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About fmedges

  • Birthday 09/19/1982

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    Military Aviation, Computers
  • Occupation
    Former USMC

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  1. I'm coming back to DCS after a long break and I noticed that I can no longer see the ball in the ship view, but can see it while in external view and cockpit. Is this a me problem, or is this a thing? The photo may be at the wrong angle for the ball itself, but you can see none of the datum lights are on either.
  2. I watched Devotion tonight and I think they really missed an opportunity by not having this released and getting hype from the movie.
  3. If you turn off wake turbulence in the options then the burble is removed. I'm doing this until it is revised.
  4. This is not correct. TWS does show you pitbull information. The number red box is the countdown until pitbull.
  5. Ok, it's not completely broken it just doesn't simulate how the APG-73 in the hornet works.
  6. I agree that you should be able to do it via a key bind. It would be as if you told him to chaff over the ICS.
  7. Flaps up on a cold start causes the wings to un-fold.
  8. Writes a post with perfectly valid points. Gets dismissed because of feelings. Typical ED.
  9. No climbing in the stack. If you need to go up you’d depart, go out ten miles and then come back in and go to the top of the stack.
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