false.... and always tríes to get a road.
  2. Don't you find difficult to do the taxi at 3-5ft and 10-15kmh?
  3. I am finding very difficult to do the taxi, at 3-5 ft and just 10-15kmh... any recomendation?
  4. hello all. What is wrong with this??? I am always finding the same problem... getName, getByName... I dont know!!! local redGroupFirstLine = {'rus101','rus102','rus103','rus104'} for k, v in pairs(redGroupFirstLine) do local _group = redGroupFirstLine[k] local _groupname = _group:getName() mist.flagFunc.group_alive_less_than { units = tostring(_groupname), flag = 3100, percent = 99, toggle = true, } if trigger.misc.getUserFlag(3100) == true then trigger.action.outText("yeahh!", 5) --mist.groupToRandomZone(_group), {'4','5','6'}) end end nothing happen... error message "attempting call a method for a nil value." EDIT: Ok, I did it this way...and works... now I see why.thanks anyway. local redGroupFirstLine = {'rus101','rus102','rus103','rus104'} local redGroupSecondLine = {'rus201','rus202','rus203','rus204'} local redGroupthirdLine = {'rus301','rus302','rus303','rus304'} for k, v in pairs(redGroupFirstLine) do local _group = v mist.flagFunc.group_alive_less_than { groupName = _group, flag = 3100, percent = 99, toggle = true, } if trigger.misc.getUserFlag(3100) == 1 then trigger.action.outText("yeahh!", 5) --mist.groupToRandomZone(_group), {'4','5','6'}) end end
  5. Hello, I noticed that in Caucasus, the FPS drops from 60 in the UH to 35 in the Gazelle. I have a i5 2500k @3.3GHz 24 RAM gtx 970 all modules works very well.
  6. Actually, you ll find HSI in every aircraft manual... just Google it, you'll be surprised.
  7. i cant use the popTask yet... any help?
  8. Yep, go to CTLD script. Awesome... Read the manual, download the example mission etc.
  9. I was not kidding at all!!! Also the flak scriptnis awesome, there is an option for enviroment flak
  10. Put. Lots of AAA and lota of AI... Youu can probably survive
  11. Need a script Check my one... Ot is on beta status but it will give you the opportunity to mark all groups that are line if sigth within a diatance. You can change the parameters editing the file with notebook++ or if you need Ill do it for you.
  12. The problem is only in the 1.5 indeed. Works fine in the 2.0. i read its fixed and ready in the next update
  13. I think, I can get the bearing to the average positiin of the group in zone through mist.getBRString then I can say if bearng is + - 15 degrees of players unit heading then add such group to a table.
  14. I think I understood. What I want is a string of all units betewn the teo bearings. I can do the filtering to get a sting of groups and remove duplicated. Ill let you know how is it going.
  15. Hi Grimes... I have a question fot GetLeadingBRString function. If I understand it gives you the latlong position of the average units of a group that are in a radial from a point (it can be the player position). Is it giving ONE group position? Or just average units position?. What I would like to do is to collect a table of groups in front of the unit. Then to put them in the F10 and call for CAS. This is for recon Gazelle, Since you cant pass coordenathes to a fligth you can have a menu with all groups located in front of you and choose the one by its positiin. The second part is done, the F10 menu and the CAS call is done, but I need to know better this function my idea is collect all group that are LOS in a radius and in a bearing from 345-015 degrees. Maybe with a modification of GetLeadingBRString I could get it. Ill make a snipet and may be you can add to the mist. That 'd be something like, getgroupsinBR or similar. Am I doing a good approach or I am missing something?
  16. Send your mission, seems like a trigger mistake.
  17. Ups! I didnt know! Thanks for the info! It did nt work thw las time in used it. However it is good for me this script because has many applications and improve my lua skills.
  18. Hello xcom. Did you find a solution?
  19. Ok, my option starts with engines shut off, but will work. Just put a trigger zone so when you pass makes him starts its engines and taxi. Ill make it for you but i cant do it yet. Out of home sorry.
  20. Dont worry, i finnally took the time to learn some lua!(you have just see it) and I know what I want and the function needed, i need sometimes some help calling variables and sintax. I still have problems with, when I need to put getByname, or getbyname or GetId etc...
  21. I am asking many things!... I try to keep the forum clean! And thanks for the answer! It make sense, i declare path4 ina function called at the beggining and the function is closed when I called the nrw one. i am in "starting to create lua things fever" mode!.
  22. 1 a lot of things, GRIMES's is muuuach better, but it doesnt work im 1.5!!!! This very simple. 2.the problem is the lethal range to activation should depend on the type off SAM, and I dont know how to reach the maximum range od fire, not detetion of the unit but is planned. By the by the way... I am very advanced on the recon script, remember? I eould need your help, we can combine with autolaase, works great but, you will see... Give me few days and I ll send to you the draft I have... It is awesome, seriously.
  23. Search in the forum, there is an answer... If I remember well... You have to select in the aircraft box, "non controlled aircraft" or something like that. And then in advanced tasks there is an order to "start". Then, go to the triggers and whenever you want put the contitiin Time more or whatever, then make PUSH AI TASK.
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