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About KidCharlemagne

  • Birthday 04/28/1996

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  1. I'd definitely be interested! Have you thought about doing any 9th WRS tails? They're one of the lesser known squadrons but were still pretty interesting.
  2. Thanks for these! I was actually just reading about the 67th TRG and figured I'd come look to see if any similar skins existed.
  3. I'm getting similar results with the F-16 and the latest OpenBeta.
  4. Nope, no visible navigator (yet). Hopefully that'll be coming in the future.
  5. Ask the ground crew to remove your wheel chocks. Just be sure to ask before you start your engine, they won't do it when the engine is running.
  6. There are actually plenty of liveries for both, all available in the User Downloads section: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3312209/
  7. Wow, I had been looking for something like this! Thanks for sharing! I also use this website for recent news with Syria, including airstrikes by all sides: https://syria.liveuamap.com/
  8. I had a feeling that might be the case. Thanks for the help!
  9. I occasionally wind up with AI flights that fly at absurdly low altitudes and/or low speeds. For instance, I was flying a mission last night to strike a SAM site and the flight of four F-15C's that was to be my escort spent almost the entire flight at 3,000 ft and no more than 200 kts until they reached the target area. I checked the mission editor, and their altitude was correctly set at 24,000 ft, but their speed was set to 3.892 knots. I assume the speed had something to do with the "fix time" option being checked, but I'm not sure why they leveled out so low. Has anyone else run into this sort of situation?
  10. This is fantastic! Thanks for compiling it all!
  11. Wow, this is terrific! Thank you!
  12. Looks incredible! I can't wait to try it out!
  13. I would highly recommend Mover's video on the subject! My personal opinion is that we don't know what the phenomena in these videos are, or that they're related, or that they jammed the missile's radar. It's a leap and a half to say that they're aliens or even that they're anything tangible. From a scientific perspective personal eyewitness accounts are one of the least reliable forms of evidence one could have. Also, I know that many people claim a radar contact disappearing then another contact appearing several miles away is depicting a single object travelling a great distance almost instantaneously in defiance of known physical principles. If one's explanation for this incident involves defying the laws of physics, however, I'd argue it's not a very compelling explanation. If you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras. That all being said, I did enjoy watching the videos!
  14. That worked, thank you!
  15. It's not just you, I've been getting the same repeating comms issue on every Case II recovery I attempt. It start as soon as I give the Kiss Off command and doesn't stop until I shut off my radio.
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