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Everything posted by discwalker

  1. If you wish this never happen again, please post that mission with broken coalitions.
  2. (I speak about the black area on the left side, it is suspicious, is from a missing hardened aircraft shelter?)
  3. missing hangar floor in the left side on these pics from you: I dont understand because in the first pic in here, the flagpoles the vehicles and the building in center is here.
  4. Currently because of major bugs im in revert,; which version you used?
  5. Apologize, i don't want to hurt you. I'm not a native speaker. You should know by my many mistakes. If you just used remove scenery objects zone all hangars should remain intact.
  6. I tried to focus on bugs 1. rarely possible to save a mission in unloadable state https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3537861&postcount=11 2. rarely possible to save a mission with erroreous coalition implementation (missing/mixed countrys, different from declaration) https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=215146 3. "Can not open file, recording is not possible" strings corruption (when mission run in dedicated server, or just read-only for good enough reason from unknown time) https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=206126 https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=243498 4. false alarms in triggers 4./a triggering to false coalition, "PART OF COALITION IN ZONE" https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=239487 4./b triggering when not in zone, when all dead, "ALL OF GROUP IN ZONE" https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=171583 https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=221054 (sometimes we reinvent bug reports of unfixed bugs) 5. Flanker class placement discrimination in Caucasus and Persian Gulf https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=201318 6. Inability to adjust coalitions after mission creation (needed "[MOD] Mission Coalition Modification by uboats & Grimes") https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=168720 7. Warehouses 7./a Every major upgrade alter the stock list in warehouses, need redone stocks in missions 7./b current unseen warehouse bug https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=232681 8. Caucasus map 8./a hard to edit around Tbilisi, because the popup window; 100% zoom button vanished during the years and similar useful things 8./b most airfield static vehicles not shown in map 8./c MAP OPTIONS / ISOLINES not turnable off, difficult to overview the road network https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=201982&highlight=road+network 9. oil rigs, gas rigs, and FARPs cannot be neutral 10. when copy-pasting planes, the uncontrolled checkbox vanishes
  7. You used the destruction zone? That is the cheat. +if we stay in topic, the topic is "scenery remove objects zone"
  8. I need to set often tracks to read only because hard to reproduce errors sometimes etc...
  9. :-( from Mr_sukebe a real world DCS wolrld scenario, when file is open to write (besause write is needed to read the mission in dedicated server) "- If I attempt to save a mission whilst it's running in the dedicated server (yeah, pretty stupid of me I know), it corrupts the names of every unit" source: https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3965360&postcount=3
  10. With this you can reproduce I just do what crazyeddie said in the opening post. When you run the mission, look around Shilkas ("F7") for airport vehicles before use the "" - "F10" radio menu. To look what should disappear. Airport static wehicles and airport radars not shown by mission design time - bad. How can I create a trigger zone to over an unknown object position??!! remove objects for option F1. Work for airport buildings. but not for reflector gaz-66, btr-80, ural-375, uaz - around those buildings. (Now flagpoles are disappear as objects - good.) Then you can destroy everything with option F2. (Scenery destruction zone is too radical, because destroy surroundings over the border of the trigger zone.) airport_vehicles_not_visible_on_ME_map.miz
  11. For clarification I made a video from the corruption - starring the two attachment mission. I hope this time understanding will be complete. set_read-only_file_attribute_on_this_file_and_edit_and_save_then_save_as.miz damaged_strings_due_save_to_read_only.miz
  12. We should not remember which missions set to read only in the long past. Made one by hand read only. And reproduction will be a success ;-)
  13. Hello. I just came to here to make a self censor act, so not needed? Of course manually make user a mission to read only, to save from an accidental overwrite. A save menhanism should handle better a read only target file case than now.
  14. I asking for review this report as TITLE tell. :cry: I find the cause of the penality with luck -> Patience can erode with time sometimes, sorry. (Thanks for marking the ships inventory part for others begging https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3965627&postcount=7) It's not normal to set all sidewinders to zero or 5 or something and LAU-127 attached variants all on 100 pieces.
  15. My old Repair threads: https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3965294&postcount=5
  16. Repair has errors since many years, and got new bugs in these days. actual with additional things: Bugs and Problems » General Questions » Please repair repair https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=238496 old closed: Bugs and Problems » Release Version Bugs and Problems (Read only) » [REPORTED]Ground crew not fix minor gear damage https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=172277
  17. Since 2.5.5 ripped off canopy is not enough reason to initiate a repair in Hornet, FC3 planes and in Su-25T. Sufficient other damage is varies by plane. For example since many years F-15 with bursted tyres is fine to ground crew. Flankers with gear structure damage is also fine. If you burst a tyre in MiG-29 first time repaired, second time not; since PFM.
  18. I have win 8.1 you have win 10. All vanilla 2.5.5 series version kind of crashes solved for me with the revert to A list to illustrate what I feel now: https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3965132&postcount=2 Same DCS runs differently in different machines.
