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Pretty much as in the title. If the uplatch for either gear leg is destroyed, that gear leg will drop. However as I understand, even if the latch is destroyed, the motor for the gear leg will operate in order to keep that gear held up....even if it's not locked. At the moment, either the motors are somehow broken automatically when uplatches are, or the motors simply don't function once the gear was successfully raised once. An example for what I'd expect would occur is the Dora. For the Dora within DCS, if you destroy or disable the uplatches for both gear legs, the gear will remain up and retracted. The load on the motors will also increase if you pull intense G-loads, and this will actually cause the gear's weight to overcome the strength of the motors, and the gear will momentarily peak out, before retracting back up when the aircraft stops pulling G. All of this isn't the case with the Anton, as of now. Of a slightly different note, it seems that the Dora's gear motors also don't burn out. You can destroy the D9's uplatches, causing the motors to constantly run, and they will continuously operate for at least 40 minutes. I haven't tested it for a longer period of time. But this is, again, on a slightly different note.
I'm going to preface this with a one-stop summary: This is a post arguing for already-made and available liveries for the Fw-190A8 to be added to DCS officially for broader usage to the playerbase in singleplayer and online, allowing other players to use and see them. Download options are available at the bottom of this post. Who: The skins are made by myself. I have been within the DCS community for a good number of years, since the Dogs of War server (when there was only the P51, Fw190D9, and Bf109K), and almost all of it was within the WWII side of DCS. Of mission makers and server runners today, like the 4YA Project Overlord server, one of the most reoccurring complaints from mission designers is that we do not have a historical livery selection for the Fw190. This has been noted by the player base of late. Having been around these complaints and criticisms for some time, within that context and that of the required time period and location, I've created a set of liveries for the Fw190A. What: We do not have a single historical and relevant livery for the Fw190A8 in DCS at this moment. Of all the chosen liveries from the Fw190A8's livery contest, none of them are historical, or relevant to France in 1944. Some of them do not have working bort numbers. A couple are Japanese Zero cosplays. And some are only relevant to earlier versions of the Anton. There is a big deficit in DCS for a historical livery set for the Anton 8. To attempt to remedy this, I have created liveries for JG26 and JG1 in their summer 1944 configuration. I'm proposing that Eagle Dynamics incorporate some of these liveries into DCS officially. This will give the simulator its first historical liveries for the Fw190A8. There are 6 liveries (different Staffeln) of the JG26 to choose from, and 4 from JG1. One may argue that an individual can install any liveries he may choose from the Userfiles and use those. However, this has some severe limitations: 1) Other players online cannot see your livery unless they, by pure coincidence, have that livery also installed. That is very rare. 2) Our most popular servers have the Liveries locked. They cannot be changed by the player, only the mission designer. So it benefits everyone more if these new liveries are added to the official DCS install. Then everyone has them as standard, and it can be used and seen by everyone. Historical Context: The Liveries: Here I have a livery for 2./JG26, 4./JG26 5./JG26, 6./JG26, 7./JG26, and 8./JG26, comprising of half of I./JG26, and all of II./JG26. For JG1, I have 1./JG1, 2./JG1, 3./JG1, and 6./JG1, consisting of most of I./JG1 and a Staffel from II./JG1. I made some special features for these liveries. 1) the camouflage tones, specifically RLM 70, were adjusted to be a more realistic darker color tone 2) each livery has a slightly different camouflage pattern on the fuselage. If you look closely you can see the differences between each livery 3) the bort numbers are custom drawn, and weathered to better suit the weather-worn nature of the aircraft First and second Gruppe, JG1. The JG1 identify themselves by their red tail band and unit emblem on the cowling. 1./JG1, which often included additional ID paint on the underside of the wing tips: 2./JG1: 3./JG1: 6./JG1: First and second Gruppe, JG26. The JG26 identify themselves by their yellow rudder, and the II./JG26 by the inclusion of a horizontal bar. The bar and ID numbers change depending on the Staffel within that Gruppe. 2./JG26: 4./JG26: 5./JG26: 6./JG26: 7./JG26: 8./JG26: Downloads: I have given these liveries a tiered choice to be included into DCS. A first top 5, and a second top 5. There are two options for how to download 1) Standard download. Each livery is individual, and individually includes all the textures it requires. This includes, due to the adjusted camouflage tones, the left and right wings. Disk space consumed for all 10 liveries: 666MB. Standard download HERE. 2) Reliant download. Each new livery is dependent on the 1./JG1 livery to acquire the left and right wing textures, instead of locally. This requires the 1./JG1 livery to be included, in order for other chosen liveries to work. However, this more smartly uses disk storage. Disk space consumed for all 10 liveries: 282MB. Reliant download HERE.
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Hmmm, no chocks for WW2 fighter? How is possible ;)? So can you add this option on ATC > ground crew for Anton? It is normal to heat the engine It was in old IL-2 even: Pretty please .
Happy New Year!. So, i dont fly anton, but i fight a lot against those, and i think they need a big DM tweak, its so hard to beat, several times me and my squadron buddies (we fly spits on SoW Server) spent all the ammo just in one Anton, we take turns shooting him, then with a lot of visible damage they start to flutter like butterflies, and they manage to fly for a long time including climbing so well that some time they escape, or it gives time for some enemies to reach us and catch us already without ammunition. So lately if we see an anton we let him go and much more if it is an AI. I don't usually complain about these things but it happens very often already, I know of many who are only grabbing it for that "super mega" resistance, historically I know it was hard but this is not normal the number of shots they can receive Cheers!
Is this still getting worked on? If not why? It'd be really nice to have (increased ATA), but more than that it'd be REALISTIC.