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Just took off from khandahar, in the Afghanistan cold and dark mission in the F/A-18C, was just going to target something with my helmet and slew the pod, so made the hud soi, then looked at my 2 oclock low (had the ring of lines on the hmd) and pressed TDC depress, to tag the target, and immediately after the diamond appeared on my target, the game froze, followed by a CTD 10seconds later. Due to the crash was obviously unable to get a track, and i dont have capture software sorry. Just wanted to report. This is on the latest update (afghan east one).
Video of bug. Summary: Aligning the HMD while AMRAAM is selected and L&S in TWS causes AMRAAM to no longer show LAR symbology. Sparrow and sidewinder are not affected. Steps to reproduce: 1. Select AMRAAM (AIM120B used here - unsure if applies to 120C) 2. Lock L&S target in TWS (unsure if this step necessary, or if bug reproduced in other radar modes) 3. Align HMD AMRAAM will no longer show LAR symbology in the HUD or B-scope. This cannot be undone by power cycling the radar, cycling weapons, cycling master mode or master arm. Cannot attach .track file due to file size but this was repeated multiple times on the PVP 90's contention server.
- Not too many of us mere are going to be happy to shell out 10k for a plastic VR headset. Having said that, it’s great to see that not only is the technology available but it’s likely going to transition to retail customers in some form or other. Thoughts!
For those who don't know, the helmet display can be custom set to show specific symbology. If the HMD has been turned on and BIT checked, then the HMD button is available on the DDI SUPT page. There you can set the REJ level similar to the HUD. Additionally, you can click the REJECT SETUP button to choose what is displayed on each level. I'm not sure who else might be looking for this, but I noticed today that the settings labeled as WINDOW 1-10 now have some function. I've been offline for the last few updates, so I'm not sure when this was implemented. The Chuck's Guide dated 21/08/2021 (page 352) shows these as No Function in DCS. What I've found out so far through trial and error: Window 2 - RDR/FLIR - Displayed when sensors are slaved to radar/FLIR Window 3 - MAV/CCIP/etc - Displayed when ATG weapons are selected Window 4 - GUN - Displayed when gun is selected in ATG mode Window 7 - ATC/NWS - Displayed when throttle lock or NWS is activated Window 8 - target/waypoint distance - Displayed when HSI is tracking steerpoint I haven't found what the other five do as of yet. If you find out, then post it here. Maybe someone has this info already, but I haven't been able to find it.
Thought I would post this here before logging it as a bug, since it might be "CORRECT AS IS". One of my buddies was going nuts the other night not being able to RE-DESIGNATE with the HMD, not able to UNDESIGNATE a target. Last night I came across the same thing trying to head back to the Carrier and engage TACAN, but I couldn't get rid of my System Designation target diamond. Here is what we found: - If you have a JDAM on board in TOO mode with target coordinates plugged in, it will provide steering cues. If you want to CHANGE the target, you can do so with WP Desg or FLIR TDC, and feed new COORDINATES to the JDAM. You cannot, however get the Targeting reticle back up on the HMD as long as the JDAM is holding a target. Similarly, you cannot use the UNDESIGNATE to lose the System Designation. UNSELECTING the JDAM will fix it. Changing the JDAM from TOO to PP (without entering any PP coordinates) will fix it Expending all JDAMs will Fix it. (I don't recall if merely STEPPING to an un targeted JDAM will fix it... have to try that, but, you would be SOL with only one left). It doesn't seem like this behavior arose until a recent OB Patch, but I don't recall anything in the PATCH NOTES specifically. IF it seems like a BUG, I'll create a TRK and post over on the BUG FORUM, but, meanwhile, to reproduce, Feed some TOO coordinates to a JDAM, then TRY to UNDESIGNATE or use the HMD to desginate a new target. Thanks!
- 4 replies
- undesignate
- jdam
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Any chance we could see the implementation of block 3 HMD for the JF-17? I see there is a button for HMD usage in the cockpit and I know block 1 and 2 doesn't have the functionality (yet), but if we see that block 3 with the Pakistani airforce or other airforces begin to use HMD on their JF-17's, will we see this functionality come to DCS? Thank you.
The HMD automatically rejects most of its symbology when looking through the HUD, but when we have an A/A target locked, it displays its TD box anyway in the HUD area. Therefore many times we see two TD boxes in the HUD: one drawn by the HUD itself and the other one by the HMD. This situation is very confusing for me, because most of the time they do not even match position due to field of view limits in both displays. Is there a way to prevent the HMD from displaying the TD box in the HUD area? Is this behavior even correct? It seems so weird and confusing... PS: sorry if this has been discussed earlier, but I cannot find any post about it. Thanks for your help
Hi, the updated IFF features for the Hornet had me hopeful for what was to come for our beloved VIper. Then I saw one of Big Newys replies stating no auto IFF on the Viper. Ok, fair enough. I do however remember seeing AIFF in a list of Viper features. Could someone please expand on what AIFF brings in the Viper? Is IFF symbology overlayed on the HUD a reasonable expectation or are we forever resigned to Mk II eyeballs and looking down on the FCR ? Sincerely mobua
Hi guys. Just looking for confirmation. If one starts the F18 using 'auto-start', does the HMD also automatically align? Thanks
Решил порелизить некое подобие нашлемки DCS-HMD для Ка-50 DCS-HMD - мод, который отображает такие важные для меня параметры, как шаг винта, обороты ротора и вертикальная скорость. Делал для себя, чтобы лучше/быстрее прочувствовать динамику вертолета при маневрах. Часто замечал, что уменьшаю шаг винта тогда, когда уже слишком поздно, хотелось делать это заблаговременно, а индикатор оборотов находится у левой коленки, поэтому при активном маневрировании туда смотреть некогда. Собственно, поэтому и сделал оверлей с тем, что мне было нужно. Ниже небольшо видео того, как это сейчас выглядит: Как говорится, аппетит приходит во время еды, поэтому уже хочется добавить возудшную скорость, радиовысоту, направление, индикатор крена/тангажа. Предвосхищая наиболее популярные вопросы: Integrity Check (IC) проходит, потому что использует стандартный Export, как это делают Helios и TacView. В VR пока что не работает, так как это просто оверлей над окном. Но подумаю, как это можно вывести в VR. Наверное, должно быть относительно не сложно, просто нет опыта анписания программ под VR. Если кому-то захочется попробовать, то на GitHab описано, как установить и удалить. Если у кого-то сложности с английским, то дублирую здесь. Установка Скачайте файл `` из последнего релиза и распакуйте его. Откройте командную строку и перейдите в каталог, куда вы распаковали файл ``. Запустите программу `dcs-hmd.exe` с флагом `-i`, за которым следует путь к каталогу скриптов DCS (обычно `%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts`). Например: dcs-hmd.exe -i "%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts" Это автоматически установит необходимые скрипты в указанный каталог скриптов DCS и обновит файл Export.lua. Если у вас несколько мониторов, запустите `dcs-hmd.exe` на том мониторе, где должен появиться нашлемный дисплей (HMD). Запустите DCS World в безрамочном оконном режиме и выберите миссию вертолета Ka-50. Удаление Чтобы удалить все скрипты, установленные с флагом `-i`, вы можете использовать флаг `-u`, за которым следует путь к каталогу скриптов DCS (обычно `%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts`). Например: dcs-hmd.exe -u "%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts" Это удалит все установленные скрипты и обновит файл `Export.lua`.