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DCS: Roadmap (unofficial - NO DISCUSSION HERE)

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From ORBX section, the planned Roadmap




What is the roadmap for DCS: Kola in terms of content and frequency of updates?
Orbx is committed to frequent updates of the map, delivering bug fixes, new content and enhancements. The first major update is already planned for release in June 2024 and smaller updates will follow the general update cycle of DCS World. Given that most of the map area lies within the Arctic Circle, a full set of winter textures will be one of our first priorities.

Our plan is to deliver updates within geographic subareas, given the large distances involved, rather than widely dispersed features. The map below shows our current planning for and within these areas. Each area update will include several detailed airports, military installations, training areas, as well as towns and villages and their key infrastructure and POIs. The pink rectangles indicate the respective high-detail areas. Note that the map only shows airports and road runways and not the many additional military sites, towns, and landmarks that will also receive updates.

Specific airbases already in development or planning include Andoya, Bardufoss, Evenes, Vidsel, Kilpyavr, Alakkurti, and others, as well as more naval bases, training ranges, border guard stations, garrisons, radar/EWR stations, civilian airports, and important landmarks like large bridges, vertical obstructions,  and the Esrange Space Center.

Please note though that “no plan survives contact with the enemy” 😉  and thus update content and timing can and will change. Obviously, we’ll also gather requests and feedback from the user community (see below), which may further influence our planning of updates.

Last but certainly not least, with each update we will further improve on terrain detail and features, add more high-resolution aerial orthoimagery, detailed cities and towns, custom POIs and vertical obstructions, as well as significant industrial sites.



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