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About MarbleFalcon

  • Birthday 04/28/2003

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
  • Location
    Turkish Republic
  • Interests
    Just aviation thats all
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  1. I created one if anyone interested. Cuz obviously this topic is marked as "solved" so all we say in here is kinda pointless
  2. I created this topic cuz other one is marked as "solved" which isnt really solved obviously cuz we still dont have access to default texture files etc.null
  3. I dont get that why did they even released the paintkit lmao. Do they really expect us to magically scooby doo the camouflages or airshow team liveries without any instruction or support? I kinda understand encrypting 3d shapes, but textures and default liveries? Im actually curious how they thought we would make liveries with this limited sources. Even making a simple TuAF hill grey livery is taking days because of this lol. If anyone that is crazy as me working a livery for new f5, please dont share on userfiles. I agree what Mach3DS said, they are not giving a damn because they see people making livery anyway.
  4. Over the past years, a considerable number of Turkish users has been interested in DCS. Now, again, this overall number is still not insignificant. There are a lot of Turks who dont speak English or any other language but interested in aerial warfare, helicopters, basically the content that DCS offers. Now you can say that the cockpits of aircraft are also contain other languages, mostly English. Well yes, and im not saying "lets make Turkish cockpits" cuz that would be ridicilous considering even the Turkish Air Force doesnt use Turkish cockpits. But you should know that there is a big difference between trying to read something in an encyclopedia tab and trying to understand and memorize what is written in the cockpit. The encyclopedia was just an example. Turkish localization is a needed for this game. There are many Turkish users, including myself, who can help and translate/localize without expecting any financial income.
  5. We at least need at least one Turkish base for scenerios like Operation Desert Storm, Operation Provide Confort or War on terror (isis and pkk). Malatya Erhac AFB, Batman AFB, Diyarbakir AFB or Van Airport for heli missions are the best ones for this map. Well, actually Incirlik would be the best option, but you know how far Incirlik is :d
  6. Yeah, but I dont agree on takeoff part. I can easily take off from 3rd runway (or whatever you may call it) with almost full load. Only differences between my hornet and normal su-33 player who is getting ready for taking of from Kuz is 1st, my hornet is way more lighter than brick Flanker 2nd, I can carry smart bombs and 3rd, he can use jet blast deflectors and deck chocks but I cant :(
  7. We have SuperCarrier module for like 4 years but sadly we still dont have cross platform capability between Nimitz and Kuznetsov class carriers. I mean, of course an Su-33 never landed to any western made carrier and same for Tomcat/Hornet. But its also same for Mi-24. Afaik no Mi-24 landed any western carrier/amphibious ship; but we can operate Hind from any ship safely in DCS. Same should be for naval fighters. I watched Spud's Kuznetsov video and applied same codding stuff to my own. I never experienced this much of fun before. STOBAR Ops with Hornet is a thing that every Hornet user should experience. But the thing is, why would we constantly forced to edit some lua files just because Kuznetsov with Hornet doesnt pass integrity check. Why shouldnt it be official thing to use. Why cant we also use jet blast deflectors and brake thingy with Hornet which is works with Su-33 when you press "U". "It wouldnt be realistic" cool, dont use it then. No one also forces you to take off from Tarawa with Hind :d. I guess so much people would think same with me. It wouldnt effect badly our gameplay experience. Instead, it would give us Stobar ops capability for more naval aircraft modules. Please ED, send some Hornet to Kuznetsov's deck
  8. IDF Mods team already working on it. Its a mod but a mod that based on F/A-18C module. Its the same guys that made F-16I mod.
  9. Hey Badger633, I'd like help you on this Turkish dubbing thingy. My discord username is "marblefalcon"
  10. This is my entry for French Air Force liveries. Armée de l'Air Blue: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3329757/ Armée de l'Air Mosquito Guerre d' Algérie Camo: WAITING FOR USER FILES ACTIVATION W Armée de l'Air Mosquito Guerre d' Algérie Sharkmouth Camo: Will be done in several hours
  11. Im changing & re-editing my TurAF livery entry. This yellow trainer/torpedo bomber Mk.IIIs stationed at 3rd AB, not 1st. Because of that, I updated the link and changed some things on the livery. I also made 1 additional TurAF livery which is exactly stationed at 1st AB. Im sharing that livery too at this post. THIS IS MY ENTRY FOR TURAF LIVERIES TurAF 1st Air Regiment Eskisehir AB Bomber Wing: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3329688/ TurAF 3st Air Regiment Gaziemir AB Trainer / Torpedo Bomber Wing: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3329261/
  12. This is my entry for the competition (subject to change) TurAF 1st Air Regiment Gaziemir AB Trainer-Torpedo Bomber Wing https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3329261/
  13. Looks like a first class fantastic texture job. Very nice. Im looking forward for this. The question is, is this texture addon breaks IC; or is it works like a livery?
  14. Yea, I dont have hope about F-16I (because of classified stuff) but imagine we have different fully functional flyable F-16C and D's; like BMS. For example Israeli F-16C Barak with Spice, Popeye and Python 5 or Greek F-16C/D with IRIS-T or Turkish F-16C/Ds with SOM, HGK, KGK etc. Even just a normal D variant would be wonderful addition enough for DCS F-16.
  15. I think this mod should be an official upgrade module for DCS F-16; like A-10C II Tankkiller upgrade. It could be awesome to have a full fidelity F-16D with F-16C at DCS World core game. I hope any ED oficials would consider this.
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