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Everything posted by Snakedoc

  1. I've been experiencing random freezes also. Running latest beta. For me, the cause was related to the Nvidia Drivers 430.xx. Rolled back today to 425.31 and this fixed it. Hope it helps someone else. PS: gtx1080
  2. Not a pedestal mount but rather a low cost solution for a center-mounted stick. No extension required (I didn't do it myself to avoid damaging the gimbal assembly). It's just a regular wood board cut to size, I've used 2cm thick wood (about 1in). It's very solid and there's virtually no wobble. You need a diameter of 11cm for the outer border of the base and the holes for the mount are on a 8,5cm diameter, spaced 90° apart Then you just need some extended screws which fit in the WH base and voilà. (I found some laying around in my home). I could have designed a system for quick detach but I just screwed the board on the bottom of the chair taking care the screws are not too long to protrude into the cushion. If I need to use the desk I just swap chairs as it's easier. I thought about doing the same with a metal sheet but I don't have any tools capable of those cuts and it's just easier to work with wood for me. PS: for the throttle I've used one of those keyboard sliders with a board cut to size (in the pic it's slightly offset) but I'll probably go for a more solid solution since it's quite heavy and there's a bit of wobble.
  3. recently got a TM Warthog... got also an X56 (not X55 but I presume the springs are the same) which I've used for my DCS. I've had the hardest spring in for the last few months before switching to the warthog and although the feel improved a bit, the warthog is on a whole different level. The X56 just feels a bit "notchy" with the strong spring... the Warthog is "hard" to move but it's smooth in its operation. Get the warthog, it's totally worth it. You won't regret it ;)
  4. Open Beta Instant Action Mission, F/A-18C Hornet, Case 1 Landing, Persian Gulf map Bug: mission description text appears in Korean. short track file attached. Thanks Alby_416 korean language text persian gulf.trk
  5. it's a beta version you're using... you know what you've signed up for... It's been said many times, if you don't want to deal with these potential issue you should stick to the stable version
  6. you have to assign the TDC to the DDI which you're using with the MAV. I.E. if you're using the left DDI for the MAV, move the sensor switch to the left to assign the TDC to the left DDI. You'll see a diamond on the top right corner to the DDI indicating that the TDC is now assigned to that DDI ;)
  7. Looking forward to it!! Played Eastern Friendship many times and it's awesome!! Can't wait for this new campaign =)
  8. verify your MASTER ARM switch is in the ON position, then press the TRIGGER (not weapon release) button. as stated above, for AA weapons you need to use the trigger; for AG weapons you use the weapon release button.
  9. In your start menu folder you should have the updater for DCS World. Just click on it to run it and verify you're on the latest version.. it will prompt you to update whenever a new version is released ;) keep in mind that this should run also whenever you launch the game normally... just before starting it will check for updates manually and tell you if there's any new version. PS: if you wonder how the update schedule works: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=216583 :thumbup:
  10. really enjoyed!! excellent work!!
  11. thanks for shining some light on it... I saw this 3d has been moved into the BUG section, let's see if any of the ED devs chips in
  12. Tried today and also couldn't get the MK-82X to detonate. DLY1 or DLY2 should be used for denotation after the bomb penetrated the target (explained in the last Wags video for GBUs). I noticed that whenever you drop ANY bombs with the "brake X" displayed on the HUD the bomb will not detonate regardless of fuse settings. I tried with regular MK82 and if you drop the bomb before you have the "brake X" it will detonate... but if you drop it after it will not. I don't know if this is intended or a bug. From what I understood, the"brake X" means you are in the frag zone and/or the bomb won't fuse correctly? Does anyone know the exact meaning of the "brake X"?
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