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About dundun92

  • Birthday May 20

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World 2.7.5, and Falcon BMS
  • Location
    Houston TX
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  1. [Alamo] dundun92 - MiG-29A
  2. yeah that flight path looks pretty far from smooth and lag free
  3. [Alamo] dundun92 - F-15C
  4. AIM-120 midcource guidance is often not being synced between clients, reuslting in the missile position being quite different between the shooter and target. In this example, the AIM-120, shot by Sizzle, on my end as defender had no midcourse updates, lofted to 60kft and quite abruptly "snapped" active at around 10nm, appearing to pass quite far behind me (the RWR indicated this as well). This is also what was shown on the server track/tacview: Meanwhile, on the shooter (Sizzles) end, the AIM-120 appears to guide normally with midcourse, only lofting to around 53kft because of me diving, conserving energy, with no abrupt snap upon active. It passes in the end quite close to me (this is what is shown on sizzle and his wingman's track/tacview): tracks (from me, sizzle, his wingman, and server) and tacviews (just me and sizzle for illustrative purposes) attached server.acmi sizzle_shooter_client.acmi dundun_defender_client.acmi moldy_wingman_client.trk sizzle_shooter_client.trk server.trk dundun_defender_client.trk
  5. D4n is not interested in being reasoned on these topics... he is obsessed with "exploits" and people having any sort of advantage (as evidenced in his thread asking to be able to see whethere a user uses TIR or VR so he can judge if they have an "advantage") so he can blame the supposed "advantages" on him loosing PvP fights. This thread is going to go exactly nowhere and its probably best just to not feed the troll.
  6. you mean 1994? By 2004 AIM-120 had been in widespread usage for quite a while
  7. In case its not clear already... D4n is a known troll that has been kicked off servers for alt account abuse, and makes bug reports every time hes shot down, blaming it on broken IRCM, OP missiles, w/e. Hes just interested in finding an excuse for why he got shot down, and blame it on TIR. You will not reason with him.
  8. OK, I definitely misread your statement, but its just as wrong either way. Do you even understand how nozzle exit area works, or are you just speculating based on what feels right? As a TLDR... as you increase nozzle exit area, you expand the exhaust gasses more, which reduces the exhaust pressure. More expansion is good, up to the point where the pressure of the expanded gas is less than ambient air pressure; at that point, your gas is over expanded, and you no longer gain efficiency, AND you risk damaging the nozzle. Exit area will always have an optimum value such where exhaust pressure = ambient pressure. Its not a linear relation because increased exit area affects also exit pressure; the net thrust affect is gonna change a relatively small amount for changes in Ae, depending though on how close/far you are from the optimal value. To say it must be a fudge factor you cant just look at the order of magnitude, youd need to do the math to see what the expected values would be (or be an SME and have a "feel" for it) For the record, im not saying it isnt a fudge factor, but that comparison of numbers certainly wouldnt tell you (perhaps someone more familiar with this stuff would be able to tell if the numbers actually make sense). EDIT: Also, just from looking at the specific results from DSplayer... the fact that this change affects performance more at high altitude much more than low altitude, at the very least would seem to indicate its trying to model the actual affects of exit area, as thats the exact result you would expect. Whether its using an actual formula idk
  9. you insisted that it "must" be a fudge factor because it has a significant effect; im saying IRL it DOES produce a significant change (the value is literally a coeffecient in the thrust formula), so that assertion is misguided.
  10. Exit area is a very specific and important IRL quantity, its not a fudge factor. It affects motor performance. This is the formula for motor thrust, Ae is exit area null
  11. [Alamo] TrueMetroMan F-18, reserve. No SC
  12. [Alamo] Darkthorian, F-15C
  13. [Alamo] Sam/[Alamo] Thermos - F-14A Pilot/RIO
  14. [Alamo] dundun92 F-15C [Alamo] Prez F-15C
  15. So earlier you mentioned that in some "certain conditions" ground clutter can extend past the ambiguous range; what are these "certain conditions". And what conditions would the ground clutter not be spread out enough in range, and thus is not filling every range bin?
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