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  1. Hi all, enjoying MiG-29 trial, perhaps dumb question: In MiG-29S with hot runway start, I see the nose wheel moves slightly from side to side when I press the rudder pedals. I can taxi and make some turns, but the turns feel very wide (hard to make U-turns on the full width of the apron without running into the grass). There is a command in controls for nose wheel steering. When I press this or hold this, the steering behavior doesn't seem to change in any way. Don't see any panel lights change. Tried with rudder, or moving stick side to side. What is the procedure to correctly enable or disable NWS, and is it possible to make tight turns?
  2. You can lock if you go to a lower altitude than them (terrain shape doesn't matter AFAIK, just altitude). Also, visual aimed amraams still work.
  3. Agreed, it normally works ok, but sometimes the release is extremely early or late. I thought it might be related to the wind direction, so I attacked the Tico from multiple directions repeatedly. From most angles, the canister breaks just before the ship and the bomblets drift astern (ok). But approaching from SSE or NW caused the canister to drop before or after the release cue reaches the VV. I did the red and light blue approaches 5 times each. Red approach always dropped far short. Light blue approach always dropped when expected. After turning off wind, red and yellow approaches drop normally. Altering the approach angle, or diving, however, completely changed the results (eg. moving red approach 10deg eastward makes the release normal). Did 50 tries looking for a pattern, give up. For sure tho: -Sometimes bomb will drop immediately on pickle press, ignoring delay period. -Sometimes bomb will drop before VV reaches release cue. -Sometimes bomb will drop long after release cue passes VV. -Sometimes the sight will show one delay and solution, but after pickle hold, show a totally different delay and solution. -It may or may not be related to wind being on, or wind direction relative to your heading.
  4. Thx Marklar. I did another test to try with wind, and I have no idea what to make of the results. Attack Ticonderoga on Crimea with CBU97 from south to north. Place pipper at center of ship waterline and hold pickle, flying perfectly straight afterward until release. Note impact pattern. Without wind it looks like the game is calculating only the canister ballistics, and the bomblets naturally fall shorter than that, but it's reasonable. With wind it is totally messed up, like a mile away, and I don't know why. The crosswind effect is present as expected (and it matches the left arrow direction in the mission editor), but there is also a massive southern error. I wonder if anyone can reproduce. e. again, fresh airstart planes and time compression for accuracy.
  5. +1 Level bomb at 2000', drops long. Loft at 5000', bomblets end up in a different postal code than the one aimed at. Dive with CCIP in HUD: get hits, but the centroid of the bomblet pattern is still nowhere near where the CCIP was pointed. Sometimes short, sometimes long, depending on angle and release altitude. MK83s are fine. E. I understand that the INS will screw up the bombsight, so I used fresh airstart planes.
  6. Did you enable the seat? (yellow handle on right of seat)
  7. Ok, I got the solution if they decide to make pilot seat primary with no online switching: Have a second computer to run DCS. Connect, spawn a Apache, and occupy the pilot seat. On main computer, join the same helicopter as the copilot-gunner. You can now fly and shoot your Apache online by yourself. For the low price of a second PC and second Apache licence.
  8. Thx unknown, that works. If the plane is undamaged the player will have to break something, like jettison the canopy, to repair.
  9. Tripped over this first try on F-16. The throttle defaults to idle if you do a hot or air start, so your first landing and repair will result in this, then video tutorials, then a forum bug search. If this is the case, what should happen? In the game, if you move the throttle too early, it gets bricked and you have to respawn or restart the mission. Nothing actually happens except the aircraft becomes unstartable. It implies that there's a bug, there was an update that made the video startup tutorial obsolete, or the plane was junked and needs to be repaired or replaced, but with nothing occurring to indicate that. If we must have the noob trap at least set the plane on fire or make a alarm light come on or something. Put an option in the radio menu for a supervisor to come and reset the plane because you were naughty. The canopy must be open and his model appears at the side, shaking his head as he reaches in to flick the hidden reset switch. e. You also have to look away while he flicks the switch. There should be a text or audio message to the player to look away, otherwise it's just another noob trap.
  10. mentions a change to F-18 load limit (Adjusted overload limit to 10G [max weight?]), and came recently. Tested with same procedure as first post, each 3 times, noted peak G on HUD. Empty (no conformal missiles), 10% fuel 13.8, 14.4, 14.2 Empty (no conformal missiles), 100% fuel: 11.2, 10.4, 10.6 Conformal missiles, 4 x MK84, fuel tank: 9.5, 8.6, 8.4 Values are the same. Change must not have made it in these patches. e. It is much easier to wingbreak than I thought. I didn't realize I had my pitch axis restricted to 75%. With just 3/4 of pitch input you can instantly break wing without paddle switch in many cases. e2. The wing damage portion of the change is even more deadly, because any amount of wing damage (minor scrape on runway, MG hit) reduces that wing's load limit to a very low G that is less than a regular turn or pullup. If you take any hit without noticing (often the hits are silent), or don't know that a hit was to a wing, you die on the very next pull of any kind you make.
  11. A reminder that tilting your INS (which in the FA-18 means one gentle turn) will screw up the bombsight, and it will be totally wrong until the next IFA update. Al-Azraq, you can see at 1:17 the bomb fall line jerks suddenly to the left. This was the IFA update, and before that the bombsight was in error. The magnitude of the jerk is approximately the distance you missed by. on the AMPCD select POS/GPS instead of POS/INS if GPS is available. That will fix the problem with the bomb fall line. -Svend_Dellepude
  12. It's worse than that. Pop up and down until they waste all their shots, then go home. That is if S-300 didn't already mag dump at a helicopter.
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