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About Belphe

  • Birthday 03/18/1981

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS: World
    Il-2 Great Battles
  • Interests
    Flight Simulations & 3D Graphic Design

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  1. Oh wow, I thought it's a lost cause! It's still not perfect in my opinion but it's a hell of an improvement! Also, the stationary rotor blades are not articulated as before, only twisted as they should be. I believe that the blades of a hovering Apache rotor should still be more tilted upwards like in the photos (like and inverted umbrella) below but it's definitely better than it was. Let's hope this gets tweaked even more. What a nice surprise!
  2. Which they did for a few months just after the launch of the module! Then, one day, they disappeared.. Also, the animations you produce in your first screenshot (rotor not spinning) are apparently incorrect. AoA of the blades changes but the blades themselves are not articulated up/down as they are in DCS in stationary aircraft. They are SUPPOSED to flip thay high/low when loaded during flight - this should be their spectrum of allowed movement, but instead they are frozen in the boring "flat disk" animation as soon as they start spinning.
  3. Yeah, this has been reported a few months back. AFAIK, it is not correctly modelled. I haven't heard any news in regards to that or the issue I noticed. I really wish we could get an official statement on the subject. The rotor used to behave like this and it was glorious: This is actually ED's own clip - the release trailer.
  4. Hello, I'm using the multithread client to play DCS. Only recently I purchased a PC that can run DCS and achieve my monitor's refresh rate with all the graphical blows and whistles enabled (5120x1440 @120Hz). It's not constant and the FPS occasionally drops down to 80-90 but most of the time 120 is stable. What is considered the best way to play DCS to equally spread the workload between the CPU and GPU: 1. V-Sync ON: FPS locks at 120 and CPU BOUND is displayed in yellow 2. V-Sync OFF / FPS limit set to 120: FPS locks at 120 and CPU BOUND is displayed in yellow 3. V-Sync OFF / FPS limit set to 300 (max): FPS is unlocked, even reaching values of 140 and GPU BOUND is displayed in green but a terrible screen tearing is introduced I really hope it's not option 3... Thanks!
  5. With every patch I'm losing hope. Why was the rotor animation turned off? Is it ever coming back?
  6. People change, as well as their options. Some also grow up. Thanks for your input.
  7. I love DCS and I strongly believe that the feeling is mutual. It keeps spoiling me by fulfilling my childhood dreams and creating emotions I never thought were possible at my age. Our relationship has its ups and downs but I'm generally very happy. Unfortunately, the very same reason we all adore DCS for - realism, could become its doom. We are inevitably getting close to a moment where no new "blockbuster" platforms could be introduced. I know that Cold War era presents many opportunities but I also believe that e.g. the Viper (being a modern 4th Gen aircraft) attracted more interest and generated more income for ED than e.g. the Sabre. At the same time, the ground units' logic, behaviour and interactivity become more and more lacking as we demand "a living battlefield". Improvements are required to older elements of the SIM to match both our expectations as well as the capabilities of the newly introduced platforms. It only seems reasonable to think that those updates should come free of charge. And that creates a problem because smaller potential to release "hot" rides and more "housekeeping" to do for free are a terrible business model. And what if DCS had a monthly subscription? I mean, we spend thousands on fake aircraft gear and aviator glasses! Would e.g. a $10 be too much to ask? ED could better predict their budget and focus more on upgrading the SIM's overall standard instead of chasing new aircraft to build and charge us for. At the same time, we could be more demanding and expect stable flow of general quality of life improvements. Of course, new aircraft and map modules could still cost extra but we would at least be sure that our SIM is safe and work continues on making it even better. I know that many of you will hate this idea but please try be reasonable. We truly have something special here and we should do our best to preserve it. On the other hand, there are many "Sunday Fliers" among us that would probably not be willing to pay but we have many options available here (MP access, switching modules on and off, etc.). Let's have a polite discussion! I'm curious what you all think.
  8. Yeah, trying to utilise/babysit George while doing all I can not to crash into any nearby obstacles is a real treat
  9. There was no mention about any FM alterations. Really sad about that
  10. I've been begging for the rotor cone animation to be re-enabled for months. We had it for the first few months after release and then it was disabled. No official statement on the matter
  11. Same here: perfectly trimmed and still, after I enable the ATT HOLD the Apache starts moving sideways. On the positive side, if you're lucky and don't fly into a tree or a building, the hover becomes rock solid after a few seconds. Similar issues occur while flying: 90kts in an aerodynamic trim with no alt oscillations, I enable ATT HOLD and watch my nose plummet to the ground within 10 seconds...
  12. I'm like you. My setup has no spring either. FFB is ok but I chose to go with dampers and counterweights instead. The cyclic only needs a touch to move and just like the collective, it stays where I leave it. Magnetic trim would be nice, of course but this seems to be a good compromise.
  13. After reading the above it seems that the Apache indeed should spin counterclockwise when idle as the centered anti-torque rotor, by design is over-compensating for the main rotor's torque. Negating this effect can be achieved by a slight right pedal push or increasing the collective (e.g. during ground taxi). I stand corrected. Thank you for your patience and the time you took to clarify this to me.
  14. How am I confused - this is literary what I'm suggesting.
  15. I'm not saying that it's wrong. I'm asking if it's right. Also, I'm aware of the fact that centred pedals don't mean 0 thrust to the side. However, I think that idle power COULD be not enough to spin the helo around. You don't need real life Apache documents to determine that. It only takes asking the SMEs and ex-pilots that are reading this forums. And that's exactly what I'm doing.
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