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About ggrewe

  • Birthday 11/02/1965

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    Il2 1946
  • Location
    Cape Town , South Africa
  • Interests
    History, Climbing, Current Events
  • Occupation

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  1. Please see this thread: Hawkeye60 Mods & Discord Channel No HMS Hood or Prince of Wales yet, but who knows?
  2. Suntsag has updated his V-1 mod, if you haven't seen already? V-1 Mod
  3. So great to have you back Suntsag - still use all your mods. Thanks for updating & enhancing
  4. Sure, please see this thread (sorry for hijacking your thread Admiral ) Hawkeye60 Mods & Discord Channel
  5. My bad - then defiantly needs correcting then
  6. Isn't that's close to where Moses did actually part the Red Sea, so maybe historical?
  7. Wonderful! Thanks for the heads up & great mods, hope to see in game some time? Can start building a collection of WWII rail asset mods?
  8. Damn! At this rate we're going to OD on WWII news - please don't stop
  9. Got it as a side project, but too do list is too long already! Original idea was to convert Normandy 2.0 to pre or on D-Day version - most of the Airfields on there are all temp fields constructed post invasion & loose the immersion of D-Day itself. Process was to have a few flat static texture plates to cover existing airfields with selection of liveries to suit the environment (grass,fields, plots etc) & a few different sizes, for varying needs. Can edit out the existing Buildings/Hangers etc with the ME triggers & even replace a few with some great WWII buildings made by Hawkyeye or forests etc (made by VPC), to make look more natural. Could use the same concept to convert modern to WWII airfields, remove modern & replace with WWII buildings & hangers. Use the flat ground plates to replace concrete with glass / dirt runways - I'll add some runway liveries as selections from Normandy / Channel map. There are sometimes alignment issues with placing big flat objects, but hopefully airfields should be quite flat? Right? Can't promise anything soon, so please be patient, or if some else can run with it? Static object would be a simple flat plate with a few size options (& no collision box). Liveries could be extracted from one of Barthek's excellent Terrain mods, or even just Screen shots in game. Can add destruction layers to surrounding towns with some smoke & fire effects to make the modern towns look less modern Suntsag also had a great Marsden Mat mod to overlay or create your own airfield FARP - found here DCS Marsden Farp Not sure if it works or download is still up, is pretty old. If not PM me & I'll send what I have & you can try out
  10. Great to have you back Tom
    1. Timex3


      Hey Ggrewe, did the Royal Air Force livery work? The Livery is for the DC-10 from the civil aircraft mod. The two American liveries I sent you yesterday are also for the DC-10. I'm having difficulties sharing my custom liveries. The size of the liveries is the problem. Ggrewe, you are more than welcome to share the DC-10 liveries on the Discord Channel. Again these liveries are not for the DC-10 Refueler, it's the DC-10 from the civil Aircraft Mod. Enjoy Ggrewe

      Greg, aka Timex 3

  11. That cracked me up and double sold me on the purchase For those looking for extra early immersion or too broke to buy yet - you can try Hawkeye's budget mods at 100% discount. If that doesn't get you in the mood to start saving for the new Pacific Assets pack, its just not for you. Hawkeye60 Mods & Discord Channel
  12. LOL Sir Richard Attenborough's 1st acting job?
  13. Some accomplices and stand ins until the real thing arrives Visit Hawkeye's Hangout Add On's for DCS World to find out more
  14. Hi All Great news is Hawkeye60 is alive & well and been tirelessly working behind the scenes to bring the community many new, re-vised and enhanced mods. He has started his own Discord channel & welcomes you to join him there and download all the new goods & help in the constructive evolution of his mods, in a positive community framework. Your formal invite to his Discord channel: Hawkeye's Hangout Add On's for DCS World (Please note this will expire, but will update regularly) Today is his Birthday, so please wish him when you drop in. The more community help we can get to support Hawkeye, the better for all of us, beta testers, coders & modders welcome to help with the process or contribute in other ways to bring more mods to the community. Links to Hawkeyes older mods on this forum WWII Mod Links: WWII Pacific Allied Assets WWII Allied Carriers Pacific Fleet WWII Japanese Pacific Theater Naval Order of Battle WWII Axis Naval Assets WWII Allied Aircraft The Warbird Hanger Eagle Dynamics Aircraft Carrier Mod Markindel's PBY Catalina Torpedo Bomber POST WWII Mods Links: Markindel's USS Iowa, Late War Vietnam/Korea The DCS Jungle Environment - South East Asia Mods Soviet Naval Task Force Hawkeye's Civilian Ships Mod with new Liveries by CrazyEddie Hawkeye's Helicopter Shop The Future of Modern Naval and Air Warfare Modern Submarine Pack
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