  19. Why I said: it is a curse? I have 78 succesfully (many lost due OS modal window, system32\WerFault.exe) created crash files from 2.5.5 series since 22 of june: dcs.log-20190622-121632.zip dcs.log-20190622-121808.zip dcs.log-20190622-122917.zip dcs.log-20190622-123256.zip dcs.log-20190622-123750.zip dcs.log-20190622-124650.zip dcs.log-20190622-125751.zip dcs.log-20190622-131019.zip dcs.log-20190622-133629.zip dcs.log-20190622-135136.zip dcs.log-20190622-140911.zip dcs.log-20190622-141209.zip dcs.log-20190622-141538.zip dcs.log-20190622-141855.zip dcs.log-20190622-142522.zip dcs.log-20190622-143228.zip dcs.log-20190622-143855.zip dcs.log-20190622-151103.zip dcs.log-20190622-160931.zip dcs.log-20190622-165956.zip dcs.log-20190622-171346.zip dcs.log-20190622-172006windowsInterceptAfterNoToDxdiag-zoom.zip dcs.log-20190622-173338wp1p60.zip dcs.log-20190622-173815pleasewait.zip dcs.log-20190622-174211notriggers.zip dcs.log-20190622-182456.zip dcs.log-20190622-184128.zip dcs.log-20190622-185516.zip dcs.log-20190622-202512.zip dcs.log-20190622-223511.zip dcs.log-20190624-175501.zip dcs.log-20190624-180846_f4_secondTime_mp.zip dcs.log-20190624-181230.zip dcs.log-20190624-182122newlyCreatedMission.zip dcs.log-20190624-183015prepareMission.zip dcs.log-20190624-185813.zip dcs.log-20190624-190256.zip dcs.log-20190624-190604.zip dcs.log-20190624-194027.zip dcs.log-20190624-194957.zip dcs.log-20190624-200755.zip dcs.log-20190624-201431.zip dcs.log-20190624-201609.zip dcs.log-20190624-201942.zip dcs.log-20190624-203245.zip dcs.log-20190624-205441.zip dcs.log-20190624-212715.zip dcs.log-20190626-143343.zip dcs.log-20190626-144952.zip dcs.log-20190626-145009.zip dcs.log-20190626-151336.zip dcs.log-20190626-151746.zip dcs.log-20190626-153911.zip dcs.log-20190626-153913.zip dcs.log-20190626-154852.zip dcs.log-20190626-161745.zip dcs.log-20190626-164518.zip dcs.log-20190626-184953.zip dcs.log-20190626-193238.zip dcs.log-20190626-193514.zip dcs.log-20190627-170817.zip dcs.log-20190627-193157.zip dcs.log-20190627-203641.zip dcs.log-20190628-154935.zip dcs.log-20190628-163053.zip dcs.log-20190628-164032.zip dcs.log-20190628-195121.zip dcs.log-20190629-094353.zip dcs.log-20190629-094629.zip dcs.log-20190629-094921.zip dcs.log-20190629-095319.zip dcs.log-20190629-100317.zip dcs.log-20190629-101151.zip dcs.log-20190629-103027.zip dcs.log-20190629-103955.zip dcs.log-20190629-120040forumCaucasusInit.zip dcs.log-20190629-121016.zip dcs.log-20190629-121615,32299CaucInit.zip
  20. and **another** crashes (most sent via automated crash reporter, most well before 32533 promoted to stable), 2.5.5 series is really a curse to me. and reached a state: only Nevada map was initializeable in freshly repaired an cleaned state with empty saved games and temp folder (so without mods), Caucasus and Persia crashed every time even straight after start with Mission Editor/New Mission ((1.5.8 also running fine)) Attachment created with config/autoexec.cfg line "log.set_output("dcs", "", log.ALL, log.FULL)" Goodbye to fly with buddies in OpenBeta servers.
  21. I'm not so happy I'm connedted by IP to a local country server not listed connection time and now in this official list: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/personal/server/#allservers list is extlemely short, partial! edit: I connected, because my buddies tell me in teamspeak they connected by ip.
  22. Thanks for the idea: connect by IP is a workaround now to the RED PING cases. But refresh not help for me.
  23. Help! Local country servers, these shuld be the lowest ping servers for me as in old modem days: The 5 instance running in TWO physical machines! My ping on the second connection to "freeflight" is around 20. The first try simply connection timed out. (not first time across servers, new behaviour for me) edit: My ping on "battlefield" in game is around 20 too. edit: My ping on "aerobatics" in game is around 35.
  24. Please pump up priority. Since I upgraded to the latest cable modem in my ISP server list is complete for me, but list ping times always (appoximately) 2..6 times more than in running multiplayer session. This is not big problem until server ping limit is reached when i try to connect, and DENY to connect me. Some of my teammates suffer from incomplete serverlist also. They not have an option to upgrade their cable modem. So our eyes on the developers.
  25. Another false alarm in F14 MP cockpit: scripts/aircrafts/_common/cockpit/fonts/font_alq_213.lua
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