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Everything posted by BuzzU

  1. BuzzU

    F-15 Stick?

    The F-15E HOTAS shows an F/A-18C stick grip. Is that realistic?
  2. I found the problem and figured out how to get it ordered. It should arrive on Monday according to the tracking#. I'm very familiar with the TM Warthog. I've had 5 of them in the last decade. I agree it's not a good choice anymore. It was a good choice when it first came out. Although, I never had a problem with any of them. I buy and sell a lot of my gear. Not because of anything wrong with it but I bounced back and forth between combat flight sims and auto racing. I can't race anymore due to getting motion sickness all of a sudden. I raced for 25 years with no sickness. Maybe my old age finally said enough racing. So, if the WinWing doesn't give me any problems it should be the last HOTAS I buy. I hope so anyway. One thing is for sure. I have way more buttons, sliders, and dials to play with than the TM. As we all know. We can never have too many.
  3. You don't know my history with WW. I have infinite patience when I need it. WW used it all up in the past. This was the last chance I was giving them. No matter. I just ordered a Warthog from B&H this afternoon. It's already shipped and i'll get it Thur. Free 2 day shipping. I knew that was there if WW failed. Thanks for your posts guys. My last post here.
  4. I have my reasons for not doing that. (long list) This was just the frosting on the cake. Instead of flying the Hornet with a WW. I'll fly the A-10C II with a TM Warthog. Something i've done for years with no complaints. This is not the first time i've heard the same thing from others. So, it seems to be their style. I was surprised nobody chimed in with the same problem but like me they didn't buy from them and wouldn't be on this forum. I won't be here either now. Cya
  5. I finally save up enough to buy a WW HOTAS and just ordered it. It said it was available. The miniute I order it I get an email saying it's on backorder. Nowhere on the website did it mention this. Just to see what was going on I ordered a different HOTAS for a different plane. Same thing. It was backordered. I don't like to be jerked around and will never do business with them. As much as I hate to buy another TM Warthog. That's what i'm going to do. If nothing else I know if I order it i'll get it.
  6. BuzzU

    F-18 boring?

    Did you take a wrong turn? Viper forum is over there >------> BTW...How's your Viper landings on the boat doing? How about slow dogfights? ect ect.
  7. Keep in mind the real pilots practiced on airfields until they do perfect landings 100% of the time. You should do the same thing. Any little mistake on an airfield might kill you landing on the boat. When you can repeat perfect landings on an airfield 100% of the time. You'll be ready to move to the boat.
  8. BuzzU

    F-18 boring?

    When landing the Hornet on the boat you need to give full throttle at touchdown. If you catch a wire it's strong enough to hold the plane. Back off the power as soon as you know you caught a wire. However, if you bolter and miss all the wires the engine will be spooled up to accelerate off the boat. You'll never stop the plane by hitting the brakes if you bolter.. As you found out.
  9. My monitor claims blue light protection but I don't see a setting for it. It doesn't seem to work very good. I never had this problem before. I could sit in front of the monitor all day with no effect. I didn't even know what blue light was. So, something has happen to my eye or the monitor lately. I get my SS check Friday and will order the monitor filter. I also want to buy a Winwing HOTAS but I want to see if the filter works first. Right now i'm sitting really far from the monitor and wearing sunglasses. I could never fly this way, so my last hope is the filter.
  10. BuzzU

    F-18 boring?

    Good luck and have fun flying with your son.
  11. BuzzU

    F-18 boring?

    What took you so long to come here?
  12. I was aware but I forgot. I forget everything at my age. I actually like the tan better than the black. The black is way better than the white though. I have the setting at 57. I'll have to try everything again after getting the monitor filter. DCS looks fine for me at that setting. I'll have to see if my eye burns in a couple of hours. I'll still get the filter even if it doesn't burn. Just to be safe. I only have one eye left. I was ready to give up using my computer. So, I have some hope now.
  13. I'm going to try now. It was turned off. I do like the way the forum looks now. It was always too bright. Now it has kind of a tan color and is easy on my eye. I think i'll try the screen filter too. It's only $50 and takes a second to install. It just hangs on the monitor.
  14. Do any of you have a problem with blue light from your monitor burning your eyes? It's become a problem for me in the least few months. My vision isn't good anymore, so I sit kind of close to my monitor. It feels like my eye (blind in one eye) is getting sunburned and just like a sunvurn it hurts the worse later on. I can't sleep when i've had a long day in front of my computer. Anybody find a fix for this problem? I know they have glasses that block blue light but I already wear glasses. Wearing two glasses doean't work very good. They also have a filter that can be put over the monitor screen. Mine is 27" and here's one that will fit. Anybody ever try one? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CRPWX93?tag=track-ect-usa-94002-20&linkCode=osi&th=1
  15. I'm about to order the Orion 2 F18 HOTAS. I hope i'm one of the ones who won't be bothered by the wrong angle of the grips. I stopped reading this thread after 2 pages. Was anything discovered that could be called a fix?
  16. BuzzU

    F-18 boring?

    You're right. I've moved on from this thread.
  17. BuzzU

    F-18 boring?

    I had to go look to see how we compare. I got the Hog in 2017 and the Hornet in 2018. So, we both have had them awhile. It's true the Hog can get you scratching your head, and the Hornet can too. It's not really important which one needs the most scratching. They're both complex. I never thought of them as boring and had to say something but i'll let it go. We're all individuals and boredom affects us all different.
  18. BuzzU

    F-18 boring?

    Explain why you feel that way? The Hog does A/G. The Hornet does so much more. Even landing on the boat is so much more complex than landing the Hog on an airfield, which has to be one of the easiest planes to land in DCS.
  19. BuzzU

    F-18 boring?

    I've read more than once that the Hornet is the most complex plane in DCS. How can the most complex plane be boring?
  20. BuzzU

    F-18 boring?

    The Hornet can do it all. If you find it boring it's because you aren't doing it all.
  21. OP talked about not being able to do steep climbs. That's why I showed it.
  22. Not sure how high he got. https://www.google.com/search?q=F%2FA-18c+going+verticle+to+30%2C000+ft&sca_esv=569840358&sxsrf=AM9HkKnllWL08GwT2At6KYqIgKwm8T3apw%3A1696158588770&source=hp&ei=fFMZZfybLO6z0PEP--6CyA0&iflsig=AO6bgOgAAAAAZRlhjBj2p0OFEqyjGhkz4girtrw9Ei-E&ved=0ahUKEwj8yaeR29SBAxXuGTQIHXu3ANkQ4dUDCAw&uact=5&oq=F%2FA-18c+going+verticle+to+30%2C000+ft&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IiNGL0EtMThjIGdvaW5nIHZlcnRpY2xlIHRvIDMwLDAwMCBmdDIFECEYqwIyBRAhGKsCMgUQIRirAkj_3gFQAFj40wFwAHgAkAEAmAF8oAHJFqoBBDM0LjG4AQPIAQD4AQHCAgcQIxiKBRgnwgIREC4YgAQYsQMYgwEYxwEY0QPCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICCxAuGIoFGLEDGIMBwgIOEC4YxwEYsQMY0QMYgATCAgsQLhiDARixAxiKBcICBRAAGIAEwgIIEAAYgAQYsQPCAgUQLhiABMICCxAuGIAEGMcBGNEDwgIGEAAYFhgewgIIEAAYigUYhgPCAgUQIRigAcICCBAhGBYYHhgdwgIHECEYoAEYCsICBxAhGKsCGAo&sclient=gws-wiz#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:1d5bd237,vid:LfBjOWQSXdg,st:0
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