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Everything posted by Campbell

  1. Great! Glad you got it figured out. That’s interesting because I had actually forgotten that game mode existed. I learned something new! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  2. P-51D Poor Climb Rate Two things, first make sure your mixture is in the run position and not the emergency position. Two- pull up the ATC menu, choose “ground crew” then “rearm & refuel” reduce your fuel to 68% or lower, 68% is the wings full and will give you a good hour and half flight time. The P51 with max fuel will fly for hours. If that doesn’t do it then contact me back and we will get you squared away. You should be climbing fairly easy at 200mph with 46” mp and 2700 rpm. Obvious check, but you do have your gear and flaps up correct? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  3. Why are you using the rift controllers? No One that I know including myself flys VR with those. You need to use a HOTAS ( stick and a throttle) then use a mouse to click and turn all the switches in the cockpit. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  4. Yea those fake reflections are awful. There is a clean canopy mod. I can’t remember who’s mod it is but there is one floating around. You’ll have to do a good search to find it. I recommend combing through the P51 forum. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  5. I recommend “you tube” for examples of setting it up, that should get you rolling! [emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  6. Ok, Discord is a app that operates outside of DCS, lots of groups have private Discord pages that they can use for txt and voice communication. SRS - known as simple radio. This app operates directly with DCS by using the actual aircraft radios for communication. It’s a separate app that has to be setup and then run along with DCS simultaneously. You can find the IP address to use for connecting in most of the servers descriptions. GCI is a person who has volunteered to act as the AWAC in game on some of the servers. They don’t all have them and it’s usually a player that has volunteered to do it. If the server had a GCI then you can communicate with them through (simple radio) the frequency is usually in the briefing screen. You can call them up ask for a bogey dope and they will steer you on to the bad guys. Hope that helps and gets you on your way [emoji16] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. Sometimes it actually difficult to get and keep balance. For example I flew a couple days ago. When my wing man and I signed on it was straight up 6v6, by the time we took off and got to the action it had dropped to 6v2 in a matter of minutes. Within 30 min it was something crazy like 12v3. Balance does happen but it doesn’t stay they way long. [emoji51] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. Ok https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=170126 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  9. All I can recommend based on your settings is to drop the MSAA to 0 and bump your PD up to 1.4-1.5, this will give objects more pixels making them easier to spot and track. Experiment with it and see what it does for you. By changing the PD I ended up with about the same performance and nearly the same visuals but with better spotting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  10. Mustang after 2.2. While I agree with the blinding reflections at times in real life, I don’t agree with the reflection approach in general. I fly for a living and I’ve experimented with this multiple times. There are shadows and reflections as well as dirt and scratches. I agree with all that! However, in real life our eyes look through it and focus beyond the reflections therefore we never really see them. We actually have to look and focus our eyes on the reflection to actually view them. In the sim we don’t have this biomechanics working for us. If there in the view then there in the view, we can’t change focus and look through or beyond them. It’s like trying to look through an opacity wall. In general I wouldn’t want the reflections removed but at least the inside interior reflections toned down. They look less like reflections and more like large stickers plastered on the canopy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  11. What are your settings in VR? I run VR as well and absolutely hate those stupid f&$king stickers on the canopy (there not reflections). I suffered bad from planes melting into the blue sky for awhile until I turned my gama back up making the sky lighter. This helped a lot but at the sacrifice of the sim not looking as good but tolerable. I use a 1.8 gama currently with no AA at all, 1.5 PD and 8x AF. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  12. Incorporating “Simple Radio” would be cool as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  13. =BURNING SKIES= WWII Server I’m not sure where the map is at, it was posted in this forum. There maybe a link in the briefing screen for it on the server. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  14. Racetrack, there are three objective areas for both Axis and Allies. In the F10 map the orange circle is the location for the targets (targets for you to destroy) if you don’t see an orange circle that means those targets have already been eliminated. There is also a map and legend that you can download from this forum that shows locations for all objectives for both sides. It’s easy to find people to fight, simply fly to or between those objectives and you’ll encounter plenty of others. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  15. Then you should like SOW, I don’t speak for the server or mission designer but I do know it will be different from BS, as we speak Simple Radio is being implemented for comms. It will be mission oriented giving multiple options for players and I highly doubt there will be any stats associated with it. Most of us that have flown or have been involved with SOW in the past feel the same way you do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  16. Storm of War coming to DCS World? I invite the change! Personally I’m tired of flying the exact same mission against the same handful of guys that I’ve flown for the last six months. The option to ground pound, escort, CAP, fly from France or Britain and having enemy aircraft at all altitudes is a welcomed change. I don’t mind having AI, it adds to the immersion of the experience. You also never know if it’s a player or the AI your engaged with. I flew the test mission, don’t be fooled, those AI are a beast and a will rip you up. I think it offers something for all skill levels and hopefully cuts down on the intimidation of trying multiplayer. I understand many guys don’t want to even try MP cause they are instantly getting shot down from guys with years of MP experience. That’s not fun, that’s just frustrating for them and they never try it again. I don’t know if the plan is a 24hr server or if it’s to run it on certain dates and times but it’s a nice change.
  17. I’m not the best at trouble shooting these types of issues, but I would say first double check the DCS version you are running. Currently the “Open Beta” is the version being used and it has been updated nearly weekly sense the release of the hornet. If you can’t see any other multiplayer servers in the multiplayer list. Then it’s most likely that you are running an outdated version. You can check your version on the main DCS screen bottom right corner. You can also check the forums for the most current 2.5 Open Beta version. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  18. Hold the stick back at the beginning of the take off roll, when your speed reaches around 70-90mph bring the stick neutral or slightly forward to bring the tail off the ground. If you leave it in the back position and you get above 100mph then the plane will lift off trying to climb, stall and lead to an ugly crash. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  19. I completely disagree! I fly this server all the time and have experienced warping from many players, some with low ping and some with high. To say that a single player is ruining the experience is absolutely ridiculous. Of all the issues ED has particularly with DCS WW2, a single players ping is hardly a factor. If you want to isolate yourselves to a server that only accepts a certain ping then maybe you should create one. But to lay unfounded blame on an individual that was humbly expressing his gratitude to the server owner for recognizing his situation and being understanding is a bit much! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  20. Yea I felt the same way flying the Pony against the three tanks at CQ15, I hit those suckers with close to 30 rockets and 2 hours of flying and it did nothing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  21. It’s on Open Beta 2.5.1, the amount of players very by time of day with the apex being around 21z. The amount can vary from a handful to over 20 during the week and 30-40 players at various times on the weekends Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  22. I was not aware of that issue. Thank you Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  23. I noticed that when you open the map and click to display the target info, it will open correctly and display the info. However, once you close the map, that info box continues to display inside the cockpit. You have to close the info box In order for the info to close with the map. This occurred on the Normandy map during multiplayer on the “Burning Skies” server. I haven’t tested it with any of the other maps. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  24. Ok great! Yea I was gonna report it, I was just giving you heads up in case you didn’t know about it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  25. Hey Eekz, what’s the status with “simple radio”? Are you still looking into it or did the open beta mess up your plans. Also I noticed a map bug, when in the map if you click the target area it expands giving you targets remaining. However, if you then close the map without closing that info box it suddenly displays inside your cockpit. I had to close that info box to make it disappear from my cockpit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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