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Everything posted by fmedges

  1. I'd agree. I hate the boom system and am glad to be rid of them.
  2. Has anybody been able to get the jammer working? I’m assuming it’s built in and not a pod. I set it to standby but never get the jammer stand by lights to light up after waiting for it to power on. I’m talking about the ones next to the ufc.
  3. Using the default load out for that mission I find and take out the SAM’s using rwr and fired misssile con trails. Next I attack each bunker with progressively more stad off-ish weapons as I go making sure to get high for the last few.
  4. I’m having a real hard time with a few things in my pattern approach. The turn from upwind to downwind at 800ft and 350 knots. I’m turning too sharply and therefore too close to the carrier. Maintaining altitude when dropping gear and lowering flaps. My left hand turn when seeing the back of the carrier deck. I all too often sink during that turn and come in too low behind the ship. I should be about 350 ft but i usually come in at 250-300 and not “in the groove” at all.
  5. fmedges

    BIT page

    This module is what I’ve been waiting for years. One question though. What on the bit page should be go? I have a ton of no go’s.
  6. fmedges

    LHA-1 Tawara

    I can only say from what I saw when I was an embarked Marine on the Peleliu LHA-5 some years ago. The Harriers that we had from HMM-163 (REIN) would do a rolling takeoff and then land vertically. They would come to a hover off of the port side of the ship over the water and then move sideways until they were over the ship and then land.
  7. Is refueling from a drogue easier than the boom setup or just different? I am looking forward to not have to rely on an ai boom operator.
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