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Everything posted by Tobas_van_der_Lust

  1. Es gibt vermutlich Hoffnung? Timestamp:
  2. We have also a open Training Server with a couple Missions aimed at training different Modules mainly in Air to Ground Situations. Mission List is growing and the Missions are improving in the Future. Server name: 11th SAAR - EU - Open - discord.gg/nHCz6r IP address:
  3. Hello, currently we use a Discord that we also use to play arma together. But feel free to add me personally on Discord. Tobas_van_der_Lust#2472
  4. 11th Separate Army Aviation Regiment - EU Based We are a small Group of Casual DCS Players. We are simulating a real existing Ukrainian Helicopter Squadron. Our Language is English and we are flying all Kind of Helicopters but also Fixed Wing Aircraft. Mainly playing PvE but also looking into maybe joining Blueflag again. Open for new Players with certain maturity but still focused on Fun. No Skill requirement, new Players welcome to learn together to fly Helicopters and Planes. We Fly Transport and Attack Missions and are trained with CTLD/CSAR Script. Roster: 11thSAAR Tobas 11thSAAR Vanguard 11thSAAR RedEffect 11thSAAR Azvel 11thSAAR Scase
  5. Thats great to see this topic here. The su22 is one of my favorite cold war jets since it was used by the east germans. I wish this whould become a full module and not just a mod like the a4. Did you thinked about working with 3rd party devs together to get all kind of features?
  6. I came back to DCS after 4 Years of absence. Yesterday i tryed to fly the Mig21. I was shocked. Its not anymore the plane i remember. It was my first fidelity Module i bought. I bought it back than after release. So much bugs that makes it hard, the broken flight model. Im realy concerned about the future of this awesome bird.
  7. I had this problem also yesterday on the open beta. No wheelchocks and even the afterburner didn't moved my mig21 a single cm...
  8. Are you still active? Is there any Discord or Steam Link to contact you?
  9. Hello Folks, i bought the F5 and wanted to install it. When i startet my DCS i have seen that there is no module manager at all. Is there any way to get it back? Im using DCS 1.5.4 NON STEAM Version Screenshot: EDIT Got it fixed: i just deletet the COnfig Folder and repaired the game.
  10. For what Payloads are you going for? Sea Eagle? This Screens looks great. Cant wait to buy it.
  11. [ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK2lNuiD7gM[/ame] GG Guys,im proud of you all. It was a hard fight for us! For the Motherland!
  12. Another Sugestion. Maybe add a Player JTAC slot or 2. Me and Tesanovic tryed yesterday the GBUs from the Mirage. You can laser them with a Shilka,Tunguska or even other Vehicles. Also add maybe some other ground targets like a Refinery that creates fuel and must be protectet or destroyed or captured. Or some other small ground targets like Checkpoints on Highways. Is it possible to ass some other AI Planes not only F4 and Mig23? Maybe C130 or IL76. Is the Fuel Tanker working? would be also cool to have for example a fueltanker in the air. That would help both sites.Also what i dont know,is it possible to add some MP Mods like Su30 mod? Its a Plane with a FC3 Flight model/realism just like the mig29 also but has some bether weapons. I have seen some videos of Mods working in MP but just askin what the players who dont have them see? A Su27 like it was with non Mirage Players or the normal DCS low poly Plane from it. [ame] [/ame]
  13. From the other Thread:
  14. But you can listen to the gci
  15. The Update is Live,so yes. I updatet my Game.
  16. But you can get Informations from the CGI and other Players,talking is way bether than write/read.
  17. Thats also a Big Problem. CGI cant join but 5 or 6 People are in Spec Mode and more random People doing their own PvP Mission on BlueFlag without any Task/Coordination
  18. Yes,that should be a Fact. People without Teamspeak can go and play on the 104th Server. In this campaign is Teamplay evrything and Random People just burn our Fuel for Missions that are useless. Change Password every Restart and post it Teamspeak would be good. Or maybe a Script that someone with this Name has to be in the Ts?
  19. Thank you Guys,didnt know that this is just a Beta.
  20. Hello Guys, i ordered the L39C some Weeks agoand today i downloaded the L-39ZA with the update but i cant fly it. I can see it in the Editor but the nameis Grey,so only AI can fly it. Do i have to buy it again or what do i need to fly it?
  21. So if evrythign is balanced,you would have nothing against switching the Sites or?
  22. Some Sugestions from my Site: -Pilots should lose their Life even when they are on a friendly airfield and die there,like the choppers yesterday. -Bring something new,maybe a awacs or a tanker for both sites. -Let the Su25T with only Fuel Tanks be a Fuel Tanker for the Eastern Airfields,its not normal to fly this great distance 2 or 3 times to refuel this airbase.And than you as the Chopper Pilot has to land on the Fuelbunkers and fuel it by your own inside the Bunker... I landed directly nearby a Fuel Truck. Why do i have to fly to the Fuel Bunker? On a RL Airfield would be a ground crew to bring it there. -Maybe Suply Convoys,they are slow but can be attacked even with the Gun from the Su25t or A10. Would be good if there are no chopper Pilots are online. -What is with all this Ground Vehicles from the Old Blueflag? Like Tanks and this Stuff? Where are the Shorads? -And maybe switch the Sites. Let Red start from the right and Blue from the left. At the Moment Blueflag is for me like a Round Warthunder Arcade. Fly to an airfield,land on the Airfield and its yours.There should be more on the Ground.
  23. So i think Round 5 is over. GG Guys. There is many Stuff that has to be changed for BF6. Bf5 was for me like a Downgrade from the Last Blue Flag Missions. Today we tryed to capture a Farp,Blue spawned in seconds new choppers and defended it with the choppers from the ground -> They lost no lives when we killed them. We had no chance to capture it. A Bug destroyed some Minutes ago nearly all our Bases.Where are the Tanks and all this Stuff from the Last Campaign?
  24. Hello! please add one pilot: 127.lae Ilje Arizanov Squadron name: 127. lovačka avijacijska eskadrila "Vitezovi" Planes: Mig29,Mig21,Su25T
  25. Hello Please Add for us (127. lovačka avijacijska eskadrila "Vitezovi" ) 4 Mig29S
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