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Everything posted by DerNeueMensch

  1. For me too, very frustrating. Effectively can't fly
  2. go to C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World 2 OpenAlpha in my case and then shift+rightclick on the "bin"folder, - > open powershell prompt and post the command from Kelevra then enter obv.
  3. I have noticed that there is only the red light illuminated on the Configuration Indicator, after pulling the Emergency Undercarriage Lever twice. The red light should be on after pulling the handle for the first time indicating, that the gear bay doors are open and U/C deployment/retraction is in progress. After pulling for the second time, the U/C comes down. When the U/C is fully deployed the red light should go out and the three wheels should be green on the Configuration indicator, as is the case with normal UC deployment. Maybe I'm wrong and this is normal for the emergency deployment? A track is attached. Mirage F1 Bug EM procedure UC lights not indicating.trk
  4. Could we get some notes on the changes of the FM? The plane feels different after the patch. There is a greater tendency for the nose to wobble around after aileron rolls. The effectiveness of the rudder in the high AoA regime seems to have been decreased. I only had a short flight. Maybe it's just me. What do you guys think? Have you noticed that too?
  5. I have bound the left and right wheelbrakes on my keyboard, since I don't have toebrakes on my rudder pedals, but the key binding does not work (I know that the braking animation is not yet implemented).
  6. Remember reading in the F1CZ manual, that the light really can't be turned by normal procedure when on the ground.
  7. As I understand it, the F1 has automatic JPT (I guess Jet Pipe Temperature? No Idea where the probe would be) regulation to ensure optimal performance. Switching the switch in the "Arret/Off" position turns off automatic regulation.
  8. I think so too. The Mig-21s radar, as it is implemented in DCS, seems closer to the real deal color- and grading-wise, judging from the video.
  9. Congratulations, Alpenwolf! All the best!
  10. très bien, acheté - nice find!
  11. Hm, how long should I wait for confirmation and does anybody know how I can access the radio menue in the air? I can only access the communications menu when on the ground. I took off landed again and called air and sea rescue, but it didnt't work, maybe becuase I did land at the airbase or I didn't wait long enough.
  12. Hi reflected, thanks for the campagin. I ran out olf fuel in the first mission. How can I progress to the second mission? Just taking-off and exiting the mission didn't do it for me.
  13. man, I'm checking this and the Mig-23 thread daily - can't wait...
  14. This is interesting. What book is that?
  15. Wie kann ich denn meine deutsche DCS Version ins Englische umstellen? Wollte ich schon seit geraumer Zeit, da ich die Manuals und ähnliches ohnehin auf Englisch lese und das nicht das erste Mal ist, dass ich bestimmte Bindings nicht finde oder länger suchen muss. danke dir!
  16. Servus, super-thread! Ich mache anscheinend irgendetwas falsch bei der Handhabung der Luftbremse in der F-16 - hab es noch nicht geschafft die auszufahren. Beim Start in der Luft sollte sie doch schon einsatzfähig sein ohne irgendwelche Subsysteme aktivieren zu müssen... Habe "Lufbremse / Vorne ausfahren" und "-einfahren" gebindet, aber passiert nichts - habe auch schon verschiedene Geschwindigkeiten ausprobiert. Gibt es vllt. noch einen Bind, den ich nicht gefunden habe, oder muss ich vorher noch irgendeinen flip switchen? "Luftbremse aus" zeitigt ebenfalls keinen Erfolg. Danke euch!
  17. This progress has to stop!
  18. Had a really fun sortie in May playing Two Towns. The smoke effects really add quite some spice to the atmosphere!
  19. had a fun sortie on the Cold War - maybe some of you might enjoy!
      • 1
      • Thanks
  20. Sorry guys, a personal matter has come up and I have to bail.
  21. DerNeueMensch - F-5
  22. I think the server just crashed.
  23. look the same to me, although the font seems fatter.
  24. I had one landing where I deployed Flaps and gear through the Emergency pneumatic valves, but it didn't require me to pull the emergency gear release handle, in fact it is not clickable... There is also no way to really test emergency procedures, like it is possible in the MiG-21 where you can set a failure of the hydro-system in the mission editor... Also: When I pop the circuit breaker for the deployment of gear/flaps, I can still operate them.
  25. You can fly at high altitudes f.e. 12000m with the cockpit depressurized (gauge showing that there is no pressure difference between inside and outside of cockpit) and the breathing indicator showing no movement; so either it's not working as intended and the pilot is breathing (breathing indicator not working) or I did not turn it on, in which case the pilot should suffer from hypoxia - in fact I did try all possible variations and there was no difference, so I would say both is the case: breathing indicator not working missing hypoxia effect for pilot (blurred vision like in MiG-15). EDIT: breathing indicator as in indicator that indicates oxygen flow.
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