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About ggrewe

  • Birthday 11/02/1965

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  • Flight Simulators
    Il2 1946
  • Location
    Cape Town , South Africa
  • Interests
    History, Climbing, Current Events
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  1. Good news is Hawkeye60 is alive & well and working on new mods, quietly in the background. Coming to a (war) theater near you soon
  2. Attached a Panel Finder map Hoirtel mentioned. Not mine, all credit goes to "Tom" @Hoirtel thanks for head up on the UV Map Convertor Tool - didn't know about that function Panel_Finder_by_Tom_4096x4096
  3. Yeah, couple of mths back with one of the updates, OneReTech removed most of the Haifa detail from their Sinai map in the north, something about they were using assets made by Ugra's Syria map. Uproar by the community, got it restored a few days later. So compromise can happen. Barthek did an amazing job on the Caucasus map with full & partial snow - they should draft him in. Snow cover will not be as heavy as your part of the world
  4. ED & Ugra Media have made their money out of you & us - so no more interest in developing Winter version - so "bugger off now & stop begging!" A more creative way of approaching it by ED / Ugra is to possibly make as a paid add-on? For a token fee, like they did when they re-launched Normandy 2.0 with discounted rates for those who had Normandy 1.0 & Channel Map already They don't even need to put precious resources onto it, they could commission talented terrain artists like Barthek or LucShep to do the textures & pay them through the profits? They have already proved their abilities and talents (for free) & would be great to see them get rewarded. Could even do an online poll to check community response & feasibility? Please just don't say NO We have a beautiful map with iconic cities like London & Paris , lets max its usage! While I'm on my high horse - can we get an option to have to have the high detail of the Channel map in Normandy 2.0? I know its 2 different companies bla, bla, but Ugra already shared their Southern assets with OneReTech on the Syria /Sinai maps, so its not on principle? I'll even pay for it, as another add on!
  5. Personally I'm really looking forward to the WWII Mariana's map, which has hopefully been held back for all the accompanying assets to be released together Going to be great, not just for WWII, but a Vietnam stand in, until the real thing. TeTeTe & Eighball have got Vietnam covered with their mods & Hawkeye60, WWII with his Testing Hawkeye60's (Et al) WWII Pacific mods - coming to a (war) theater near you soon!
  6. Crew don't add any functionality, but add a lot of immersion & I love immersion, even at the expense of the some FPS DCS has "forced" me to upgrade my rig & invest in much SSD space, but its all been well worth it Enjoy that DCS has many layers & you can enjoy as a high flyer or ground grunt
  7. So "R" is for rapid-fire and rapid-reverse?
  8. I can PM you the files I did, if you want? Nose decals are fine, but tail has the issue with the new bort numbers obscuring some of the decals (Sorry for low quality pics - ED has a cap on attachments & I'm running out)
  9. I'm not very technical, but looks like some DDS files have now been increase from 1024x1024 to 4096x4096 dimensions Specifically the "B-52H_Main_3_DIFF.DDS" Looks like Scorch's file is 1024x1024 so won't load? Needs to stretch or convert to the 4096 I did a quick stretch of the texture for "B-52H_Main_3_DIFF.DDS" & it seemed to now work But looks like they have added Bort number to the tail, that now obscure some of the decal, a generic "MT" lettering Not sure which custom arguments to apply to remove, as files are now encrypted & can't check with Model Viewer But hope that helps in the meanwhile?
  10. Happy New Year Admiral All the best for the coming year - especially in health Thanks for everything you're done for the community
  11. null 11 hours ago, SharpeXB said: 1. I don’t think most people can tell the difference between a 1940s British or German train. Good one! Although that could also be a problem with the P-47s & Typhoons loitering around the Rail yards waiting for the prompt Germans arriving on time! A WWII Flaming Cliffs module would be bloody marvelous with dumbed down versions of existing modules, like Spitfire V, Me-109 G variant, FW-190 A earlier variants, Mustang B & P-47 earlier variants. - Less development time & resources as based on existing models & simpler functionality (FC capabilities) - More affordable because of above -Commercially viable, because of lower resource costs & wider appeal - potentially IL2 crowd & dumb-asses like me who are to lazy to learn the full fidelity versions -Could boost the WWII community & servers and kick start WWII again
  12. Great documentary on the Air War over Angola made by the Australian Military Aviation History on Youtube. Uses a lot of DCS footage for the air-to-air simulations. South Africa's Forgotten Air Wars
  13. Great idea, but Hawkeye60, who has created the vast majority of the WWII mods, has not been active on forums for the last few months, but hear he is working with the Vietnam Assets Mod crew under TeTeTe. Hopefully he can be coaxed back to doing his WWII stuff again, as he is sorely missed? Working on a few vehicle liveries for WWII Assets pack, that I can share shortly & add some visual candy for WWII missions
  14. LOL sabotaged by the Christmas Grinch! But some good news with possible work- around in this thread Heavy Metal lua callouts?
  15. Good news is that ED have made the HD models available to all Bad news is that it may have porked some of the user made liveries for these models? Seems ED have dropped the "low_" prefix in the Description LUA file & from the skin (DDS files) descriptions. I managed to get the liveries I made for the HD M1A1 & 2 Abrams working again by doing the following: US M1A1 Abrams HD livery Pack 2 for "Operation Desert Storm" US M1A2 Abrams HD livery pack 1 for "Operation Iraqi Freedom" UPDATE: after DCS patch dated 24.12.2024 Good News: ED has made HD available to all. Bad News: Its messed up LUA file link & description, so these liveries no longer show. Back to the Good News: Easy fix 1.Open specific livery folder e.g. "US Desert 2003 3rd Inf Div All Bout Da Bones, Mud" 2.Remove "low_" from in front of 2 texture (DDS) files e.g. "low_Abrams_M1A2_Bashnya_D" should now read "Abrams_M1A2_Bashnya_D" etc 3.Open description.lua file with text editor (e.g. Notepad) 4.Remove "low_" from the front of each instance in description 5.Can do this in bulk with Replace function under Edit. Type in "low_" in Find bar & leave Replace bar open & press Replace All. Should remove all "low_" with one click. 6.Save & close If you've already downloaded, use above fix. Will have full updated version to replaced this in a few days (Admin usually take a few days to check & verify) (Apologies for idiots guide - but I am one & I act accordingly) Might not be that easy for the rest of the HD models - but will continue investigating. Good news again, is that they have added two new liveries to the B-1B Desert Camo Grey Green Camo Understand ED have the right to protect their intellectual property, by encrypting files, but makes it a mission for skinners to check livery creation in the model viewer & add custom arguments etc. Never mind the poor Modders creating free content to promote the game. Unless there is another way to access the new Shapes & Data files, that I don't know? New LUA Description files for B-1B STD New LUA Description files for B-52H STD Have a great Christmas
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